Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What do you think about divorce?

Margart Stimpert: Good question,,,,wow,,I will be very surprised. Very!

Katheryn Skrobacki: i would assume that he/she is with them and you have a problem you weren't prepared for

Virgil Loatman: be honest.. it can be interesting.. some things happen and u dont have any control on it.. but you realise later that it was the best moments.. tell me ur incident

Dee Depung: I'd be lost. Surprised. Devastated.Then I'd find him and kick his sorry butt. Then I'd get on with my life.Our marriage works because we love each other and need each other and want to be together. But we also know that either of us can live without the other if we have to.

Mel Crapo: I would do the "my husband left dance", LOL! I don't know...I would be heart broken but I would definatly be OK....

Rodolfo Merel: My husband is into porn. I did not know, or missed the signs. He wanted me because I was pretty. I would not sleep with him for years, but when he finally got me, I ! was disappointed. Not only that, he got me pregnant while in college. I was embarrassed because I was a virgin previously, and only slept with him because I loved him. He told me later he wanted children because everyone at work has children. Not only did he betray my self respect, but after getting me pregnant, he started treating me badly, like he doesn't owe me anything. Naively, I stayed in the relationship for 8 years before realizing this man is using me. 3 of those years he has been verbally abusing me. It started subtly, but has become a big problem .Here is my Problem List:* Not Respectful of me * Does not care about my feelings* If I am not dressed like a celebrity, he won't walk next to me (I have two young children, and am pregnant. He even insults my pregnant figure. Basically, we never go out.)* He is spiteful and uses my thoughts against me* Loves others more than me* Always finds an insult instead of a praiseThese are the reasons I stay:* My childre! n are happy* I don't want to lose/fight for custody of my chil! dren* My children have the care of their mother during the day* I think I will be more unhappy being away from my children all day and being too tired to take the best care of them when I get home from work. (I have done this before.)This is what I want:* To be happily married to a faithful, religious man, who would never hurt me or my childrenObstacle: * I don't believe in remarriageDoes anyone know how I can survive these next few years of hell until my children move out? I don't mind divorcing at that point, I would just stay single. I really would like male companionship, but I don't want it to be immoral. I am not sure if it is truly possible to have male friends, but I would appreciate having males around me who treat me with respect. Sometimes I forget I am a woman, because I get treated like a man by my spouse. He is very rough in talking to me.

Dick Maisenbacher: Either way, you're going to screw up your kids. If you stay together, unhappily, the kids a! re going to get a bad read off relationships. If you part, they get washed up in the turmoil. There's no winner in the situation of an unhappy marriage.However, most marriages end in divorce now and kids as a society are going to become more adaptable. When I was in elementary school, there was only one set of divorced parents in my class, or maybe two (I had the same class all through school). My daughter is in a class where the kids have blended families, divorced parents, single moms...all of it. I think that if handled properly, the divorce is the way to go. Or else you're telling your kid it's okay and normal to stay in a crappy relationship and cram your sad feelings way down for 'the sake' of someone else's calm. Who would want their kids to think that?...Show more

Javier Holsonback: I tried doing the same thing you are doing for a couple of years. My wife and I din't love each other, she had an affair or two, I didn't. We slept in separate rooms. Lik! e you, I didn't want to fight over custody. I was content with being u! nhappy in the situation I was in because I thought I would be even less happy if I didn't get to see my kids everyday. We finally split a little over a year ago. Custody hasn't been an issue - I have them the majority of the time. The last year has been the happiest of my life. Remember - for your kids - its better to be from a broken home than to live in one. Good luck.

Phillip Modafferi: I think that is up to the couple. Im old fashioned in that I believe you should give it everything you have before you quit, but sometimes that isnt enough. There are alot of kids who manage to get through their parents divorce okay. Its not easy, but it can be done. I do think also though that parents should keep it civil, if not for their sake, then for the childrens. They shouldnt have to pay for our mistakes.

Salvador Prchlik: i remember them boththe short term, he was a d-bag to me so we stopped talking... regret it because i think he used me anywayand longterm.. i a! lways remember him, i was with him for almost 3 years and i was in love with him so much then he got in jail and now is coming out and idk what to do cause i stopped talking to him too

Heidi Creselious: You always have control.

Vernita Robberson: Well, if the parents aren't going to get along and will be unhappy it is for the best, though it is a difficult transition for all involved.

Francisco Schonhardt: No,,It didn't happen to me Thank God....But I have seen stories here in YA like that.....I really think I would be devasted!!!!!!! But like all things in life I would have to go on.

Joaquin Dronko: I would be devastated! I love my husband more than words can say! But, I would get past it and eventually find me a woman to finish out my life with.

Davina David: some i remember very clearly and some i gotta think long and hard to remember ... it depends what had more meanign for u

Marti Declue: When I was hanging out with friends, and ende! d up meeting this hot, 27 yr old woman that was new in town. I ended up! just wanting to build a friendship, but in less than 2 days, I was already intimate with her. There was just this intense attraction between us, and I was wrong for it, but it happened. I couldn't stop myself from resisisting her. That was unbelievable because it was so unexpected.

Shelley Stevens: Divorces with kids are hard. When my brother and sister-in-law got divorced it really hurt their child. He had lots of issues and still has problems. I personally don't see anything wrong with divorces. I Just know that they are difficult for kids and it can be really hard for them to not understand why mommy and daddy don't like each other, or why mommy and daddy don't live together. The best thing to do is when you get a divorce (which is better than staying in a horrid marriage that wont work for the "sake of the kids" which only hurts them more) Is to try to have a normal separate parent relationship. By trying to stay friendly for the kids. Its better than staying in ! a hurting marriage....Show more

Joie Libutti: I think it's horribly sad.I'm watching my sister go through this right now. It's very very hard on my nephew. But....I always think of it as, he will be much happier with two happy parents that aren't together...then two parents that are together and miserble. That's no life for a child, in an loveless, unhappy home. I think that's more sad than divorce, actually.

Kenneth Blacker: Damn aliens.

Elden Dedon: Yeah. A long time ago, and lasted about a year. She was much younger than I was, and I had a lot of baggage. In the end, I let her go, because I loved her so much, and didn't want her to ruin her life by getting mixed up with me. I still regret that.We were very passionate, and she was reckless. I saw our relationship beginning to cause her to do things that weren't in her best interests. She had had goals, and plans. Towards the end, my guilt brought on a lot of problems, and we broke up. When she came ! back and asked to see me again, I refused. She was proud, and didn't l! et me see her cry. But I knew I hurt her. Of all the women I saw after her, including my wife, she was the only one I ever had an interesting conversation with. She was a thinker, and a dreamer. And I'm so happy that she finished school, and became a teacher, got married, and had two beautiful children.I haven't spoken with her since we broke up, and I don't intend to. My life is completely ****** up - hers is perfect. Why would I spoil that? It would be so sad.

Alane Antes: Dont ruin ur life for your kids plz dont cause they'l just throw it in ur face and say something like "we didnt tell u to stay with dad"!!!! but if u dont wanna leave him then, have this baby and stop having any more!!!!!! spend the next years till ur baby gets to school working on ur body n mind get ur confidence to the top!!!! and meanwhile start putting money aside in a private account...this shud keep u busy for a few years...it sounds like he enjoys pissing u off so be tolerant,, learn to l! augh at everything that will piss him off...n make u laugh more....once uv saved a fair bit...and kids go to school n uv been working out so ul be looking gud get ur self a job or do some home trainning get ur self a career and a life without the kids all the time...then leave his sorry ars treat him mean pay no attention act like u dont give a toss n mark my words he'l be crawling like a dog begging 4 u bak, men like him are easy hun they want wot they cant have n they have no love or respect for wot theyve got till its gone!!!

Julienne Poplawski: well you're being "immoral" as well, you're staying in a relationship that is abusive and unhealthy when you know its wrong. IF you really want to make this relationship grow into something good why don't you try counseling? maybe he'll get the picture. That's wonderful that you are watching out for your children. & getting remarried isn't a horrible thing. it's not your fault your cards got dealt with a crazy husband. it's! your life. don't you want to be happy? what are you going to do when y! our children move out? you're going to divorce and be alone for the rest of your life? how is it that you don't believe in remarriage, but you're quick for divorce? hmmm. something to ponder.

Neville Dautremont: It's extremely unfortunate.It's tough on kids and if it can be avoided at all it should be.

Lonnie Jehle: Man, did someone screw your head on backwards. You are like the poster child for how religions mess up human relationships. Try and give your kids some better advise about relationships than you have followed. sounds like you're a lost cause.

Monroe Rainey: I am not being physically abused, only verbally. I talked with my father about it after my husband refused to listen. It calmed down to passive-agressive comments. It is still not acceptable, but I ignore him, and it makes him mad. I am trying to keep the peace right now to see if we can live together peacefully, but I need friends. I had predominantly male friends before marriage. A! lot of those relationships are now with my spouse instead of me.I am scared to death of leaving. My parents stayed together, and I am not used to divorce. My oldest knows what is going on. I let her know what he is doing is wrong. I talk to her about making good decisions in dating and marriage, because I messed up. He is not a problem to the children, only to me. My current pregnancy is due to me trying to make it work. I honestly have not slept with my husband in at least a month, and plan to keep it that way. He cannot not get the best of me, while I get the worst of him.

Floyd Labuda: As you said for yourself, I too would be devastated. Until I confirmed that she had definitely and finally left me... I would be very worried.Once confirmed I would change the locks on the house and call an attorney to see about having her parental rights voided so that I wouldn't have to worry about her coming back and taking m'boys!Once the dust settled... I'd start lo! oking for a replacement.

Kip Ockenfels: If you get home today and! Your wife/husband is not there, no explanations given. No clothes are left behind. All their possesions gone,,,,Gone!!!

Ivan Velazquez: Every mother feels that way when they have to work but life goes by its own rules and you have to follow them. Why would you sit and take that kind of abuse in front of your children. All they are going to learn it that that is how you treat your spouse, and then they won't respect you bc he shows no signs of respecting you. They won't either. Get a back bone and get out of that situation. Hell, he will be the one to go. You may get alimony since you have the children and haven't worked. He'll have to pay child support and the bills too. Why would you stay in that kind of relationship when you can get out of it and be happy. You don't have to have a man in your life. You have 3 children. Be a mother. And have some self respect! Stop thinking about male friends and do your job. I can't even fathom looking at the next few years as hel! l and how can I survive them. That to me is crazy thinking. You are a college educated woman with looks, intelligence and alot of things going for you. You don' t have to survive him. You can get a separation, a lawyer, and make him pay to keep you and the children up like he's been doing all these years. A judge will make him do so until you can go to work if you choose to. Get that backbone and some self respect and be the type of person your children would be proud of. Not some whimpering beaten down abused woman.

Armando Somes: 1. Don't stay just for the kids. It's not good on them to see the disrespect/fighting and drama. 2. Seek a counselor or go to a Domestic Violence shelter. There you will recieve free counseling and they have resources available to help you get out of that relationship and stay out. They also may be able to provide you with living arrangements, furniture you name it. 3. Don't look for another relationship right after you leave this o! ne, that's jumping from the pot into the fire. And it's not good for y! ou or your KIDS. 4. Hire an attorney and sue for custody in your divorce. Again, counseling at the shelter will help you support the fact that you were in an abusive relationship and your kids don't need to be around this type of environment. 5. Pray. The only one that can truly help you is God. 6. Find a great support system, someone whom you can trust a friend, relative, counselor, pastor anyone who you can talk to when you need someone to just listen.

Jammie Taddei: That's a good question! I have no idea what I'd do. I wouldn't be feeling well at all though, I can assure you!

Nicolas Cooley: You do not need me to tell you this but I will: leave and start living your life! It is too short to spend with someone that you described. Come on, there is no love just lust and you are pregnant and beautiful- don't forget that!

Idell Dufort: i'm too lazy to have affairs in any respect anymore Even the quick-term ones take a brilliant expenditure of ! attempt and capacity that usually, in hindsight, could have been extra efficient spent, or shouldn't have been spent in any respect.

Donovan Stallons: I dont have any of them... no short term fling or no long term affair.... I always control myself well. lol.. thats put that together.. Im good girl.. lol

Caleb Chapman: I have realize that everything we do is a choice. We just sometimes react with emotions instead of logic. For me there was this guy once who was a good lover but I did not want to be with him in a relationship. I was in a relationship with someone else but I was young and did not know what being IN LOVE was. But I did love him but the other guy was just good in bed. Well this guy who I thought we had an understanding started asking me to come over more and where was I. He was not use to women not hounding him and I did not hound him. I realized that I made a mistake. Good sex yes, relationship with him no. I looked into my boyfriend face one day ! and he smiled at me and I felt horrible and ended it with this other gu! y. It was not a mistake because it was a choice to mess with the guy but I could have lost something priceless.

Phil Kuarez: Stop coming up with excuses and leave. Also, takes 2 to tango. I agree you married a jerk BUT 'you' had sex with him and 'you' decided to have unprotected sex that lead to your pregnancy so yes he's a user and abuser but at some point 'you' were responsible for going along with this user and abuser.

Gregg Hagge: It sucks. But, sometimes, it has to be done. I think it can actually be better to grow up with divorced parents than to grow up in a 2 parent family where the parents hate each other.

Danyell Rowback: I am divorced. It was hard on my children - two were teens and one was six. I was open with them and even though it was hard sometimes, they always came first. Their father and I are friends. That was really hard work - not to get caught up in the "you said, you did, it's you, you, you" stuff. My ex-husband and I were in ! counseling for 2 years before our divorce. Divorce was the final option and we both wanted to do all we could before getting to that point. The counseling helped us to be kind and compassionate when we finally separated. These are some of my thoughts on divorce....Show more

Luke Kosch: I'll probably gone wild...Call friends and families...and while I am all doing this, my tears are keep on flowing and asking myself... what went wrong.

Hai Biggart: my husband got divorced from his first marriage because he wanted his kids to see a healthy relationship, but with me he only believes in death do us part and I'm ok with that.

Marielle Hedeiros: dont have short term

Tana Dumoulin: There are plenty by my reckoning covering the first four parts of the Q, but i`m not so sure about the fifth. {Fun} many seem humourless. Although i thik i do qualify on all counts. Nice to know you are still in there rooting.

Samatha Nicar: Well...I actually did just th! at. I was married to an artist for nine months who, as it turned out, ! was not interested in domesticated life. His expectations were to continue to party the nights away and mine were not. I asked to go to marriage counseling every day for six months. Finally I gave up. Secretly I rented an apartment, furnished it by slowly moving everything of mine out of the house (un-noticed) and then on the big day, took all of my clothes/artwork/personal belongings and Never Looked Back.Two weeks later he finally caught up with me. THEN he wanted to go to counseling, begged/pleaded, involved his parents/friends, to get me back. I had moved on and was not about to go backwards. He is remarried with children that he adores but I have heard from a mutual friend that he treats his wife terribly. He is an extremely talented artist, and was extremely difficult to live with. I do not regret leaving him at all. Thank goodness we did not have children, because that changes the entire situation.Advice: Have a plan. Have a plan B. Prepare for all possibl! e outcomes. Be respectful. Don't do anything you will regret later.

Janeen Perona: I don't have kids, but divorce sucks. It took a long time for me to get over it. But if a marriage is falling apart and you've done everything you can do, then you gotta do it. Life is way too short to be wasted on being incredibly unhappy.

Oswaldo Rayburn: So whats you specific question?

Asa Soho: WOW .....I'd be soooo happy considering we're getting divorced!So what do u think my chances are?? Oh wait his sh*t is gone! YIPPIEE!!!

Sang Hanafin: Women in abusive marriages often have husbands who isolate them from their friends, tell them they are worthless, destroy property, keep unreasonable control over finances, threaten violence or physically injure them. Many women feel there is no hope for escape, but it is possible to leave.Take responsibility in accepting the fact that you are being abused.If possible, communicate with your husband that his abusiveness makes y! ou uneasy and you would like for the two of you to seek counseling toge! ther.Being abused by your husband is not an option. It is a sickness that can be prevented. Seek help from your ministry, hospital, support centers, and employment.Being abused is not a normal part of your life. It creates a controlled atmosphere for you and your children.If you are planning on leaving your abused husband make notations of times, days, and how you were abused.Take pictures of injuries you may incur during the abusive attack.A husband who is abusive has a mental problem that should be addressed with the appropriate authorities. Mental abuse is just as abusive as physical abuse. Leaving an abuser is not easy, but a peaceful mind and healthy atmosphere is important.Children exposed to this behavior is affected emotionally and physically. Abusiveness in a family may be the onset for Depression in a child's life.You are not the one who is to blame for your husbands abusiveness. Abusive husbands will normally say that you provoked them to act this way. Rejecting ! this message is the first step towards wellness and getting your life back.But until you leave there is no way to have male friends or any friends not to mention happy marriage

Clark Lachowski: Hi...Divorce should be seen only as LAST resort when counselling and everything else fails whether you have children or don't. You both need to be happy and move on with you lives.The difficult part is child custody and having equal time with kids. You hear so many stories of child custody going wrong where one parent does not have equal access and then tragedy occurs later which you don't want.All the best for the future....Show more

community service school hours toronto?  

community service school hours toronto?  

answers 0:do you know if you can volunteer at a dentists office at reception and filing stuff etc for my school volunteer hours?answers 1:For liability and legal reasons, a dentist office will probably NOT let you "volunteer" -- it's a for-profit business, and therefore, the government frowns on such involving unpaid labor.Here is a place to find volunteering opportunities in Toronto: http://volunteertoronto.on.cahttp://www.idealist.orgYou can always look for nonprofits that provide low cost or non cost dental services, and volunteer with such if they have openings....answers 2:call them up and ask it aint going to hurt. But if you want brownie points i do something like serve soup to homeless or those sorta clichie ways of helping othersanswers 3:and no you don't need a degree to file and answer phones wtffffanswers 4:you need a degree...

Monday, June 29, 2020

gay marriage rights..........?


Gennie Shauer: Simple: because being gay is the minority and people that are not in our group can never comprehend how we feel. The people that are a minority are denied rights based on the beliefs of the majority. People that are in the majority can't understand what it's like to see a partner die and not be able to be in the hospital room. People that are the majority can't understand what it's like to be viewed as inferior. Then you have the people who are so overly religious that they want to say we can't marry because a book says so. It's funny too: there have been many studies about countries that are "happy". Denmark has come out on top for years and they have legalized gay marriage and are also one of the lest religious countries in the world. They don't have problems like we do in the ! U.S. in terms of mothers killing their babies, rapes, murders etc. I'm not striving to be like another country, but their a lot of social lessons that our country could learn from a place like Denmark. I will also never understand why people deny myself the right to marry. The one's that are against it will never attend a ceremony I have nor would I want to sit in their place of worship that comes off as oppressive to many....Show more

Ronny Dorge: I think it is supposed to be a sin or something.Love is Love.

Tatiana Evanosky: They have the right to be gay, what else do they want?

Patricia Dornbos: marriage is between a man and a woman. call it something else for a man and man or woman and woman.

Melina Minneweather: this is a question I have always asked but also think shouldn't go in this section cuz everyone agrees with eachother, if you want answers on both sides put it in the politics section

Scot Sepulbeda: Because heterosexuals have alwa! ys called formalized relationships between opposite gendered p! artners "Marriages". They look with dismay, sometimes hostility when partners in same gendered relationships want to have a similar means of expressing their commitment to each other.Religious heterosexuals claim that Marriage is a Sacred Institution. Marriage is not a Sacred Institution. It is a human, a 'Secular' institution. Couples have been announcing their intent, within their community and to society as a whole, to 'marry' and live together as husband and wife for thousands of years, long before religious groups and organizations took over the task of solemnizing the commitment that those two people have to each other, to the exclusion of all others.'Marriage' can be best defined as a legal-social contract which formalizes the commitment or the bonds that two people share with each other in a relationship.Groups, Communities and Societies are slow to accept change, or very reluctant to accept change that affects the status quo. The proponents of same Gender or same S! ex marriage have been pushing for the equal right to 'marry' for a long time; it is only recently that they have seen some small measure of success.This issue is going to remain a highly contested one for many years to come, as long as it's the religious 'conservatives' vs. the 'liberal' elements of society failing to or not wanting to reach some sort of compromise that is satisfactory to all....Show more

Robbie Starchman: The practice of homosexuality is destructive to the human soul and God gave His warnings about this in the Bible. Supporting gay marriage is a sin because it means to support homosexuality. Iniquities (sinful tendencies) pass down the generation line if they are not removed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Homosexuality is caused by iniquity and the Blood of Jesus cleanses the iniquities of all who accept Him as their Saviour.After a person accepts the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they are transformed and made a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians ! 5:17). So the gay person would be changed and so would the alcoholic, l! iar, drug addict, fornicator etc. It's the power of the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the believer that brings about this transformation.REDEMPTION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITHBecause mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not n! egate the believer’s justified status.If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood; come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"...Show more

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Cómo desactivar las notificaciones de Skype en un iPhone

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Family History and family crest?

Betsey Muehlbach: Historical family crests should be recorded by 'Heraldry Societies' as there is a process through which families go to make sure their crest accurately portrays the family history.You should try searching sites for such (an) organization(s).

Caleb Chapman: There are several websites, such as Ancestry.com, many being pay sites, but before you can use them effectively, you need some background from your parents and whatever family records you possess or can obtain.From this, you can start to construct a family tree, which can take some systematic work, depending on where your family lived. Places like Pennsylvania and New England have records going back to the mid-1600s, so that is a lot easier than if your family came from, e.g., Alabama by way of Texas.One resource not widely appreciated by the uninitiated is the Mormon Church. It has genealogical records on almost everyone. And, if you find a relatively famous ancestor, that portion of your tre! e probably already has been extensively developed, if for no other reason than to keep out inheritance pirates....Show more

Comment copier et coller des livres Google

Comment copier et coller des livres Google

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Saturday, June 27, 2020

what role does chemistry play in the preservation of our environment?

Troy Monsivais: By developing environmentally friendly ways to do things, and to clean up the mess from past actions. Those actions will grow our economy and make the world cleaner. Another way is to eat soybean products instead of meat, which will reduce the amount of soybeans planted. Why? Because turning soy protein into animal protein means much more soy protein is needed to feed someone on animal protein grown with soy meal, etc. Still another way to help is to join a group that buys or legally protects rainforests. You can also urge your government to protect rainforests, which are far more valuable than damaged land after a few years of grazing or quick farming. The forest contains more nutrients by far than the soil in most rainforest areas. Also the forest creates more rain by releasing moisture as trees and other plants live and grow. SO if a nation doesn't want to turn its rainforests into scrublands or worse, it's vital to protect rainforests. Another thing we! all can do is support country of origin labeling and certification of food products. Soy grown in areas cleared of rainforest is mostly not genetically modified )non GMO) so without certification we can't know if we are actually supporting a harmful practice in buying non-GMO products....Show more

Abraham Ladick: Chemistry can determine what factors are affecting the water, soil and air. It works a bit like forensic science on a body - autopsy (identify the culprit and how it did the crime), determine the effect the killing of the subject has on others, provide the evidence to government or interest groups. Through chemistry we can discover the properties of individual elements of the environment, how they react to change and how these reactions affect the other elements. We can also determine methods to reverse undesirable reactions and thus preserve our environment....Show more

Comment organiser une fête surprise pour les parents à l

Comment organiser une fête surprise pour les parents à l

Sortez-les de la maison et décorez. Demandez à vos parents de sortir dîner ou d’aller au cinéma. Pendant qu’ils sont partis, vous devriez commencer à décorer la maison pour la fête. N’hésitez pas à inviter un ami ou deux pour vous aider, s’ils sont prêts à le faire. Dans l’invitation, il faut préciser que c’est l’heure à laquelle les invités doivent arriver. Laissez-les entrer, allumez la musique et assurez-vous qu’ils s’amusent bien. N’oubliez pas de socialiser !

Planifiez tout ça. Sortez un bloc-notes jaune et décidez comment vous allez vous y prendre. Prévoyez des jeux, de la nourriture, des boissons et de la musique. Aussi, assurez-vous de planifier la fête presque du début à la fin. Il est plus facile de régler les désagréments maintenant que de ! les régler à la fête. Planifiez comment vous allez les faire sortir de la maison, comment vous allez décorer, comment vous allez faire entrer tout le monde en douce et comment vous allez crier à la surprise.

Assurez-vous qu’ils s’amusent. Gardez l’Å"il ouvert pour vous assurer qu’il n’y a pas d’invités impolis, et demandez-leur s’ils ont besoin de quoi que ce soit. Tu as plutôt bien planifié tout ça, donc ils devraient s’en sortir.

Anticipez l’arrivée. Demandez à un ami ou à un parent de surveiller la voiture de vos parents. Quand ils verront la voiture, demandez-leur de vous alerter pour que tout le monde puisse se cacher. Prévenez tout le monde, éteignez la musique et cachez-vous avec eux. Assurez-vous que tout le monde est calme et tranquille. Eteignez les lumières.

Invitez vos amis et votre famille. Une fête n’est pas amusante quand il n’y a pas d’invités ! Invite tes parents, tes amis et ta famille avec une inv! itation sur Internet ou une invitation par la poste disant quâ! €™il s’agit d’une fête surprise secrète, pour qu’ils sachent qu’il ne faut pas demander à tes parents à ce sujet. Mieux encore, appelez vos invités. Assurez-vous qu’ils répondent à l’invitation, de sorte que vous sachiez à combien de personnes vous devez vous attendre et quelle quantité de nourriture et de boissons vous devez obtenir. Assurez-vous d’avoir des jeux et de la musique pour divertir vos invités et planifiez comment vous allez cacher leurs véhicules pour que vos parents ne les voient pas quand ils arrivent à la maison.

Surprenez-les ! Quand vous franchirez la porte, demandez à tout le monde de se lever et de crier « Surprise ! J’espère que tes parents seront excités et heureux que tu l’aies planifié. Donnez-leur à manger, serrez-les dans vos bras et faites-leur jouer à des jeux.

Friday, June 26, 2020

How long does it take too be approved a green card and then how long after being approved?

Frances Macky: She cannot just apply for green card. She needs a sponsor either family member or US Employer. If you are US Citizen, you can petition her for green card. It will take from 8 to 18 months for get I-130 approved. And interview. After interview if she is approved, it takes 2 to 4 weeks to get green card. She cannot live in US while green card application is pending unless she has other long term visa, such as student or temporary workers visa. Here is the website with information. http://www.uscis.gov/files/article/A1eng.pdfhttp://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/type......Show more

Shaunta Paap: take your mother down to city hall or where ever you had to go to take your citizenship test and ask them, but from what i understand green cards can be issued on the spot or take up to 2 years i think it depends on the size of the city and the number of applications per year the more the longer the wait you should look into being her sponsor or getting h! er a visa if she isnt accepted

Comment ouvrir le Planificateur de tâches sous Windows 10

Comment ouvrir le Planificateur de tâches sous Windows 10

Exécutez-le via la fenêtre de dialogue Exécuter.

Utilisez l’Invite de commandes. Pour lancer Task Scheduler via l’invite de commandes, suivez ces instructions :

Lancez-le via la recherche Windows.

Démarrez-le à partir du Panneau de configuration. Appuyez sur ⊞ Win R ensemble, tapez control admintools, et appuyez sur ↵ Enter. Ouvrez « Planificateur de tâches » dans la liste des outils.

Utilisez la liste Toutes les applications dans le menu Démarrer. Le menu Démarrer contient une liste de tous les logiciels installés sur votre PC. Le Planificateur de tâches est caché dans le dossier « Outils d’administration Windows » de la liste.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

which step in this process can YOU impact the most by using green living principles?

Gordon Showes: Do your own homework.

Lita Thammorongsa: The only thing YOU (I assume the proverbial "you") can effect directly is your rate of consumption. Harvesting, manufacturing, packaging and distribution are not under your control, though if you research the products BEFORE you buy at least you make an informed choice based on your green values ...... ... LMAO ... like people are going to do THAT!Whether your by-products become reused, recycled or garbage depends on how much you are willing to pay in taxes to supplement the cost and make it viable to reuse or recycle....Show more

Gordon Showes: Hi Patzky,I think from the list above, for me it can only be 'consumption' and 'disposal of waste'. We're big into recycling now over here. It does take a bit more effort but it's easy to get into the habit of separating cardboard/tins/bottles/newspapers. Reducing and re-using are other considerations I find myself seriously looking into and trying to follow the! se days. We're also doing our utmost to try to save energy.Polly...Show more

Ambrose Mumma: For me:Consumption, disposal & distributing.Distributing:XPower Energy Saver - It recycles the wasted electric & cleans the lines. They advertise 25% electric savings. We noticed closer to 50% savings. It was only $250.00. Also came with a 6 month money back guarentee....Show more

Monica Voltin: young lady, this is EVERYONE'S homework.

Darwin Ecton: Disposal because I can choose to recycle items and pick those items that come in Recycled packaging. :)

Comment ne pas se gêner soi-même

Comment ne pas se gêner soi-même

Ne soyez pas négatif sur les choses que vous ne pouvez pas changer. Riez de ce qui vous est arrivé au lieu d’essayer de le cacher ou de l’ignorer.

Apprendre plutôt que désirer. Alors tu t’es planté ? Qu’en avez-vous appris ? Ou êtes-vous trop occupé à vous apitoyer sur votre sort et à vous mettre dans l’embarras ? Plutôt que de chercher l’approche de la honte et de la culpabilité, adoptez l’approche « c’est mon expérience d’apprentissage ». Regarder les choses différemment changera vraiment votre attitude et enlèvera tout sentiment d’embarras.

Évitez de trouver toutes les raisons sous le soleil pour « justifier » votre erreur. Cela prend non seulement du temps, mais aussi du temps, et cela permet d’aborder la question d’une manière non constructive. Reconnaissez simplement a) avoir commi! s l’erreur et b) reconnaître qu’il s’agit probablement d’une nuisance, d’une inquiétude ou d’un désagrément pour l’autre personne. N’en dis pas plus que ça. Les détails ne sont pas nécessaires. Ce qui compte vraiment, c’est la façon dont vous procédez à partir de là. Il n’est pas nécessaire de dire  » je suis désolé  » ; les énoncés factuels sont beaucoup plus utiles.

Acceptez le fait que faire des erreurs est une partie tout à fait normale de la vie. Tout le monde fait des erreurs ; certaines personnes savent mieux les cacher que d’autres. Les erreurs se répandent toujours quelque part, quoi qu’il arrive. C’est une approche beaucoup plus saine que d’accepter les erreurs comme faisant partie de la vie et de passer à autre chose.

Restez poli. Rappelez-vous que les gens n’aiment pas les personnalités égocentriques parce qu’ils ont assez de problèmes à gérer sans prendre en compte vos excuses pleurnicharde! s. Ne vous prenez pas trop au sérieux ; cela finit par perdre! le respect des gens et c’est quelque chose dont il faut avoir honte.

Assumez la responsabilité de vos erreurs. L’embarras vient parce que nous avons peur de ce que les autres pensent de nous et nous avons l’impression que nous leur semblons honteux. Tout d’abord, la réalité est que les gens ne remarquent pas vraiment les choses comme vous le faites personnellement ; ils sont trop occupés à se concentrer sur leurs propres préoccupations. Deuxièmement, si vous assumez la responsabilité de vos erreurs, vous êtes trop occupé à travailler de façon constructive sur ce qui s’est passé et sur la façon d’y remédier pour vous sentir embarrassé. En étant responsable, vous cessez de laisser les autres déterminer votre apparence au monde et vous cessez de vous inquiéter de ne pas causer de problèmes aux autres ou de leur faire du tort. Dommage, c’est la devise qui devrait être la sienne ; vous avez tout gâché, maintenant vous reprenez, mais vo! us êtes en fin de compte responsable de la façon dont vous réagissez et dont vous vous sentez.

Souvent, le sabotage automobile est un moyen de se punir soi-même de ne pas répondre à ses propres attentes. Arrêtez d’essayer d’être « parfait », comme personne ne peut l’être, et commencez à vivre pour de bon. Agissez en fonction de vos croyances plutôt que de vous demander tout le temps comment vous pourriez être une meilleure personne. Tout le monde se transforme chaque jour, donc vous aussi.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

the real cause of global warming?

Jammie Taddei: Global Warming is no joke. Global Warming is an incovient truth,many people think its not serious but it is.Why do some people think Global Warming isnt serious?Becuz they're trying to ignore the fact that if we dont change our lifestyle...who knows what'll happen,something not good thats for sure.Think of some of the animals...Polar Bears are drowning because the ice is melting.As temperature rises,so does the the heat-related illness and even death for the vulnerable human population.Global Warming will cause intence rainstorms.Another consequence of Global Warming is deadly heat waves and the spread of disease....Show more

Sheron Perrez: Well, then the Earth should be cooling off pretty quickly, now...

Erin Arron: Ok, good, this can be a very debatable subject. Many humans say that they have got obvious evidence that it is not actual, however however, there may be "evidence" that the primary moon touchdown was once faked. There isn't any tr! uly technique to inform if that is actual or fake, its all approximately who you suppose. Scientists who suppose we're heating up the sector, or others who suppose this is a average incidence. Personally, I suppose that the sector is going by way of a cycle of heating up after which ice age or something, however although this can be actual, there is not any doubt we're rushing it up. I imply i assume it's inevitable, however I could like for my youngsters and grandchildren to are living greater lives, and this can not occur with the entire air pollution occurring. So i consider what rather demands to take situation is- hybrids, new fuels, and going inexperienced....Show more

Dick Baumgarten: The REAL cause are the periodic changes in solar activity, solar wind, and consequent variations in the ionization of the atmosphere, which in turn has an impact on the clouds and the rain.During the early industrial years there was much more CO2 and smoke produced by coal burning! than nowadays. Yet during those years the cold was so intense! that they feared a new ice age was coming.The above does not mean that we should not try to reduce all harmful emissions as much as possible....Show more

Joel Feagler: Mother nature, Things like volcanic eruptions, rotting plant and animal debris etc. People only make about 3-4 % of all greenhouse gases.

Garry Ohmen: Don't tell me....let me guess. THE SUN!That's the really hot thing in the sky right? That is where I would start. Maybe a "solar warming" campaign would make more sense.I'm no Republican apologist, but just because someone doesn't believe an inaccuracy told by millions doesn't make them wrong. It just means they don't believe it....Show more

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cómo inclinar la oreja de su perro

Cómo inclinar la oreja de su perro

Lleve su cortadora a la mitad del camino y pase suavemente su cortadora sobre la oreja del perro a un ritmo constante y repita hasta que no se caiga más pelo (haciendo esto demasiado despacio o demasiado rápido puede atrapar la piel y cortar la oreja). No se preocupe si esto no elimina todo el vello, para eso es el siguiente paso.

Ahora incline su cortadora a 45 grados contra la oreja y baje suavemente por la oreja de nuevo; repita este proceso según sea necesario. Esto debería eliminar la mayor parte del vello que no fue eliminado en los pasos anteriores.

Pruebe el oído con su peine. Su peine no es para arrancar alfombras si la oreja de su perro está enredada, sino simplemente para comprobar si hay algún enredo en absoluto.

Repita los pasos 3-10 en el oído adyacente.

Repita el paso anterior, pero ahora gire la c! ortadora 90 grados en sentido contrario, eliminando la mayor parte del vello del otro lado. Las orejas deben estar inclinadas y niveladas.

Voltee la oreja para que el interior de la oreja esté de frente a usted. Debería poder ver una línea distinta desde donde se afeitó la parte superior. Comience en esta línea y baje por la oreja hasta la punta. Nunca retroceda sobre una oreja; se la cortará.

Coloque a su perro en la superficie que va a utilizar. Tener a alguien más allí para sujetar a su mascota puede ser útil en esta parte del segmento.

Ahora tu perro tiene las orejas arqueadas. Disfrute!

Sostenga la oreja de su perro con el pulgar por encima de la parte superior de la oreja y los otros dedos por debajo de ella, forzando a que la oreja quede plana contra ellos. Encuentra el punto medio del oído y haz un mental no de donde está esto.

Cepille la oreja con la que le gustaría empezar. Usando su cepillo más suave, cepille suavemente ! la oreja del perro desde la base de la solapa (donde la oreja ! se une con la cabeza en la parte superior) hasta el borde de la solapa. Usted no necesita cavar en el oído, pero debe ser capaz de sentir las cerdas correr a lo largo de la piel. No cepille demasiado la oreja de su perro, ya que las orejas son frágiles y pueden sangrar con poca provocación.

Prepare su equipo y manténgalo a distancia. Nunca pongas tus cosas en un lugar donde el perro pueda patear, tus herramientas son caras y pueden dañarse si se caen.

Con su buena mano, sostenga sus tijeras de podar como un lápiz y enciéndalas. Si su perro no está familiarizado con este sonido, deje que vea la cortadora por un momento y preséntela olfateando el extremo de la cortadora (las cuchillas están lo suficientemente afiladas para cortar la lengua de un perro si intenta lamerla).

Monday, June 22, 2020

Physics problem with conservation of momentum, Please help?!?

Alberto Kozub: The radius isn't given so i'm hoping this project focuses on Linear momentum conservation .20 * 2 = .5 *a million + .2 *v .4 - .5= .2 * v v= -.05m/s the 1st ball strikes lower back at .5 m/s in accordance to this equation yet bodily visualising this factor seems to no longer be conceivable... so the fault seems to be that the .5 Kg ball won't be ready to pass at a million m/s after collision, except the preliminary speed of the .2 kg ball is larger

Tobie Oshea: Use conservation of momentum to find the velocity, then use conservation of energy (Kinetic to Spring) to find x.

Shena Etulain: Let the velocity of the (block+bullet) is v m/s after the collision,=>By the law of momentum conservation:-=>m1u1+m2u2 = (m1+m2) x v=>10 x 10^-3 x 300 + 0 = (10 x 10^-3 + 2.40) x v=>v = 1.24 m/s=>By the law of energy conservation:-=>PE(spring) = KE(block+bullet)=>1/2kx^2 = 1/2(m1+m2)v^2=>17.2 x (x)^2 = 2.41 x (1.24)^2=>(x) = √0.22=>(x) = 0.465959 m=>(x) = 46.6! 0 cm...Show more

Carlee Tangaro: im sorry but if you need help with this...drop out of physics. dont take math or science again in your life. sorry if that hurts to hear, maybe you can paint or play an instrument?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

hybrid fuel cars?

Will Camus: Most hybrid cars use lead-acid batteries, most of whose components can be recycled (certainly the lead can), so battery disposal isn't as severe a problem as some would have you believe, even if lead-acid batteries are not a perfect solution. Our local waste collection centre here in London, for example, collects lead-acid batteries for recycling.Increasingly, hybrid cars are likely to use Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) or Li-Ion (Lithium-Ion) batteries. The Tesla car uses a Li-Ion battery pack, while Toyota (I think) showed a prototype MPV with a large NiMH energy battery pack. As NiMHs and Li-Ions have a better energy storage to size ratio than lead-acids, they allow a car to go further and faster on a single charge. They are also environmentally friendly and simpler to recycle.The production and recycling of batteries certainly take energy, but extracting oil, refining it and then transporting it to where it's needed consume large amounts of energy as well...! .Show more

Clemente Schoeck: Why not check out the "World"s Cleanest Car" instead."BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000."...Show more

Brittanie Zakutney: Use of hybrid vehicles would help with our overall consumption of oil due to their overall better fuel mileage. As for helping the environment; there are some significant downsides to hybrid technology. The batteries will need to be disposed of and are made with some pretty toxic component materials. Due to the fact that hybrids use the brake s! ystem along with their small gas engine to generate power to r! echarge the batteries they require more brake maintenance and disposal of worn parts. They also have a much shorter tire life due to the extra friction. A co-worker has a Toyota Prius with 150,000 miles on it and is on his 6th set of tires. Tires on regular cars should last at least 50,000 miles or more so his tire consumption is twice what it would typically be. Let’s not forget either that one of the primary components of tires is petroleum. Hybrid batteries also do not operate as well in cold temperatures so anyone in a colder climate will be using the gas engine more than someone who lives in a warm climate thus reducing the overall benefit. The cleanest running cars would be powered by hydrogen fuel cells as their only byproduct is water however that is a very expensive and difficult technology to use so it is really not practical. Bio-diesel and regular diesel fuel is much dirtier than regular gas and requires considerably more emission controls on the vehicl! e to keep pollution to a minimum. Motor Trend magazine published a pretty comprehensive article on the subject of alternative fuels. It can be found at http://www.motortrend.com/features/consumer/112_07......Show more

William Vickerman: electric is best

Ruby Martis: if someone can, can you please direct me to a site that says how electric cars and helping global warming. thanks

Robbie Starchman: Mother Earth News magazine had an article several years ago on the "carbon footprint" of electric cars. If I recall correctly, the EV's had a fraction (1/4) of a comparable gasoline car.The world's cheapest vehicle to operate (Googe that) is an electric pickup truck that runs on discarded batteries.http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=world%27s+chea......Show more

Lu Tiner: I was considering getting an electric scooter but none seem to go very fast and none seem to go for a very long trip. But I'm now considering a gas powered scooter, the only problem is t! hey are SO loud! Any quiet ones or ways to make them as quiet as electr! ic scooters?

Palmira Lochridge: Get a bicycle! it is man's best invention!

Teodoro Lamond: Hello! The choice of guitars by alternative rock bands is really all over the map! Many times, guitar selection ends up being a brand or model you have never heard of before, just because that is what the player was able to afford when starting out and just stuck with it. I would focus more on what feels and sounds right to you, as opposed to the mainstream preferences. Your Ibanez is an excellent choice for a wide variety of rock music, and will give you solid performance from alternative all the way to metal. Sure, the Fender Stratocaster (and Telecaster, but more for cleaner tones) is one of the great guitars of all time (and I am a die-hard Fender Strat player), but unless you pick up and play one that you just cannot put down, stick with your Ibanez! Best regards, Dana...Show more

Cherlyn Tefera: www.whokilledtheelectriccar.comOr search for it on U Tube

Oscar Wieland: Electric cars are possible worst for the GW as it will produce more CO2 to charge it. As u change from mechanical to electrical and then to battery and back to mechanical . Every time it transitions u loose in efficiency and thus produce much more CO2.

Pearlie Medora: right that's a shorter answer: Hybrids could be compatiable with biofuels or petroleum fuels and are extra effectual, incredibly in case you force short distances. Pay very close interest to while fashions come out, considering the fact that there are important tax reward for paying for new style hybrids, yet those disappear while they have offered some variety of a given style. in case you may no longer get a tax smash, it's going to take a jointly as so you might recoup the extra cost of a hybrid. evaluate a diesel. I force a 2006 Jetta TDI, can use biodiesel as much as i prefer and get an common of 45MPG in primairly city driving, fifty 5 on longer journeys and characteristic quite ! a few circumstances gotten sixty 5 on my previous trip. Any which way, ! get a easy motor vehicle with a small engine....Show more

Jill Thomer: Electric cars will cut total CO2 emissions if the electricity they use 1: is not made from fossil fuels other than natural gas.2: does not make it necessary for the grid to buy electricity from a distant plant run on fossil fuels,3: does not prevent the local grid from exporting clean electricity to other areas that are significantly powered by fossil fuels.Now in North America, this includes no areas whatsoever.If one provides ones own power from wind or solar, one can power a car as far as the batteries will take it from your home base without using power that is made from fossil fuel or forces someone else to use more fossil fuel. Or, you could sell that power to the grid and make a direct contribution to reducing total CO2 production....Show more

Romeo Tinnea: So...I just recently bought an Ibanez...and I have a feeling that I should exchange it for a Fender Strat or Fender Telecaster. ! I love playing rock music. But, I'm not much of an expert when it comes to choofing guitars. All I know is that Fender is pretty iconic and sounds really clear, but the Ibanez sounds more rock and is easier to shred with.So...what kind of electric guitars do these nads use:Fall Out Boy Jonas Brothers (lol)Paramore Meg & Diabtw, please help me as much as you can...Show more

Minh Lefrancois: Do they help the environment? No. As other posters have already noted the battery disposal will be a very bad thing when the time comes. Is it better for CO2 emissions? Yes, you get more MPG plain and simple. So less fuel burned for a given distance traveled. I have had mine since Katrina. I went from 16 MPG in my 6 cylinder F-150 to 32 MPG (all MPG’s here are expressed in the overall average vs. city or highway) in my Ford Escape Hybrid. I still drive the same amount so I put out half the C02 (actually less than half because the Atkinson cycle engine is more efficient than th! e Otto cycle in the F-150 but lets keep it simple) Now, of course I cou! ld have bought many different cars that get 32 MPG without resorting to hybrid technology. However, I am a big guy and I do not like to sit low to the ground. I have a nice comfortable and roomy vehicle that I sit up high in and that will tow my boat and *still* get 32 MPG. A very important distinction, at least to me....Show more

Floyd Labuda: Toyota Hybrid batteries are Nicad, so no acid, will be 100% recycled by toyota. Don't take a lot of energy to make compared to overall car manufacture. Probably more nickle in your stainless steel cutlery set.they are a way of introducing people to the pleasure of quiet, smooth relaxing to drive electric vehicles without upsetting the big oil companies.Li-ion batteries http://www.altairnano.com/markets_amps.html that give a 250 mile range and 10 minute recharge time mean we don't need the highly polluting hard to recylce infernal combustion engine, ice, with lots of composite components rare metals and petrochemical contaminati! on, and very large quantities of nasty by-products.www.teslamotors.com...Show more

Cliff Jacoby: see the King review of low carbon transport for the "establishment" viewhttp://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/independent_reviews/...Basically because electric motoirs are far more efficient motive force than infernal combustion,even if the electric comes from fossil fuesl there would stillbe a significant saving.plus Generators are constantly monitored and maintained running at optimum load & temperature using unrefined fuel and minimal transport. Delivered direct to your garage.plus electric car are just more enjoyable to drive, smooth, quiet, smell free, low maintenace ... can be recharged in 10 minutes for 200mile range & performance that beats Ferrari or Porche (and porche are taking London to court because their cars are too polluting to avoid £25 a day congestion charge - electric cars are free) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/ne... (but typical of British! media they compare it not with a picture of a porche but a reliant 3 w! heeler- why!)...Show more

Buster Exline: particular, you have gasoline and electric powered skate boards, scooters, bicycles, recumbent, and velomobiles (at what factor is it a vehicle.) One chum has an electric powered skateboard it relatively is operated with a handheld distant. enormously cool. an electric powered bike that has been on the marketplace for some years now's the Vectrix. It has mixed comments. i think of the unfavorable comments are ordinarily via people who do no longer understand what to anticipate from an electric powered motor vehicle. BionX is one business enterprise that makes an electric powered help hub motor for a bicycle. there is likewise a business enterprise that makes constantly variable gearing for a bicycle and final I heard they have been questioning of adapting this to an electric powered bike. i think of the final internet site under has a great number of excellent solutions for you.

Gilberto Cratin: They won't help, because m! an made global warming is a myth. Do not drive a golf cart, buy a truck.

Riley Migl: some are good. But also, those batteries contain acid- which when desposed of is not too helpful on our planet. There are some hybrids that aren' t that expensive and are mainly there to help with gas prices rather than helping the environment. Riding a bicycle is the only sure and safe way to travel that wont do harm to the earth.

Lilli Kochel: tough to find--pure electric cars use electricity off the grid...contributing to the production of power plant related pollution. Depending on where you live, the pollution associated with the electricity could be substantial. In the US, about 50% of electricity is generated by coal-fired power plants. But, if you live in in some parts of the US (like Chicago), the majority of the local grid electricity is nuclear...

Gregory Dilg: Hi Caroline, I make a device for cars, makes them all a little hybrid, cost $!0 a year to run s! aves 30% fuel Only Australia

Bo Perham: hybrids are a joke. all ! gas cars sometimes get comparable mileage, so why pay all the extra money. here is a link to the Tesla Motor Company. An all-electric car in the beginning stages of sales and development. Current cost is around $100,000 for a sport coupe. Sounds like alot, but comparable gas powered coupes cost nearly the same, plus cost alot in fuel and oil and repairs. Can you imagine if development money for hybrids instead went to this company? $20k sedans in the near future? oh, and they also are working with a solar company for panels that could keep the car charged. and now 0-60 in FOUR seconds!...Show more

Randal Deyarmond: What type of Hybrid were you looking at?? I work for a Toyota dealership and can get of the salespeople to help you out. We do sell a ton of Prius'. Besides the Camry it is our best selling cars. What area are you in??

Charis Deguzman: Hybrids are a way of getting electric powered cars out there. Right now, they're iffy. But once we come up with! zero point energy extraction, it'll be a snap to pull out the gas engine and most of the batteries, recycle them, and install a Searl or Hamel or Hutchinsen energy generating system.

Chris Rosenkranz: electrix btr for envirnmont. n faster excelration

Irving Jordahl: Natural Gas (except for cerified sewage natural gas) is bad a) 10 years more than petro oil before gone. b) NG vehicles burns in 1 day the equivalent of 1 year of household heating for 1 home.Best choice: Diesel. 1) Technology is already here (no more tax money needed) 2) Newer "Clean Diesel" has emision qualities that is already far better than most Unleaded vehicles w/ smog cntls 3) Instant change over to Bio-diesel as it emerges as the new fuel of the future. 4) With Bio-Diesel only CO2 and NO2 and H2O is the byproducts (plus heat)5) You can get a Diesel-electric hybrid.6) If you have a garage, you can make bio-diesel at home, with mostly store bought supplies.7) Int! irely green sources.The best alternative vehicle , next to bicycles or! horses.....Show more

Danica Timperman: Hi,Here is a go at answering your question and some of the issues brought up in the other responses:1) Battery recycling:Toyota does have a battery recycling program -- here is a little blurb on it: "Toyota has a comprehensive battery recycling program in place and has been recycling nickel-metal hydride batteries since the RAV4 Electric Vehicle was introduced in 1998. Every part of the battery, from the precious metals to the plastic, plates, steel case and the wiring, is recycled. To ensure that batteries come back to Toyota, each battery has a phone number on it to call for recycling information and dealers are paid a $200 "bounty" for each battery."More here: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/06/should_we_...I think people are envisioning these hybrid battery packs as huge -- they are actually quite compact -- not a lot bigger than a couple shoe boxes as I recall. When you compare the small issue of recycling the battery! pack at the end of the cars life to the 88000 lbs less of CO2 emissions (see below), its hard for me to believe that the hybrid is not a large environmental plus.2) Energy SavingMy Prius gets a consistent and reliable 50 mpg -- this is carefully recorded over 37,000 miles. This is twice as good as the Subaru Outback I had before, which was about the same size. Over the 200,000 mile life of the car, this saves:4620 gallons of gas88,000 lbs of CO2$13,840 in gasoline cost at $3 per gallonThese are from: http://www.hybridcars.com/calculator/A great way to compare car fuel econ and emissions.The idea that other cars get as good a mileage simply does not hold up -- use the calculator and see for yourself, or check with ConsumerReports.org.3) Diesels and Hybrids:I think the new diesels that use the new low sulfur fuel will be a good choice, and will get good fuel economy. One thing to bear in mind with diesel is that one reason they do well on fuel economy is that the fuel has! about 15% more energy content than gasoline -- this also means that it ! has 15% more carbon and 15% more CO2 emissions -- so it will not do as well in reducing greenhouse gases as it does in reducing fuel costs.Of course, if you use bio-diesel this does not apply, but its doubtful (to me) if enough bio-diesel can be made to supply a significant fraction of the fleet.4) Brake Wear:One response said that hybrids wear out brakes faster. It is just the opposite. A lot of the braking energy goes into the regenerative braking system that recovers stopping energy to charge the battery. This is energy the brakes don't have to absorb, and they therefore last much longer.5) Tire Wear:I don't understand why hybrids would experience faster tire wear, and it is not my experience.Who knows what technology will bring in the next 10 or 20 years, but if you want to do something NOW, I think hybrids are the a good way to go.My experiences with my Prius:http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Vehicles/ourp...Useful links on hybrids, electrics, and biofueled cars:! http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Vehicles/vheh...Gary...Show more

Leif Andreason: yes, they are more efficient

Cómo emular un escritorio Linux remoto desde Microsoft Windows

Cómo emular un escritorio Linux remoto desde Microsoft Windows

Descargue PuTTY libremente en: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.

Seleccione SSH como su protocolo.

En la pantalla Túneles, introduzca 59## en el cuadro Puerto de origen, donde ## es su número de túnel. En el caso anterior, su número de puerto de origen sería 5901.

Haga clic en Guardar. Si no hace clic en Guardar, perderá todos los datos del túnel necesarios para su próxima sesión.

Ahora debería estar preparado para emular su escritorio Linux.

Instale ambos programas como se indica.

Descargue RealVNC libremente en: http://www.realvnc.com/download.html.

Seleccione la sesión guardada y haga clic en Cargar.

Abra un túnel en su máquina Linux remota usando el siguiente comando: vncserver :01. Esto abrirá! un túnel que le permitirá emular su escritorio remoto.

En el cuadro de destino, introduzca su dirección IP como destino. Local y Auto deben estar seleccionados debajo de esto.

Abra PuTTY.

Ingrese localhost:#, donde # es su número de túnel, en la pequeña ventana que aparece. En el ejemplo anterior, debe introducir localhost:1.

En la barra de menú del extremo izquierdo, desplácese hasta la parte inferior y seleccione Túneles.

Haga clic en Guardar.

Incorpore su contraseña cuando el servidor de RealVNC le pide su contraseña de Linux y golpea Aceptar.

Comenzar el servidor de RealVNC una vez que el programa esté abierto.

Vuelva a su primera pantalla seleccionando Sesión en el menú del extremo izquierdo.

Introduzca un nombre para su sesión (que se guardará más tarde para que pueda recuperarse rápidamente en sesiones posteriores) en el cuadro Sesiones guardadas.

Introduzca su dirección IP en el cuadro N! ombre de host y el puerto debe ser 22. Puede encontrar su dire! cción IP escribiendo’ipconfig’ en la línea de comandos.

Haga clic en Abrir.

Esto le llevará a la ventana negra de PuTTY.

Salga de PuTTY y vuelva a abrir el programa.

Haga clic en Abrir en la ventana PuTTY.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Do you want to do this survey on television and entertainment?

Sang Hanafin: 1. What's your favorite cartoon era? ( 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 2. What's your least favorite cartoon era? ( 80's )3. What's your favorite entertainment company? disney4. What's your favorite entertainment studio? disney

Comment trouver un dépotoir

Comment trouver un dépotoir

En raison de l’augmentation des coûts des métaux, les parcs à ferraille, les parcs à ferraille et les parcs de récupération sont devenus des entreprises plus lucratives au cours des dernières années. Que vous cherchiez des pièces pour votre voiture à prix réduit ou que vous souhaitiez économiser de l’argent sur d’autres matériaux de récupération, la casse locale peut être un bon endroit pour magasiner. Malheureusement, il n’est pas toujours facile de localiser ces casiers, car ils peuvent être situés dans des endroits éloignés de la ville ou en milieu rural. Cependant, avec la bonne application de la recherche, vous devriez être en mesure de trouver une casse sans trop d’inconvénients.

Décidez de la casse dont vous avez besoin. Tous les types de dépotoirs ne sont pas identiques â€" ce! rtains sont spécialisés dans les véhicules â€" ou même dans certaines marques de voitures â€" alors que d’autres sont un fourre-tout pour les machines et le matériel électronique mis au rebut. Considérez si vous le souhaitez :

Consultez la base de données d’une casse. Une fois que vous avez trouvé une casse spécifique, vous pouvez souvent savoir si elle possède la ou les pièces dont vous avez besoin en ligne. De nombreux dépôts de ferraille sont bien organisés et une recherche dans la base de données fournira des informations spécifiques sur les pièces et les produits en stock.

Recherchez sur Internet une casse locale ou une casse de récupération. Il existe de nombreux sites qui vous permettent de localiser les casiers à ordures dans votre région. Certains de ces sites sont assez sophistiqués pour vous permettre de rechercher un article spécifique ou une pièce de voiture dans l’inventaire d’une casse.

Surveillez les dépôt! s de ferraille lorsque vous circulez en ville. Vous obtiendrez! ainsi des informations immédiates sur l’emplacement et la taille de la casse. Toutefois, il se peut que vous ayez besoin d’appeler ou de visiter la casse pour savoir dans quel type de produit ou de véhicule (le cas échéant) le dépôt se spécialise.

Trouvez une casse qui se spécialise dans un article spécifique. Par exemple, de nombreux parcs à ferrailles et parcs de récupération se spécialisent dans les vieilles voitures et les pièces automobiles. (Certains ne traiteront que de la question spécialisée.)

Marcher physiquement dans une casse. C’est la façon la plus courante de trouver des pièces dans une casse, bien que cela puisse prendre du temps. Avant de commencer à vous promener dans la casse, vérifiez si le lot est organisé par type de produit, marque et modèle de véhicule ou année.

Consultez les pages jaunes pour trouver une casse ou un parc de récupération près de chez vous. Il se peut que vous ayez besoin de regarder ! sous chaque catégorie, car certaines entreprises n’inscrivent leurs renseignements que dans une seule section. Peu importe la taille de la casse, la plupart d’entre eux inscriront leur numéro de téléphone dans les pages jaunes locales.

Visitez une cour à service complet. Si vous ne trouvez pas de casse qui vous permette de vous servir vous-même, ou si vous êtes relativement inexpérimenté dans la réparation ou la modification d’une voiture et avez besoin de l’aide d’un professionnel, songez à visiter une casse à service complet.

Communiquez avec les autorités municipales. S’il y a une casse sous administration gouvernementale, la municipalité peut vous diriger vers le site le plus proche. Bien que la plupart des parcs à ferrailles appartiennent à des particuliers, il se peut qu’il y ait un parc à ferrailles appartenant à un comté ou à l’État près de chez vous.

Renseignez-vous auprès de vos amis et voisins. Si vous ête! s nouveau dans la région, les gens de votre collectivité connaissent ! peut-être l’emplacement des parcs à ferraille, des parcs à ferraille ou des parcs de récupération.

Offrez votre propre service. De nombreuses casse-cultures vous permettent de trouver vos propres articles ou pièces de véhicule, même si la pièce est actuellement attachée à un autre véhicule. Vous pouvez ensuite démonter l’article ou enlever toutes les pièces du véhicule dont vous avez besoin.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Where has the entertainment gone?

Sharri Scalley: no point in living for the old folks, entertainment is dead.

Adam Momaya: Gordon Lightfoot has been my favorite for over 40 years. Yes, I'm old.Thank goodness for YouTube, Amazon and Barnes & Noble where we can listen/buy any music we like.I refuse to believe that all young people like Rap and Hip Hop. You can't spell crap without rap and it isn't music. It's just noise like when you accidently sit on your cat....Show more

Tamatha Neubaum: Rather than bemoan the ones who have come and gone, keep looking for the stuff you like. It's not entertainment that's dead, IMO, it's your sense of exploration; it's a big world out there, and somewhere under some independent label, or maybe even in some other country, you'll find something you'll enjoy. If you let the radio and mainstream media spoonfeed you your music, of course you're going to be disappointed in the dreck that's popular today.Now, I can see that you and I have different tastes in music! , but I'll give you an example from my perspective: I've always been a "pop music" guy--lively, vivid melodies, artful but plainspoken lyrics. I was raised by my parents on The Beatles, Paul Anka, ABBA, and the Carpenters; I listened to Debbie Gibson, early Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, Boyz II Men. I appreciated and listened to a little bit of everything else, but my personal tastes stuck to "pop."But as music changed in the late '90s and swung from the pop I listened to, to grunge and gangster rap, then back to the pop of the Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears, I found myself not liking what was on the radio, even though it was on some level similar to the pop I listened to.So at that time I went on an "exploratory" phase. Rather than buy the chart-toppers that I didn't like, I'd go through the bargain bins of independent record stores, picking up CDs by obscure pop artists who never made it to the charts. Most of the songs on the albums were indeed ! subpar, but once in a while, I'd find a gem that I liked, or e! ven an artist that I felt deserved greater recognition (even though they never wound up getting it). I'd compile the songs I liked into mixtapes (and later, CD-Rs), and listened to those instead of the radio. Later on I befriended a Japanese girl who turned me on to J-Pop, and she changed my preconceptions about foreign pop music; I'd always thought that, outside of the west, pop was simply a weak imitation of our pop; but it turns out that while there's a western influence, other countries do put their own unique flavor, musically and lyrically, into their pop music. To me, J-Pop at the time sounded like exactly what I wanted to hear--an evolved form of pop music in a universe where grunge didn't exist and hip-hop was only starting to break through. J-Pop has since evolved into something that isn't to my liking any more, but I really enjoyed it at the time, and still listen to the songs from that time once in a while. I also moved on to K-Pop, which over the years ! has also grown into a world-class pop music industry. So with a mix of international music and some of my own personal obscure favorites, and the rare Top 40 track that comes around once in a while that I do like, I've always been happy with my "music diet."Anyway, my point is, there IS stuff that's good out there, new material that you would like. And the great thing is, the Internet makes things more accessible now--you don't need to browse bargain bins like I did in the '90s--and there are even ways in which the Internet can recommend artists that you might like based on your taste. You just have to be brave and explore what suits your tastes, rather than mourn the state of the mainstream today. In the world of the iPod and the internet, there's absolutely no need to tie yourself down to what everyone else likes....Show more

Thursday, June 18, 2020

How Does Television promote Anti-intellectualism?

Estrella Northway: TV tends to create a view of how people should act or thinkFor example, black children who get good grades are said to be"acting white", as the media tends to portray blacks as uneducated thugs.That is one example Also if you notice in television, intellectuals are usually stereotyped as snobs,boring, lacking in social skills,evil or mean.Examples- Dr.Doom and Mr.Fantastic(One's a supervillian and the other is just dull,scientist with stretchy powers.The rest of the Fantastic Four are far more interesting than him).-House(Asshole but intellectual)-Detective Gordon from Law and Order:Criminal Intent(Awkward but intellectual)-Professor Frink from the Simpsons(Awkward but intellectual)This mostly due to lazy writing. Writers find it easier to confer to old-time stereotypes when creating characters than it is to give a character depth and try something new....Show more

Corrinne Ruozzo: Our media tells us how to dress, what to think and how to act. Tak! e a look at these links for more stuff and research models of communications.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_studieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypodermic_needle_mod...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda-setting_theoryhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_effects_theory...Show more

Cómo comprobar la versión de tu Mac

Cómo comprobar la versión de tu Mac

Bajo Apple y Mac OS X, deberías ver en letra pequeña «Version 10,â€",â€"«. Estoy ejecutando 10.6.6

Haz clic en la opción «Acerca de este Mac».

Mira a ver si puedes ejecutar el software. Google Chrome requiere 10.5 o posterior, por ejemplo

Haz clic en la pequeña manzana azul o gris en la parte superior.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

malayalam live fm radio?

Cuc Gire: Listen and enjoy various mallu fm radios online at : http://www.mallufms.com

Cómo mejorar su sistema de sonido en un PC

Cómo mejorar su sistema de sonido en un PC

Descargar DFX Audio Enhancer for Windows Media Player 8.36.

Descargar DFX Audio Enhancer para RealPlayer 8.36.

Modifique el ecualizador de DFX. Es muy fácil.

Asegúrese de tener Real Player y/o Windows Media Player.

Desactivar el ecualizador del reproductor de medios de Windows.

Desactiva el ecualizador de Real Player.

Instale este maravilloso software y disfrute de un sonido envolvente con graves reales.

Asegúrese de que el ecualizador del sistema esté ajustado a plano o desactivado.

What are some fun survey things for facebook?

Vita Moodie: go to bzoink.com they have a ton of surveys :Dthis isn't spam btw... i used to get my surveys from there.

Reginald Maxi: Whats on your Lap real now ~ My puppy canine What grew to become into the final factor You Ate ~ Chocolate cake What shade Is Your Hair ~ Black What grew to become into the final factor you probably did ~ Typed this answer Whats Your well known activity ~ examining and writing Which Do you like facebook Msn Or Twitter ~ MSN Whats The maximum unearthly question you have spoke back On right here ~ what's the climate Like Now the place you're ~ Sunny Whats Your Faviroute web page ~ Flex lodge!!! (Bit like Habbo lodge. in trouble-free terms greater effective.)...Show more

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Land Surveys?

Idell Mulliniks: I cant tell you Amanda, you would have to provide some info about the property. The size of the property is not the most important factor, some small surveys turn out to be much more complex and difficult than much larger surveys. Choosing a surveyor based on price is never a good idea, you get what you pay for. Talk with your family or friends and choose the surveyor with the best reputation....Show more

Marjory Stromme: $300-$600

Monday, June 15, 2020

What's the difference between a poll and survey?

Gordon Showes: i think a poll is just one question (ex: Ketchup or mustard?) and a survey has multiple questions (ex: Fav. color? Age?...)

Sheree Hipwell: i think a poll is two options like this or that. and a survey has like a bunch of random questions.

Rocio Karvis: a poll is like a general question or something that would be measured by percentagesex: apples or oranges ex: 1. what is your favorite food2. where are you now3. what color is the closest lamp to you ^^surveycatch my drift?...Show more

Lynn Melbourne: www.realclearpolitics.com

Chadwick Schmelz: Friend,I give you the dictionary meanings of both , you may understand better then.POLL;poll1 â€"noun 1. a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject, taken from either a selected or a random group of persons, as for the purpose of analysis. 2. Usually, polls. the place where votes are taken. 3. the registering of votes, as at an election. 4. the voting at an election. 5. the number ! of votes cast. 6. the numerical result of the voting. 7. an enumeration or a list of individuals, as for purposes of taxing or voting. Then Survey;==============sur·vey â€"verb (used with object) 1. to take a general or comprehensive view of or appraise, as a situation, area of study, etc. 2. to view in detail, esp. to inspect, examine, or appraise formally or officially in order to ascertain condition, value, etc. 3. to conduct a survey of or among: to survey TV viewers. 4. to determine the exact form, boundaries, position, extent, etc., of (a tract of land, section of a country, etc.) by linear and angular measurements and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry. â€"verb (used without object) 5. to survey land; practice surveying. â€"noun 6. an act or instance of surveying or of taking a comprehensive view of something: The course is a survey of Italian painting. 7. a formal or official examination of the particulars of something, made i! n order to ascertain condition, character, etc. 8. a statemen! t or description embodying the result of this: They presented their survey to the board of directors. 9. a sampling, or partial collection, of facts, figures, or opinions taken and used to approximate or indicate what a complete collection and analysis might reveal: The survey showed the percentage of the population that planned to vote. 10. the act of determining the exact form, boundaries, position, etc., as of a tract of land or section of a country, by linear measurements, angular measurements, etc. 11. the plan or description resulting from such an operation. 12. an agency for making determinations: U.S. Geological Survey. So my friend, I think Poll is a part of Survey and they are not the same words.that is what I think....Show more

Joie Libutti: A survey is taking data to represent the whole. A poll is used to take the sampling or attitudes of people.

Comment estimer les fractions

Comment estimer les fractions

p>Estimer (ou faire une estimation éclairée) peut être très utile lorsqu’il s’agit de fractions. Si vous essayez de déterminer certaines proportions sans avoir les données ou le temps d’arriver à une réponse précise, faire une estimation correcte vous mettra sur la bonne voie. Cependant, il y a une fine différence entre faire des estimations et deviner à partir de rien. Si vous voulez maximiser vos chances d’exactitude, vous devrez examiner attentivement vos données.

Dans la mesure du possible, simplifiez les fractions. Les fractions seront toujours plus faciles à traiter mentalement si vous les traitez simplement avec leurs plus petits dénominateurs communs. Une fraction cotée 4/8, par exemple, peut être exprimée en 2/4 ou 1/2. Ce sont des façons différentes d’exprimer exactement la même fraction. C’est une bonne idée de simplifier vos! fractions de toute façon possible afin de faciliter votre estimation. Trouvez un nombre que vous pouvez diviser également la moitié supérieure et la moitié inférieure d’une fraction. En les divisant par le même nombre, vous réduirez la taille des nombres, tout en conservant les proportions intactes.

Empilez vos proportions les unes à côté des autres. Les fractions relatives sont tout autour de nous, et nous faisons souvent des choix basés sur l’estimation de fractions sans même y penser. Si vous cherchez un moyen de vous entraîner à estimer votre fraction, placez deux objets de hauteurs différentes l’un à côté de l’autre. À partir de là, essayez de deviner quelle proportion de la taille de l’objet le plus grand correspond à celle de l’objet le plus petit.

Illustrer les fractions avec des pièces physiques. À l’aide de morceaux de chocolat, de blocs de construction ou même de cailloux, vous pouvez estimer vos fractions en di! visant différents morceaux en groupes. Une fraction de 50 par! ties (17/50 33/50) peut être exprimée en séparant 50 pièces en deux groupes. De cette façon, vous pourrez voir visuellement comment une fraction s’agrandit d’une fraction à l’autre.

Choisissez un modèle visuel. Différents modèles visuels conviendront à différentes personnes. Que vous souhaitiez utiliser un camembert, un rectangle, un graphique ou tout autre moyen de visualiser vos proportions, l’illustration d’une fraction vous donnera un point de référence pour y réfléchir en termes plus concrets.

Choisissez une option d’arrondi pour chacune de vos fractions. La plupart du temps, une fraction sera plus proche d’une de ses options d’arrondi adjacentes que de l’autre. 7/8, par exemple, est plus proche de 1 (8/8) que 1/2 (4/8). Dans certains cas, cependant, elle peut se situer quelque part entre les deux. Une fraction comme 65/100 peut être arrondie à 60/100 ou 70/100. Vous pouvez prendre une décision qui, à votre avis, représ! ente le mieux les données fournies. Le tracé d’une ligne numérique permet d’indiquer visuellement de quelle option d’arrondi une fraction est la plus proche.

Faites un diagramme circulaire. Les diagrammes circulaires sont une excellente façon d’exprimer les proportions d’une manière visuelle. Si vous êtes un penseur visuel, c’est une bonne idée de travailler vos fractions arrondies en cercle. À partir de là, vous pouvez exprimer votre estimation sans avoir à vous fier à des chiffres arrondis qui peuvent ne pas être exacts. Contrairement aux graphiques (qui ont tendance à s’appuyer sur des données exactes), un diagramme circulaire est censé être un moyen rapide de montrer des données visuelles. Il est généralement plus facile d’analyser visuellement les parties d’un cercle que les autres modèles visuels, car un cercle complet représente un tout.

Comparez votre estimation avec les fractions précises. Une fois que vous avez u! ne estimation arrondie et simplifiée avec laquelle vous êtes à l’a! ise, vous pouvez affiner davantage votre estimation en la comparant à la fraction originale. De cette façon, vous pouvez déterminer comment votre estimation peut différer du chiffre réel. Bien qu’une estimation soit un excellent moyen de visualiser les données ou d’y réfléchir en termes généraux, vous devriez réfléchir à la proximité de votre fraction.

Choisissez un nombre approprié d’options d’arrondi. Si vous avez l’intention d’utiliser les mathématiques mentales, c’est une bonne idée d’essayer d’arrondir vos fractions aux proportions qui vous conviennent le mieux. Parce que les compétences personnelles en mathématiques mentales dépendent de l’individu, vous pouvez faire en sorte que l’arrondi soit aussi grand ou petit que vous le souhaitez. L’arrondi aux moitiés (0, 1/2, 1) n’a de sens que pour les fractions les plus simples, tandis que les proportions plus complexes bénéficieront d’un plus grand nombre d’options! d’arrondi.

Arrondissez les fractions. L’arrondissement des fractions les rend plus faciles à gérer. Si vous avez une fraction qui ne peut être simplifiée telle quelle, la déplacer légèrement vers le haut ou vers le bas peut vous permettre de simplifier au prix de la réponse « exacte ». L’arrondissement des fractions à la hausse ou à la baisse dépendra de beaucoup de choses, en particulier si vous avez affaire à un grand nombre de fractions très précises et s’il y a assez peu de parties pour avoir encore du sens.

Gardez à l’esprit vos changements d’arrondi. Bien qu’il puisse être utile d’arrondir les fractions vers le haut et vers le bas pour les besoins de l’estimation, il est important que vous ne preniez pas ces nouvelles proportions comme un rapport exact des proportions réelles. Gardez les fractions originales et précises à portée de main. Il est utile de disposer à la fois de la version exacte et de la version est! imée, car vous serez en mesure de communiquer l’idée facilement et ! de la sauvegarder à l’aide des données dures au besoin.

Décider si l’estimation est appropriée. L’estimation d’une fraction vous donnera l’essentiel de la fraction. Cependant, vous devinerez rarement la réponse exacte avec elle. Si vous n’avez besoin que d’une idée générale de la réponse, des estimations sont utiles. Cependant, si vous devez donner une réponse exacte, résolvez votre équation avec des mesures exactes. Une bonne estimation transmettra rapidement l’idée générale et ne tentera pas de se faire passer pour une réponse exacte.

Évaluer la validité d’une estimation visuelle. Communiquer une fraction visuellement le rend apparent aux autres. C’est une façon parfaite d’exprimer les proportions aux autres, surtout si ces personnes n’ont pas de connaissances en mathématiques. Les estimations visuelles conviennent mieux pour comparer une fraction à une autre. L’Å"il humain est formé pour comparer et mesurer les ! choses, même sans expérience mathématique. Placer quelque chose en termes visuels aide à soulager l’esprit d’une pensée purement abstraite, basée sur des nombres. Les estimations visuelles sont également parfaites pour une utilisation dans des situations « réelles » et décontractées.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

What would happen when you download music from limewire, then start buying music from itunes?

Keneth Mailhot: Make sure to delete the pirated music and wipe the free space on your hdd if you want to be protected. The information in the mp3s called id3 tags can easily identify the files as being pirated.

Barrett Alosa: Long live pirates. Stay downloading music on LimeWire/Frostwire. (Frostwire is better)But iTunes is the best.

Chris Rosenkranz: Would the music I downloaded from limewire be deleted when I buy music from itunes?

Toya Braskett: the music you got from limewire will still be on your computer if you start buying music from itunes

Karey Dunken: iTunes would catch it and report you to the RIAA in which case helicopters will promptly be sent to your residence and you will go to jail.

Leif Andreason: you would have music you downloaded and bought on your computer...

Tobie Oshea: you would download the music from limewire and buy the music from itunes. also, use frostwire instead.

Darcie Peraha: Nothing at all. I norm! ally download everything off limewire but sometimes i'll get an itunes gift card as a present, and nothing bad has happened...No, absolutely nothing will happen to your music or anything else. I mean just because you bought music off itunes, it doesn't give them access to any files on your computer, including your music files. You could sue the holy hell outta them(for invasion of privacy) if they did somehow access your files though(which they can't and won't)....Show more

Comment se débarrasser de l’ammoniac

Comment se débarrasser de l’ammoniac

Verser l’ammoniac dans le jet d’eau. Versez lentement l’ammoniac pour qu’il y ait plus d’eau que d’ammoniac dans l’évier. Cela permet de s’assurer qu’il est bien dilué au fur et à mesure qu’il descend dans l’évier.

Vérifiez si la bouteille est recyclable. La plupart des bouteilles de nettoyant pour plastique sont recyclables. Il suffit de vérifier le fond du contenant pour voir s’il comporte un symbole indiquant que vous pouvez le recycler.

Ouvrez un robinet d’eau. Vous devez mélanger l’ammoniac avec beaucoup d’eau, car il est concentré. L’eau dilue l’ammoniac, ce qui le rend plus sûr. La meilleure façon d’y parvenir est d’utiliser l’eau courante.

Rincer le récipient. Utilisez de l’eau propre pour éliminer l’ammoniac qui reste dans la bouteille. L’eau diluera également les gouttelettes qui s’atta! rdent dans le contenant.

Soyez prudent si vous avez une fosse septique. Ce n’est pas une bonne idée de jeter l’ammoniac dans l’évier si vous avez une installation septique. Les fosses septiques rejettent les eaux usées dans le sol, de sorte que l’ammoniac peut se retrouver dans les eaux souterraines. C’est particulièrement problématique si vous utilisez un puits pour votre eau.

Saupoudrer le mélange sec sur l’ammoniaque. Continuez d’ajouter le mélange sec à l’ammoniac jusqu’à ce que vous ayez appliqué suffisamment de mélange sec pour absorber toute l’ammoniac. Vous ne devriez pas avoir de liquide restant.

Videz le contenant de l’excès d’ammoniac. Ne jetez pas un contenant qui contient encore de l’ammoniac, même si c’est très peu. Comme l’ammoniac est concentré, il peut être dangereux même en petites quantités.

Jetez le mélange à la poubelle. Comme l’ammoniac est neutralisé, il est sécuritaire de l! e jeter à la poubelle. Vous pouvez jeter tout le contenant ou! simplement vider le mélange.

Mélangez à parts égales du bicarbonate de soude, de la litière pour chat et du sable sec. Ces 3 ingrédients vont créer un mélange sec efficace qui absorbera l’ammoniac. Vous pouvez utiliser le mélange pour nettoyer l’ammoniac que vous avez renversé ou vous pouvez le mélanger avec l’excès d’ammoniac que vous voulez jeter.

Jette-le à la poubelle si tu ne peux pas le recycler. Mets-le avec le reste de tes ordures. Il est préférable de le jeter dans votre poubelle extérieure, si vous le pouvez. Ainsi, vous n’aurez pas à vous soucier des émissions accidentelles de fumées.

Rincez votre évier après avoir jeté l’ammoniaque. Éclabousser de l’eau sur la surface de l’évier pour enlever tout résidu d’ammoniaque qui pourrait rester. Essuyez les côtés et le fond de l’évier avec une serviette ou un chiffon propre pour vous assurer que l’ammoniac est parti. Ceci vous assure que vous ne versez ! pas accidentellement un autre produit chimique dessus.

Recueillir le mélange dans un contenant jetable. Utiliser une cuillère en plastique ou en bois pour verser le mélange dans le contenant. Si vous remplissez le contenant et que vous avez encore du mélange à ramasser, vous pouvez le jeter dans un sac poubelle. Ensuite, recueillir le reste du mélange.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Background/founding/history of movies?

Aubrey Tirri: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_movies

Lucien Hellerman: You can view this totally free employing: http://is.gd/movienet