Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What are some fun survey things for facebook?

Vita Moodie: go to they have a ton of surveys :Dthis isn't spam btw... i used to get my surveys from there.

Reginald Maxi: Whats on your Lap real now ~ My puppy canine What grew to become into the final factor You Ate ~ Chocolate cake What shade Is Your Hair ~ Black What grew to become into the final factor you probably did ~ Typed this answer Whats Your well known activity ~ examining and writing Which Do you like facebook Msn Or Twitter ~ MSN Whats The maximum unearthly question you have spoke back On right here ~ what's the climate Like Now the place you're ~ Sunny Whats Your Faviroute web page ~ Flex lodge!!! (Bit like Habbo lodge. in trouble-free terms greater effective.)...Show more

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