Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Atheists: would you be a Christian if it were a well paying job?  

Atheists: would you be a Christian if it were a well paying job?  

answers 0:Just wondering...If being Christian was a high paying, low labor job, would you take it? I'm not so sure about benefits, but at least you'd be free from (some) taxes.answers 1:no Muhammed did not die to save our sins. in the Quran we are taught in chapter 25:18 "no one can bear the burdens of another" so what Adam and Eve did does not effect us. that was a sin that they commited. We believe all babies are born. If one sins then this is something they have to ask Gods(the arabic word for God is Allah) forgivness if they are sincere God will forgive them. So we do not need anyone to die for our sins. We have Allah and he is one he has no sons....answers 2:No. I'm not sure how higher power is defined come to think of it.answers 3:Highly unlikely.answers 4:Well as it happens, most chaplains and bishops get paid large sums already.answers 5:I h! ave the evidence that hAtheistics are being Abused and Violated on R

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