Monday, February 24, 2020

Need advice regarding studying Visual Arts at University?

Rosalva Steinmann: "Has anyone here done a degree in Visual Arts? what did you gain from it? has it made you a bette artist? besides gaining new art techniques , how has studying visual arts improved your life as a whole? why are there so many mandatory art history courses? what is the point of learning art history?thanx in advance...Show more

Nona Lentini: i might say London, or it extremely is my own opinion a minimum of. a lot of their underground trend is so dope and you will meet a lot much less hypebeasts in London than you will in manhattan. I in simple terms think of the line trend in London is grand. extremely super designers come from the college of Arts London, yet manhattan produce some distinctly super people too.

Frank Crummell: I have a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Fine Arts. In painting and sculpture respectively. I enter college with the intention of majoring in art with no previous training in it during high school. However the short! period of time between high school the beginning of college I became phenomenally very interested in art, something that even to this day I find to be a curious event. I took to the subject like a fish to water. School for me exposed me to art history,art theory,criticism,philosophy and a myriad of other topics there were not related to art.Also being exposed to all of this gave me perspective as to what the possibilities were in art and broadened my understanding of what was reasons behind the creation of art.Learning about art history,which I found sometimes to be boring,especially the periods that I didn't find interesting, did however afford me an understanding of the development of art through the ages. The reasons works were produced,the history surrounding the periods in which they were produced,and how each period beget the next and why. All this building toward art work that is being produced today. It is all connected, whether one is familiar with the history o! r not.Having studied art,for me,has broaden my understanding o! f the human experience or history. Art literally illustrates that history of life. As to making a living? That is the challenge I guess. I personally have had to teach to have a steady income. But do earn money from the creation of my art work,not enough to support myself, but enough to make my involvement worth while....Show more

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