Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Women are şluťs?

Toshiko Reimers: No dingus, this is not a "Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs" question.

Micah Schwarcz: Well you will disappoint them.

Cómo actuar como Serah Farron

Cómo actuar como Serah Farron

Viste la parte. Serah lleva una falda plisada roja con encaje negro, una camisa de vestir blanca sin mangas, una barredora semitransparente con el mismo estilo de la camisa, muslos negros, botas de tobillo marfil y un vendaje en el bíceps izquierdo que utiliza para cubrir su marca l’Cie. En invierno, puedes usar una camisa de manga larga, una chaqueta larga, leggings y cualquier tipo de botas. En el verano, usted puede usar zapatillas de deporte o chanclas y no tiene que usar muslos y piernas. Puedes añadir el vendaje para obtener el efecto Serah completo.

¡Accesoriar! Serah tiene una corbata de pelo decorada para su cola de caballo. Puedes comprarlos fácilmente en cualquier tipo de tienda. Y tiene un collar a juego con su novio/novia, Snow. Puedes compartir un collar con cualquier persona cercana a ti, como t! u amigo o tu novio. Y para colmo, puedes usar un brazalete.

Mira la parte. Serah tiene el mismo tinte rosado de pelo que Lightning, que ella ata en una cola de caballo en el lado izquierdo de su cabeza, muy parecido a como el pelo de Lightning cae sobre su hombro izquierdo. Para conseguir este peinado, puedes ver un video en YouTube o simplemente llevar una foto de Serah a un peluquero. Serah es delgada y tiene la piel muy clara. Usted debe tratar de hacer ejercicio diariamente haciendo 100 abdominales y corriendo/bailando durante 45 minutos. Usted puede aumentar gradualmente cuántos abdominales y cuántos minutos corre/baila cuando se acostumbre a ello. Y para tener la piel clara, usted debe ir a un dermatólogo o conseguir un medicamento para el acné. Si sólo tienes pequeños granos en la cara, entonces sólo tienes algo como Neutrogena, claro y claro, o St.

Tengan esa Personalidad de Serah! Serah es madura y muestra mucha sabiduría para su edad. Asegúrat! e de intentar ser así también. Y también se preocupa por lo! s que ama. Básicamente, Serah es sabio, maduro, considerado y amable.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Boston Area Community Gardens Question?

Rosalba Lingner: Here are two sites - there is an area called the Fens that has some community gardens but the first link is "community garden finder". Enjoy.

Comment faire pour récupérer votre compte Xbox sur PC ou Mac

Comment faire pour récupérer votre compte Xbox sur PC ou Mac

p>Ce wikiComment vous apprend comment récupérer votre mot de passe Xbox ou nom de compte oublié en utilisant votre ordinateur.

Essayez de vous connecter avec l’adresse e-mail que vous pensez utiliser pour Xbox. Assurez-vous de taper l’adresse e-mail correctement, car une faute de frappe peut vous empêcher d’accéder à votre compte.

Cliquez sur En savoir plus sous « Xbox Live ». C’est sous l’en-tête « More Services ». Ceci vous redirige vers Xbox.com.

Cliquez sur Services

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Comment faire une image en verre sur Inkscape

Comment faire une image en verre sur Inkscape

Faites un rectangle avec un dégradé pour donner l’impression qu’il y a de la lumière venant du bas. Il est identique au rectangle de l’étape 2, mais il doit être proche de la transparence.

Expérimentez avec différentes tailles et variables.

Importez une image dans Inkscape si vous avez une image que vous voulez faire ressembler à du verre.

Faites un rectangle, ou toute autre forme qui correspond à votre image. Rendre le rectangle blanc, et rendre l’alpha (opacité) très faible. Redimensionnez-le pour qu’il s’adapte à 50% ou moins de votre image afin qu’il s’adapte au haut de l’écran.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Distance Based Sampling Assumption - Objects of Interests are spread randomly across the landscape?

Josefine Weekey: We also know that the actual animals will tend to group in herds of x animals. The herds of animals will be randomly scattered across the landscape so if there are 16 herds the population estimate is 16 x animals. since it is statistics it is either 1 or zero or other.In one real life example od counting the animals there could be an error in the estimate if one of the animals, wandering on the edge of the grand canyon fell over the edge and dragged two others with him so the herd population is now x-3. or if several of them went bowling and weren't present for the count.Then there's baseball (9) or football (11) or socker (else). The variables are numerouse mostly morouse. This just an estimate based on op-onion....Show more

Comment devenir un ermite

Comment devenir un ermite

p>Puis que vous êtes sur cette page, soit vous cherchez à mener une vie entièrement consacrée à la prière et à être spirituel, soit vous en avez assez de regarder des photos de nourriture sur Facebook et de voir les gouvernements s’autodétruire. D’une façon ou d’une autre, les points les plus fins d’être un ermite sont les mêmes. Êtes-vous prêt pour une vie de quasi-solitude, de durabilité et de débrouillardise ? Vous voulez le savoir ?

Habillez-vous simplement. Tu es une triste excuse pour un ermite si tu te promènes dans ta maison avec une paire de Manolo Blahniks toute la journée. Techniquement, vous êtes un ermite, mais l’idée d’un mode de vie d’ermite est de vivre au minimum, d’éviter les désirs étrangers et le luxe. Vous n’avez pas besoin de faire vos propres vêtements si vous ne le voulez pas, mais limite! z votre garde-robe à l’essentiel.

Déterminez à quel point vous voulez être un ermite. Etre un ermite ne veut pas dire que tu es enfermé dans ta maison. Beaucoup d’entre eux communiquent avec le monde extérieur ou vivent même avec une autre personne. Plus de la moitié d’entre eux vivent en milieu urbain. Sachant qu’il y a un spectre à être hermitique, où tombez-vous ?

Trouvez un ermite pour vous aider. C’est comme un assistant personnel, mais plus allitératif. Parfois, vous aurez besoin de quelqu’un pour déposer votre épicerie sur le pas de votre porte, pour vous aider avec les toilettes bouchées, pour apporter un tueur de rongeurs d’urgence ou pour vous aider quand vous êtes tombé et vous vous êtes cassé la jambe. C’est juste du bon sens. Assurez-vous d’avoir un lien avec le monde extérieur â€" vous pourriez en avoir désespérément besoin.

Préparez les fonds. À moins que vous ne travailliez à la maison et que vous! n’arriviez à trouver un emploi qui ne vous procure pas une! dissonance cognitive extrême par rapport à votre style de vie, vous n’aurez probablement pas un flux de revenu important et constant. Et vous aurez très probablement encore besoin d’argent pour survivre ! Vous aurez besoin de beaucoup moins d’argent, mais vous en aurez quand même besoin. D’où viendront-ils ?

Mettez votre temps à profit. Maintenant que vous ne travaillez pas, que vous ne répondez pas aux obligations des autres et que vous ne vous souciez pas de l’apparence de vos cheveux, que ferez-vous de votre temps ?! Si vous êtes comme la plupart des ermites, vous passerez beaucoup de temps à méditer, prier et profiter des choses simples de la vie. Il était temps !

Connectez-vous avec d’autres ermites. C’est dingue, hein ? Mais c’est une chose. Ils ont même un bulletin d’information complet. Tout le monde a besoin de quelqu’un qui comprend ses épreuves et ses tribulations. Ce n’est pas quelque chose que l’on fait en perso! nne ou même de façon régulière, mais la lecture d’une brochure est certainement un solatium pour une existence sociale autrement sombre.

Pensez à votre santé mentale. Si vous ne voulez plus jamais revoir des humains (ce qui n’est pas le cas de la plupart des ermites), il se peut que vous souffriez d’un trouble de la personnalité évitant, d’un syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) ou d’une autre maladie mentale non diagnostiquée. Ces deux-là, par exemple, peuvent vous faire ressentir un fort désir d’éviter les gens (tout comme le TAS (trouble d’anxiété sociale), mais dans une moindre mesure). Est-ce que c’est possible ?

Comme toi-même. Vous savez pourquoi ? Parce que tu es littéralement le seul que tu seras autour de 23.99/7. Tu ne t’aimes pas et c’est de la mauvaise compagnie. Une horrible compagnie qui ne s’en va jamais. Il est possible de se rendre fou, ce qui est une situation finale que vous voudrez probablement év! iter. Tu ne t’aimes pas et ça peut arriver.

Attention à la so! litude. Quand avez-vous passé des jours sans voir un autre être humain pour la dernière fois ? Ouais, le monde craint, les gens sont terribles, et la race humaine est restée trop longtemps, mais cela ne veut pas dire que la solitude ne viendra pas effrayer. Quand il viendra, comment le gérerez-vous ?

Sachez que le monde peut vous offrir une réputation. Quand les enfants locaux commencent à regarder dans votre maison, vous laissant des cadeaux dans les nids d’arbres, soyez assurés que les gens du coin ont commencé à parler. La rumeur va se répandre qu’il y a un ermite qui habite votre résidence et, et voilà, c’est vous. Cela ne doit pas vous affecter si vous ne le laissez pas faire, mais si vous souhaitez un jour revisiter le monde, ce sera un défi. Tu es prêt pour ça ?

Pensez à la façon dont vous allez disparaître de la carte. Tu veux faire la dinde froide ? Juste un jour, réveillez-vous dans votre lit, regardez la porte, et sachez que ! vous ne quitterez plus jamais les entrailles tissées de votre tapis berbère ? Ou allez-vous vous limiter lentement, en exigeant de plus en plus de « moi » au fur et à mesure que les jours passent ? Mieux encore…comment allez-vous alerter les masses ?

Développer les compétences. Tu sais tout le temps que tu auras sur les bras à contempler la vie et ton existence ? Tu devras le tuer ! Alors prenez un pinceau maintenant (que vous avez fait à partir d’une brindille et de vos propres cheveux) et commencez à peindre et apprenez à utiliser un Bo Staff. Apprenez les bases de la conversation d’une langue étrangère. Journal. Étudiez les plantes dans votre cour arrière. Apprenez à jardiner. Comment coudre. La liste est pratiquement infinie.

Demandez-vous pourquoi vous aimeriez devenir ermite. Qu’est-ce que vous essayez d’éviter ou d’établir ? Si vous n’avez pas d’objectif clair, alors devenir ermite ne sera qu’une phase passagère. Est! -ce un moyen temporaire de rébellion ? Est-ce pour éviter un certain ! quelqu’un ou des gens en général ? S’agit-il d’une sorte de « temps d’arrêt » prolongé pour vous-même ? Sentez-vous un appel spirituel à l’hermitisme ? Quelles sont vos raisons personnelles ?

Décidez de votre maison. Dans l’esprit de l’ermite, il est probablement préférable de choisir un endroit caché, petit et modeste. Mieux encore si c’est respectueux de l’environnement. Plus c’est bucolique et éloigné, mieux c’est. Mais s’il vous arrive d’avoir un endroit au milieu de Manhattan, ça marchera aussi (il vous suffit d’avoir des fenêtres insonorisées).

Déconnectez. D’accord, c’est le moment que tu attendais. Désactivez votre compte Facebook, donnez un adieu de 140 caractères à votre Twitter, passez 5 dernières secondes à clavarder, rendez votre téléphone portable, passez sur votre ordinateur portable avec votre tondeuse et profitez-en. C’est fait. Vous n’êtes plus qu’un souvenir sur le visage d’In! ternet. Félicitations. Félicitations.

Faites le plein d’articles dont vous avez besoin. Puisque vous restez là pour, eh bien, jamais, faire le plein de tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Ensuite, idéalement, vous pouvez faire un voyage une fois par mois pour aller chercher des Å"ufs et du pain, ou bien votre alliance annuelle avec l’épicerie locale pour le lait en poudre, les épices, etc. Les supermarchés peuvent maintenant livrer chez vous, mais c’est un travail que vous préférez éviter.

Rendre votre environnement durable. Puisque vous dépendez largement de vous et de vous seul, assurez-vous d’avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin à portée de main. Va planter un jardin ! Construisez une toilette extérieure ! Investissez dans un vélo ! Procurez-vous un stock de lampes à huile ! Si ça dure, c’est bon.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Will you critique my landscape photos?

Darnell Cutliff: Ramma--Thank you for the input. I don't know what a leading line is or how to use one. Will you post a link to one of your photos to help me get the idea?Perki--This does help and it's taken in the spirit in which it's given. I have to chuckle about more saturation and contrast. I thought I was on the borderline of over cooking it already. The natural vegitation here is brown most of the year. This is why SoCal has bad fires every year....Show more

Delmer Pectol: I preferred the monochrome one. It leaves a lot more to the imagination in my opinion. I looked at the color one 2nd and the colors seemed to jump out a little too much and seemed to outweigh the landscape and atmosphere . The monochrome one seemed more subtle and mysterious. Cool Picture though, CG right?

Oscar Wieland: I agree your action shots are stronger than your nature photos. :DPerki and Ara have gotten you some great advice.

Peter Lapoint: Thanks in advance.Ok they look! like you stood there and thought - "I might do some landscape images." Then you raised the camera to your eye and made some snaps.Theres nothing all that compelling about the views, next time lay down and try some more kinky angles, try to make use of leading lines and so on....Show more

Roni Kurz: Your action photos are better than the landscapes. Part of the problem is you were shooting in the wrong part of the day. Overhead lighting does not make for compelling landscapes.#6281 is my favorite of the landscapes. Your subject and composition is sort of split between the fence and the road. Choose one and base the image flow on it. A lower viewpoint would improve the composition with the road.. In this light, I would prefer the fence to be prominent subject here instead. There are some interesting looking yellow plants/flowers in the background that might add some extra color and definition. The top is cropped a little too close to the treetops, leave a bit! of head room for the trees.Here is a link for beginning compo! sition, including leading lines:http://asp.photo.free.fr/Composition/photoProgramC...Here is a road shot, just for fun:http://www.flickr.com/photos/12604020@N05/35466909...As you can see, light was everything in this picture. Without the low light angle, this image would be static indeed. I will be in the San Diego area next week, so I am looking forward to some photo-ops of my own. Sometimes you can't be at a location at the perfect time to get good lighting, especially when you are traveling through unknown locations. If the light is not good, I like to concentrate on details rather than vistas.Look at good landscapes in magazines and books. "Outdoor Photographer" is a good magazine to begin with. The National Audubon Society has a good little book on landscape photography. Here is one of my favorite sites:http://www.flickr.com/photos/12604020@N05/35466909...Also Galen Rowell and Ansel Adams, of course.Continue shooting, I like what I saw. It's in you.*EDIT*Oops! ! Just noticed one of my "favorite sites" is the wrong link! Here you go instead:http://www.timecatcher.com/Sorry!...Show more

Bernadette Roel: Your sport photos are very nice, definitely your strong suit at present.I chose this image to critique http://www.flickr.com/photos/45926057@N04/45527495...First, it is slanted, so straightening it up would be a quick improvement. The road beginning in the center bottom of the image is static, a shift to one side or the other would give it better flow. A strong focal point would make the image more interesting. Even though this is not compositional, I would like to see a BIT more saturation and contrast.I help this helps and is taken in the spirit in which it is given....Show more

Comment faire des vêtements Barbie

Comment faire des vêtements Barbie

p>Les vêtements de Barbie peuvent être chers, mais ils sont une nécessité pour tout enfant qui aime ses poupées. Les petits morceaux de vêtements sont facilement perdus par les enfants et doivent souvent être remplacés. Pour économiser de l’argent et de nombreux voyages au magasin de jouets, voici quelques méthodes faciles à faire soi-même pour créer vos propres jouets !

Fais des pantalons. Ceux-ci pourraient fonctionner pour les poupées barbie mâles et femelles, selon le modèle de chaussette que vous utilisez.

Trouvez une vieille manche de chemise. Ce sera le tissu de la robe, alors choisissez le motif/tissu que vous voulez. Coupez la manche de la chemise à l’endroit où elle rencontre le corps.

Ajoutez la touche finale. La coupe diagonale de la robe (en raison de la forme originale de la manche de la chemise) va créer un l! ook de maxi robe tendance avec une superposition diagonale. Ajoutez un joli collier pour compléter l’ensemble.

Coudre les pièces de tissu ensemble. Si vous avez choisi d’utiliser deux morceaux de tissu, posez les deux morceaux du bon côté et cousez-les ensemble. Vous pouvez utiliser une machine à coudre ou simplement coudre une ligne droite avec une aiguille et du fil pour cette étape.

Coupez le tissu. Choisissez si vous voulez utiliser un seul morceau de tissu ou deux morceaux pour un look plus varié. Au total, le tissu (une seule pièce ou les deux pièces combinées) doit mesurer entre deux et quatre pouces pour la hauteur, selon la longueur que vous voulez que la jupe soit, et environ 7-8 pouces de long (pour faire le tour du barbie). Mesurez le tissu autour de la barbie et coupez l’excédent. Voici un tutoriel informatif sur la façon de compléter ces étapes.

Fabriquez une chemise ou une robe. Cette méthode fonctionne pour les deux vê! tements (chemises et robes) ; la différence entre les deux es! t simplement la longueur de la chaussette.

Fabriquez l’élastique. Posez le morceau d’élastique à l’arrière du tissu à environ 1/2 pouce du haut de la jupe. Pliez le haut du tissu sur l’élastique et cousez le tout en place. Ceci fera la ceinture élastique de la jupe. Couper l’excédent d’élastique sur les côtés.

Coudre la couture de la jupe. Tournez le bon côté de votre tissu vers le bas et pliez-le en deux pour que la jupe apparaisse à l’envers et que vous puissiez coudre la couture de bord (utilisez la méthode de surjetage ici). Ensuite, tournez la jupe à l’endroit et vous aurez fini !

Créez la bande élastique en haut de la robe. Placez un morceau d’élastique à environ 1/2 pouce du haut de la robe. Tendez-le autour de la circonférence de la robe et coupez-le à la longueur désirée en collant les deux extrémités de l’élastique avec de la colle à tissu. Pliez le tissu supplémentaire en haut sur l’élastique e! t cousez en ligne droite sous l’élastique pour créer une enveloppe pour l’élastique.

Faites la forme de la robe. En commençant par le haut, là où la coupe diagonale a été faite (à cause de la façon dont la manche est reliée au corps de la chemise), retournez la manche à l’envers et repliez-la sur le reste de la manche pour qu’il y ait environ un pouce de chevauchement d’un côté et 2-3 pouces de chevauchement de l’autre côté (en raison de la coupe diagonale).

Faites une jupe. Cette activité est parfaite pour remplacer rapidement et facilement les vêtements Barbie manquants en un clin d’Å"il.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

I need a hobby.?

Randolph Lozoya: With the stuff you already do as a hobby why don't you make video blogs or tutorials for Youtube to teach people how to do them like knitting etc? That is a new hobby right there.

Lashawn Zabarkes: You could go to a fabric shop and get some fleece material that already has the chargers on it. Fleece would be easiest to sew, because it doesn't fray or come apart easily. The folks at the fabric shop could help you with the rest of the supplies you need, like a pattern, thread, and if you want to put furry trim or something fancy on it.Have fun!...Show more

Majorie Chester: Hello there,Before you spend a lot of time looking at various guitars, decide whether you want a whammy bar or not. If you want a whammy bar on your guitar, you need a guitar with a tremolo bridge. If you do not want a whammy bar, then you should look for a guitar with a fixed bridge. The choice of bridge will narrow down the field of choices.If you do not want a whammy bar, ! then you are looking for a fixed bridge guitar. A very good example would be a Les Paul by Gibson. Gibson has a inexpensive line of guitars for beginners and casual players. Those are the Epiphone brand. An Epiphone Les Paul would be a good choice.If you do want a whammy bar, then you need a guitar with a tremolo bridge. That means a Stratocaster. There are many Strat type guitars on the market. Fender makes the Stratocaster. Its line of inexpensive guitars for beginners and casual players is the Squier brand. There are several models of Squier Stratocasters to choice from. Also, I would suggest buying a used guitar. A used guitar in good condition will sell for about half the new price. You will have to save some of your budget for a amp. Most newer players under estimate the importance of the amp and speakers in how they will sound. You only sound as good as your speakers no matter what guitar you play. If you can find a used 1x12 combo amp that would be a good starter am! p. 1x12 means is has one 12 inch speaker. Combo amp means the ! ampliflier and speaker are in the same cabinet. Another good choice for a beginner is a digital modeling amp. Those are very versatile and they come with built in effects (saves you the cost of buying effects pedals). I would suggest a Fender Mustang for the beginner. The Mustang I sells for $100 new The larger Mustang II sells for $200. You can find a used Squier Stratocaster for $50 to $100. The Mustang I amp will cost you $100 (less if you can find a used one). That would be a good gear rig for a beginner and should be in your budget.Later,...Show more

Rose Krouse: Video Games!!

Solomon Belback: Hey Im 16, Ive played acoustic guitar for about 3 years now, and I finally want to get my first electric guitar, all I have is about 180 $, 200$ max , any help with what guitar I should get! Note: I like playing jazz , blues and rock, I dunno if that helps or not

Booker Moros: If you like knitting maybe crochet would interest you?

Tracy Huesso: Dating

Delmy Varano: Meditation means doing nothing. Just sit close your eyes and do no try to concentrate. See once the favourite disciple Anand of Lord Buddha asked the same question. Buddha did not answer his question but on the contrary told him to fetch water from a near by small pond. After his return, lord asked him to explain as to why it took him so long to bring water. Anand told him that when he went to the pond, the water of the pond was quite dirty as a bullock cart had just passed through it. He had to wait for the water to become clear. Lord said to clean the water he had done any thing, Anand replied that no because if he had tried anything, it would had become more dirty. Lord said that the brain also functions in a similar manner, the more you try it control it the more disturbed it is. If you leave it as it is then it becomes crystal clear on its own accord. So simply sit down, close your eyes and be free....Show more

Jestine Osumi: Videogames.

D! ebora Soliani: garden! succulents are so fun... video games

Stevi! e Kizziar: http://www.twitch.tv/queenpurple_

Cody Shimko: I was talking about PAPER crafts....in fact, duct tape is really sparse here in Greece.

Nelly Kikuchi: Maybe building some playgrounds for your pets, if you have any. Or if you don't have enough money then you can find something that is related to finance, even though it may not be so exciting as pets or other stuff. The new hobby is probably related to your talent and skills or passion.

Alane Antes: Well taking up things like doing some lite pc gaming or maybe a youtube channel.

Rayford Latz: Hmm... here are a few I could think of:1) Card making2) Scrapbooking3) Photography (there are some cool tutorials online for editing afterwards too)4) Sewing! (you could sew clothes and bags and keyrings etc)5) Learn a new language. Duolingo is a great site with languages like Dutch, Danish, German, Italian etcHope these helped! :)...Show more

Filiberto Amauty: ...paper crafts? I don't mean childis! h easy-cheesy crafts with cut-and-glue, but nice useful/decorative crafts, and if possible with mechanics =D

Ardath Templer: Snail mailing is so fun!!! Get a letter from friends around the world. Just do some research online about how to go about starting it up. U might receive some foreign tea or something:)

Bruno Galasso: try drama classes I go 2 a local one

Susan Rambo: One of the most fun hobbies ( In my opinion ) is collecting. Whether you want to collect coins, antiques, vintage video games, or anything of the sort, I highly suggest collecting.

Eulah Hugill: So have you decided on any more? If more young people like you asked and searched for activities like this instead of the usual online stuff!

Jeannetta Gaffigan: i know this is not what you were asking for but on ducktapeclub.com you can find instructions on how to make many of things out of duck tape, like wallets, glasses case, folders and even more. Plus you can get colorful duct t! ape in like 12 colors at hobby lobby.

Anibal Scheid: Do what Keir! a Knightley does - collect hobbies!

Russ Kiernan: sleeping

Carolin Southers: Gamer Girl!

Maynard Reevers: Paint/ photography

Kip Ockenfels: Try writing a book or fan fiction.

Karl Samiec: A Squier (by Fender) might be a good choice. There are other guitars in the same price range and quality, but I'm familiar with Squier, that's why I'm recommending it. Stay away for the Squier Bullet though. You might want to try a pawn shop or a store that sells used instruments so you can get a guitar AND an amp that fits your budget. Take a look at Craigslist too. I've made some very respectable purchases on Craigslist....Show more

Maye Delk: For my christmas i want to make my boyfriend a christmas stocking with the chargers on it. how hard is that to sew? im a beginner? should i get a book? what kind of materials do i need? thanks.

Arlen Lopiccalo: Here is a pattern and instructions for a classic stocking:http://jas.familyfun.go.com/arts-and-cr! afts?page=C...You could also use felt for this project. For the Charger logo, find the logo and either paint it on with fabric paint or use the image as a pattern, print it out and cut out from the matching color fabric. You could sew it on, use Heat n Bond (careful not to melt the fabric), use a fabric glue or dimension fabric paint....Show more

May Stands: Do whatever you like. Enjoy every second of this precious Life.

Will Camus: Learn morse code or sigh language! You can learn them via youtube.Other ideas:-scrapbooking-painting-blogging-vlogging-DIY things-gardening-photography-baking-watching movies-reading magazines-sudoku-cross word puzzles-learning a new langauge on youtube-swimming-sports!...Show more

Faustino Mellerson: Here is a link for quilling which has made a comeback. It was popular in Victorian times also.

Virgil Loatman: aw, a stocking. that's so sweet. I got nothing on the sewing thing tho.

Rosalia Hibler: ....get a boyfrien! d...he'll keep you busy...

Germaine Tieken: Have you checked out ! "paper modeling" which can be quite sophisticated:http://www.google.com/images?q=paper+modelingOr the various kinds of kirigami?http://www.google.com/images?q=kirigamiYou can do loads of things with papier mache too (from small to huge), and if you use a sturdy frame underneath you can make quite strong pieces too. Artists use it all the time to make lots of different types of things.You might want to be more specific about what you have in mind that's a "useful paper craft with mechanics." Not sure at all what that means.(And actually, most all those things mentioned above, even the complicated sophisticated ones, do use "cuttting and gluing.")HTH,Diane B....Show more

Star Gollnick: I would use a stencil or pre-made patch to put the Chargers symbol or logo on the stocking.I put a link to a how to it has no pictures.I found a Charger stencil that can be printed out and copied onto stencil material.Check with someone in the hobby store to see how to go about paintin! g the logo on your material.You will want to know your fabric and what type of paint to use on the fabric.There is some really nice fabric paints out...Michael's has a good selection of tulip brand paints which you might be able to use on the stocking....Show more

Shelley Stevens: It all really depends on what you'd enjoy doing but;- Learn a new language- Drawing- Painting- Get a pen pal- Photography (Could literally be of anything, or something in particular) - Blog- Writing- Get an app like "MeetMe" on your phone or use their website and socialize.These are just some off the top of my head, i'm sure there's many many more....Show more

Derick Kinnard: Vaping.I would use non nicotine if not a smoker...They have great tasty flavors from cereal, martini, banana foster, and Carmel machiatto... ;)I don't know your preference...(It's also a great outlet if your having a bad day!)They usually are super inexpensive for a unmodified kit and Ejuice runs around $15 for to! p tier juice like Cosmic Fog......Show more

Cody Petrulis: Sex

Loise Mausser: Try the Craftstylish website. They have all sorts of crafts listed there with tutes or videos. I just watched one this morning about using magazine pages to make paper flowers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

we had a bathrm remodeled & now have brown water coming from only the tub faucet nowhere else...?

Hipolito Rightmire: call plumber

Bob Nakamoto: is there jets in it?

Freeman Rutkin: hmmm. rust in the lines?

Wally Perrien: Plumbing in the Home - Home Improvement/Repair - Home/Garden ...Q: When we turn on any hot water faucet, a humming noise starts. ...... Brown Hot Water in Tub Only, 6/3/2007. Q: We just purchased a home built in 1954. ...... Q: I had my bathroom remodeled 8 months ago. I have a shower/tub combination. ... is affected whenever anyone uses water anywhere else in the house. ...

Timmy Bustard: As you might know, the return on investment for remodeling a bathroom is between 80-90%! That means that remodeling your bathroom is almost free?! Well not quite, but with such a great return monetarily, take the opportunity to remodel your old and outdated bathroom into the bathroom of your dreams.View pictures of newly renovated bathrooms completed by CalFinder bathroom contractors by selecting a category below. We've broken down the gall! ery into a number of helpful categories to get ideas from including small bathroom, tile, cabinets and sinks.If your already interested in receiving bathroom remodel quotes, feel free to enter your details in our form. Oh and in case your wondering, CalFinder is a free service dedicated to helping you get estimates and connect with reputable bathroom contractors....Show more

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

decorating gingerbread?

Marvel Mcaulay: Use an icing bag and tip and decorate it before you put it together.

Melvin Nakama: take some lessons from a pro, or draw a design and try to copy it onto the cookie.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Do you have to use baby laundry detergent for a newborn's clothing?

Asa Soho: as long as the heat isn't on I don't see why not

Jodie Capella: If it is bath tub warm then I say go for it but I would make sure it was not any warmer than that. Bath tub warm or less is the perfect temp to introduce a baby to play in the water.

Serita Hefferon: No you don't have to. Baby detergent is just more gentle. Some babies are very sensitive to regular detergent. I have also heard of moms using their normal detergent and then rinsing babies clothing twice to help with sensitive skin.

Demetrius Coaster: no, the baby detergent is really just about identical to a 'free and clear' or hypoallergenic, sometimes with a 'baby scent' added. i used all free and clear with no issues with my newborn. if you are extremely worried or have an extremely sensitive baby, add an extra rinse cycle.using a regular scented detergent can cause a rash or skin irritation , sometimes!

Berry Gilmore: No problem, just make sure your chlorine and other! levels are ok. It's better if the chlorine levels are a bit on the low side. As long as the water is like bathwater there's no worries. Make sure you give her a bath afterwards to wash off germs and any chemical residue.

Jonathan Schlussel: The price and the scare tactics on new parents? That's the only difference I see.I never have used baby detergent. What's the point if they are going to be using regular stuff eventually anyway? I don't agree with giving in to the "special" must-have products designed to make more money when they aren't neccessary. If you just use a regular detergent that is free & clear, you should be good. And this is coming from someone with skin allergies, baby detergents are not needed....Show more

Inell Riesgo: The difference is price! As long as you use a mild detergent, you're fine. The only time you need to use "baby detergent" is if they have extra sensitive skin.http://babyproducts.about.com/od/preparingforbaby/...http://ww! w.natural-moms.com/baby_laundry_detergent...http://www.babytob! ee.com/articles/Laundry-Time.htmhttp://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/wha/wha_laundry_pep...Here's a few sites with some useful information. I hope it helps....Show more

Emile Okafor: Well I my baby is not born yet...but when I was little my mom always used DREFT detergent. Seems to be the best for babies. That is what I will be using when I have mine in January.

Delora Struzzi: Let baby feed himself.Check out:http://www.borstvoeding.com/voedselintroductie/vas..."Babies who are allowed to feed themselves tend to accept a wide range of food. This is probably because they have more than just the flavour of the food to focus on â€" they are experiencing texture, colour, size and shape as well. In addition, giving babies food separately, or in a way which enables them to separate them for themselves, enables them to learn about a range of different flavours and textures. And allowing them to leave anything they appear not to like will encourage them to be prepared to try ! new things.The opposite appears to be true for a baby who is spoon fed, especially if food are presented as purees containing more than one flavour. In this situation the baby has no way of isolating any flavour he doesn’t like and will tend to reject the whole meal. Since his parents can only guess which food is causing the problem, they risk more food rejection until they track it down. In the meantime, the baby learns not to trust food and the range of food he will accept can become severely limited. This can lead to his overall nutrition being compromised. Offering food separately, but together on the same plate, allows the baby to make his own decisions about mixing flavours..."Google "baby-led weaning" for more.

Fritz Sisomphou: As long as the heat is off and you do not put her head anywhere near the water she should be fine. Not so much for drowning- but because of the chemicals used in hot tubs. Even if you had the heat on and it was under the normal tempera! ture, around 90 degrees, she should be ok. Babies LOVE water, and under! a supervised condition can have a lot of fun!

Cuc Gire: If the heat is not on I don't see how it could do any harm as long as she is supervised. I say go for it. Sounds like fun.

Rosalba Lingner: Yes... I highly recommend buying baby laundry detergent... the soap we use are okay for adults.. but since babies skin are so sensitive... there are specially formulated soaps that are gentle enough to treat their skin

Antwan Schrum: It doesnt have to be baby detergent. Dreft, for example is super $$. I used All free and clear. It just doesnt have any dyes in it. Babies have really sensitive skin and regular detergents can break them out. I bought one bottle of the All free and clear and once it was gone I washed my daughters clothes with ours. She never had a problem. I wouldnt do it at first though just because of how fragile their skin can be.

Donnell Mollo: I would use dreft, it's hypoallergenic and safe for babies. They may have an allergy that you d! on't know of.

Sunshine Holets: No you dont have to use baby detergent. I think the baby is made for sentivtive skin on newborns but regular detergent has ones as well.

Olin Hallin: You don't have to use baby laundry detergent. It's costly and really is no better for them. Use a detergent that does not have dyes or perfumes such as All Free and Clear until your baby is older. Some dyes and perfumes cause allergic reactions (hives) and an older child could handle the effects much better than a new baby (if something were to occur).

Donte Schoenhals: If the heat isn't on, and it's just as warm as her bath water, why not? I'm sure thats fun for her, i would do the same with my baby if i had a hot tub, lucky you!

Coleman Ocegueda: You do not have to use "baby" detergent. You can buy anything that says "free" on it. Regular detergents are full of perfumes and dyes and those can irritate sensitive skin. "Free" means that they have taken most of the p! er fums and dyes out and are less likely to irritate the skin. Putting! "baby" on the box just means that they can charge more.

Arlene Maycumber: Try smooth pureed food with no lumps. And if the baby has any teeth try finger foods. Some babies like to be independent.

Gus Leiby: If she's choking she absolutely is not in a position for them. Did you already know that till they're yr historical that solids are just for train?? Until 1yr of age an toddlers #a million nutrients supply is breastmilk/system. Always present the milk first after which solids in any other case she would possibly not obtain the right nutrients.

Carolynn Testani: I've always used regular detergent and haven't had any effects what so ever....if your baby has very sensitive skin or allergies I would use the baby detergent.

Heidy Fujikake: yeah you have to. since the regular detergent (Since regular detergent contains harsh ingredients) can irritate your baby's skin. Baby detergent is not as concentrated and it doesn't have much of a fragrance but i! t will not harm your baby in any way as regular detergent would.

Donnell Nocella: Try normal detergent on a few items and see if they break out. It their skin stays clear then go ahead and use reg detergent. This way, you can wash everyone's clothes together. My son got a rash when I tried reg detergent and I even have to use dove baby to wash him with (has no scent or color). Actually, I can't even use baby laundry detergent that smells like baby powder...i have to use stuff with no color or scent.

Ayesha Genova: No you don't but you might want to find laundry detergents that don't have any scents in them and use fabrich softners without added scents as well.

Jen Maday: You don't need to use baby laundry detergent its not acquired.Also there is no difference baby detergent MIGHT be safer if swallowed thats about it.

Madlyn Fallis: i want to take her in the hot tub with me, the heat is not on so its more like a swimming pool. I put her feet in the! other day and she loved it, the water was actually about as warm as I ! put her bath water. bad idea???

Fred Caminita: no..as long as you never leave her alone of course. ilive by the beach and was taking my daughter during the summer when the water is warm when she was 4 months. she loved to be in the water andits so cute watching them learn to swim at such an early age. just keep her safe and it will be fine

Marcelle Vanlith: baby

Sharee Doak: it should be ok as long as she reacts fine to the chemicals and she doesnt get ANY of the water in her mouth. And please keep the heat off!!!

Ron Keliipio: if you can find it, there is an Australian product called "napisan", Australians call them nappies not diapers.it is amazing how well it gets those "soiled" parts of babies clothing clean by simply soaking in a bucket. plus it is gentle enough to use on many clothes & is antibacterial. i got some for my American wife & she loves it. to my chagrin she complains to me about not being able to find an American made product th! at works as well & is always bugging me to order more. i get it from australian catalog company which imports lots of Aussie stuff....Show more

Arlen Hamper: Not a bad idea. Just make sure you are holding her at all times and give her a bath afterwards...the chlorine in the water may irritate her skin. If you are going in the day make sure to put sunscreen on her and I recommend getting the swimmer diapers so she doesn't pee in the hot tub.

Natalya Sydney: Try and try again. Just use smooth pureed foods, instead of lumps. Like stage 2.

Jed Mutone: its ok not to,but u have to make sure the clothes are rinsed REALLY well. its just not good for a newborns skin to touch the harsh chemicals that are in regular deterget, and the newborn detergent is just gentler on them.

Son Ahlers: lol well ok then...troll

Arden Strachn: not ready. don't force it. just don't feed him/her lumpy foods and stick to other stuff. work it in by little bits in a few weeks.! eating solids and trying new stuff should be fun. never let a child cr! y over food. just try again later. solids are to be introduced AFTER 6 mos and then just introductory for the first year (experimenting) not for nourishment :-) hope that helps

Caterina Yeargan: You will have MANY women tell you that they just used their regular laundry detergent and didn't have problems. I certainly can't disagree with their results. However, there have been plenty of doctors who have seen the results when there are problems.I recommend using either Dreft or All Free and Clear as the likelihood of problems is far less. Don't feel that you can only wash the baby's clothes. Put the baby stuff in there and then fill up with your own shirts. Dreft is more expensive, but surprisingly, cost less at my local grocery store than at Walmart, so do check pricing.Also, avoid using dryer sheets. I can't even take those, I get a terrific rash where the skin is thinnest (wrists, neck, face). I use Downy on some things, but for the most part, I stopped using ! any of that stuff....Show more

Nancy Mansell: There are fewer irritants and chemicals in baby laundry detergent. But you could just use a "free" version of adult detergent that is made for people with skin allergies. The reason is that baby skin is so thin and sensitive in those first 6 months especially.

Aldo Decurtis: You don't have to; however, Baby detergent is usually dye and perfume free, so there are less things that could affect your child.You can also just buy any detergent that is dye and perfume free. All, Cheer, and Arm and Hammer make several good ones.

Darren Heling: baby detergent has more chemicals that are safer for the baby's skin. since most baby's skin is very sensitive it will ensure that there is no chafing or rash because of the clothing. i would recommend you use it

Arlene Maycumber: He may not be ready for solid foods yet. Maybe wait a few weeks and retry. A baby doesn't actually need anything but formula/breastmilk until t! hey are 1 year old.

Chris Coggins: In the beginning I did - but t! hen I got lazy and nothing happened. If you're worried - just run your clothes through an extra rinse and you'll be fine. Another option is getting the All Free and Clear.

Alecia Kaehler:

Hilton Paiva: Nope, I have used regular detergent since day one with no problems.Some people switch if their babies have sensitive skin.I'd start with whatever you currently use and switch if baby has a problem with it

Rodolfo Merel: we use dreft...our daughter has mild eczema so we use it to be on the safe side...I also like All free and clear because it is free of dyes and perfumes.

Comment copier et coller des livres Google

Comment copier et coller des livres Google

p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment faire une capture d’écran d’un livre de Google Books, et transcrire automatiquement le texte du livre dans un document Google Docs, en utilisant un navigateur Internet de bureau.

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

anyone hate doing laundry?

Roland Stampley: Lol I h8 laundry

Jannie Ariola: You really don't have to bleach every time

Caleb Chapman: depends on the day. And i typically bleach every other load or every third load

Nona Lentini: I hate carrying it downstairs...but love the finished product...that's because it ALL comes out so awesome...no stains, fresh smelling, bright whites, bright colors...no dinginess, no left-over residual stains...I use ONLY Tide (or Gain detergent has enzymes, too) and ALWAYS add 1 packet of Tide Stain Release Booster. Never have to worry about chlorine bleach again. I'm amazed at this product! Note: coming soon to stores is new Tide Pods....packets that contain detergent, stain booster, and brightener all in one....for any size load...for ANY wash temp...even cold (this product available only in USA for now they said)...I sent for my free sample and can''t wait to try it! I also add fabric softener (Downy with the Tide...Gain ones for the Gain) and for the ! Tide ones, I include fragrant crystals from either Downy Unstopables or Purex Crystals...my laundry is a pleasure to fold and put away. I highly recommend these products. (Especially that Tide Booster packet... incredible results)...Show more

Maria Bengston: laundry ain't that bad. but bleach will wear out your clothes really quickly, so best not to bleach every time. especially your favourite items!

Jess Grizzel: I hate laundry. There are 5 people in our family and I do laundry everyday. The only thing I bleach every time is socks and I was them by themselves.

how offten did you clean your bath tub?


Elfreda Grossen: I usually run the bath tap and use a sponge to rub down all the area's on the bath perhaps using some bubble bath. I do this before and after every bath and don't normally need to clean it any other time.

Kara Tabian: once a week, i use powder ajax or similar, but dont mix with bleach the fumes are toxic

Gladys Worthing: Once a week, with whatever cheap deqreaser I have at the time.

Jonelle Eligio: I clean my bathtub probably every 4 uses, but if nobody has taken a bath for a while I clean it before using it to get out the dust and other particles. I use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, it works really well and gets the tub spotless. (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser comes in a lot of things- you can clean anything in your house with the right type). You can use the sponge or the spray. For bathtubs, though, I prefer the sponge.

Kristina Brockwell: I clean my bathtub once every ! week to keep tub more slipperyI use, i forgot

Michal Semple: Every two weeks, or whenever it needs to be cleaned.I use that Comet powder stuff, lol.

Hal Rouse: Well, i clean my bathtub every week :D usually the weekends is better. I use a-jax its the best stuff. and a broom i know weird but its great cause its a big burush :D hoped it helped.

Marco Stolarz: Bon Ami non scratching powder works well. I like to give it a wipe down with regular Lysol solution in warm water once in a while, to get the germs out and clean off the chrome. Do the regular tub cleaning about once a week.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Why is taking a public health approach important to achieve health equity?

Keven Woodington: The religious beliefs and customs have restricted many of the forbidden actions like developing illegal sexual relations, drinking alcohol and eating good food.More you got here: http://www.knowswhy.com/why-is-public-health-impor...

How do I get an xray license to become a dental assistant? How much does it cost?  

How do I get an xray license to become a dental assistant? How much does it cost?  

answers 0:How do I get an xray license to become a dental assistant? How much does it cost?answers 1:Check with you state's department of consumer affairs, which usually handles professional licensing issues. You could also try googling 'dental assistant certification' and your state and find out what's needed.answers 2:If your in Illinois there is a state department called Illinois Department of Finance

Friday, August 14, 2020

what is health insurance?

Luis Mellon: Health Insurance pays for medical expenses and is sometimes essential for covering disability and long term custodial care requirements. Health insurance policies where you pay the premium to get assured help in case of high or unexpected healthcare expenses in the future. When choosing these plans make sure that these features are well defines such as Coverage, Co-Payments, Coinsurance, Deductibles, Pre-existing conditions/scenario, and limitations on the devices, drugs and your access to the specialists....Show more

Long Woltjer: Hi dear!Health insurance is basically the insurance against loss by illness or bodily injury. It provides coverage for medicine, visits to the doctor or emergency room, hospital stays and other medical expenses.Health insurance policies differ in what they cover, the size of the deductible and/or co-payment, limits of coverage and the options for treatment available to the policyholder.Health insurance can be directly purch! ased by an individual, or it may be provided through an employer. Medicare and Medicaid are programs which provide health insurance to elderly, disabled, or un-insured individuals.There are a number of companies which provide private health insurance, including» Aviva India » ICICI Pru life» ICICI Lombard » Bharti AXA Life» Future Generali » SBI Life You can take more information about health insurance here also......Show more

Rose Krouse: I suppose it depends on the country where you live. My country has a national health system which is being very stretched but we can still get treatment on nhs. We pay contributions towards it during our working lives it comes of our earnings per ratio. To get sometimes immediate treatment we would have to go "private" which is costly. Then I might think about health insurance. Again I cannot help you much as it has never arisen for me. The advantage of having a computer is you can "google"health insurance and! see what it comes up with. Sorry can't help you much....Show ! more

Refugio Gastineau: Think of Health insurance as if everybody is throwing money in a giant bucket in case someone gets sick. So if someone gets sick that person will be able to use not only the money they put into the bucket, but also the money other people put in the bucket to pay the doctors (Its A community money bucket =). )... However the holder of the bucket (the insurance companies) wants there cut since they have the burden to watch the bucket and guard the money (understandable)... However in recent times the bucket holder has gotten exponentially greedier over time, and therefore they deny people from collecting money from the bucket o' money. But they don't deny access because there is not enough money in the bucket, NO they deny access to keep they're wallets fat... Alot of companies abuse the power we have given them. This is especially true when it comes to health insurance.... But not all companies are that bad, (but there are a quite a few). Its! just now a days you have to do your homework in order to not get ripped off... Sorry about my little rant i just had to get that out...Show more

Cómo cambiar la fecha y la hora en Windows Vista

Cómo cambiar la fecha y la hora en Windows Vista

En el cuadro de diálogo Fecha y hora que aparece, haga clic en Cambiar zona horaria si desea cambiar la zona horaria. En el cuadro de diálogo Configuración de la zona horaria, seleccione la nueva zona horaria, especifique si desea que la hora se ajuste al horario de verano y haga clic en Aceptar. Haga clic en Aceptar para guardar.

Utilice las flechas izquierda y derecha para desplazarse hasta el mes actual en el cuadro de diálogo Configuración de fecha y hora. Haga clic en la fecha de hoy.

Haga clic en el botón «Cambiar fecha y hora» si la información es incorrecta. Si tiene activado el Control de cuentas de usuario, debería ver un escudo con cuatro colores diferentes junto a él.

Corrija la hora haciendo clic en la hora, el minuto o el segundo que necesite corregir. Escriba un nuevo valor o utilice las flech! as de desplazamiento para establecer el valor. Para guardar, haga clic en Aceptar.

Haga clic en el botón Inicio, que se encuentra en la esquina inferior izquierda de la pantalla del equipo. En las barras de búsqueda, escriba «fecha» en el cuadro de búsqueda, aparecerán los resultados de la búsqueda. Haga clic en la Fecha y hora para mostrar el cuadro de diálogo Fecha y hora.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Is it me or does almost everyone woman who types something in Women's health think that their pregnant?

Elvie Drumgoole: I'm pregnant

Sol Allphin: iknow but kids these days see so many teenagers on tv and celebrities young and pregnant they get worried.

Adelle Weight: It's because freaking 12 year olds are fooling around these days. And it's messed up. But it's because of all the exposure they are getting from the media, tv, movies, music that has sex all over it.. So you've got these kids going on here freaking out that they're pregnant..When they prob haven't even had sex ed yet. It's sad really.

Kimberlee Bowdish: Totally agree!Or they are like..."what is this dischage??" and the majorirty of the time it is just ovulation.

Joel Feagler: I each from time to time hassle approximately that too. that's not ALL that undesirable with the aid of fact no person knows who we are in existence, have been we live ( in specific ), what we in specific look like, and so on. yet i'm specific their are adult males on right here who want to earnings approximately! women human beings issues too, that's what I did once I first joined, i might circulate to the different well being sections and are available across new issues. Then i understand their are those insane creeps who merely want to invade women human beings's privateness, it extremely is why i'm happy that yahoo does not placed too lots of our advice on your public profile....Show more

Mitsuko Manne: Nail on the head!! Thank you!!!

Rosalyn Olivera: i haven't had a period in 20 months, i think i'm pregnant

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Digital optical audio or HDMI?

Raleigh Lufkin: If you send your audio out of the optical audio from your tv, it will not send the audio in true surround mode. Weird to hear that being that it is optical, but its true. Check in your manual. As long as your receiver isnt a pass through for your HDMI, then you can run them all into there and get DTS-HD and ProLogic HD through the HDMI, as they are the only cables that can send sound in HD (providing that your receiver has this play mode) If your receiver is a pass through, then you will need to send your video through HDMI for each source, and optical/coax for your audio, as some lower end (under $500) receivers cant accept audio through HDMI....Show more

Rheba Cockman: Well, unless you want to route everything--including picture as well as sound--through your surround system, your best bet is to hook all your HDMIs to your tv and then use the optical out cables FROM your tv TO your receiver. Cheaper, too because you're not paying for extra HDMIs yo! u don't need.

Romana Stiman: You cant get carry of Dolby digital genuine HD or DTS HD grasp audio and different encoding formats by way of an optical cable. This does no longer mater in case you had an older receiver that would not help those formats. yet while your equipment dose help those formats opt for HDMI. With an older receiver you have your Blue-Ray participant decode the audio and deliver it as liner pcm if so it wont mater in case you utilize HDMI or Optical

Christiane Cattano: You'll want to connect everything directly to the receiver and then run one HDMI out to the TV. Or, if they are able to, you could connect your HD components via HDMI directly to the TV for the video and send the audio separately to the receiver. Anything with HD audio (TrueHD, DTS-HD) would need to be sent with an HDMI cable. Optical can handle standard definition 5.1 surround.

Comment utiliser le radeau dans la légende de Zelda

Comment utiliser le radeau dans la légende de Zelda

p>Rafts, comme dans le monde réel, sont de petits bateaux en bois que l’on peut contourner dans la franchise Legend of Zelda. Votre personnage principal peut monter à bord de ces bateaux pour traverser des rivières rapides ou aller d’une île à l’autre. Les radeaux sont assez simples à utiliser et très faciles à s’habituer une fois que vous l’essayez pour la première fois.

Dirigez-vous vers votre destination. Une fois à bord du radeau, appuyez sur la touche A de votre manette pour vous déplacer vers l’avant, et utilisez les touches fléchées directionnelles pour vous déplacer vers la direction que vous voulez suivre. Cela s’applique à la fois à la légende de Zelda et à Oracle of Season.

Descendez du radeau. Une fois que vous trouvez un autre quai ou que vous arrivez à ! la fin de la randonnée, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de sauter du radeau en vous dirigeant vers la terre ferme et c’est fini.

Descendez du radeau. Une fois arrivé à destination, sautez ou marchez simplement sur la terre ferme pour sortir du radeau en toute sécurité.

Trouvez un quai. Les radeaux ne peuvent pas être utilisés n’importe où ; il faut trouver des quais qui permettent l’accès aux plans d’eau.

Trouvez un radeau. Les radeaux ne sont pas disponibles dans tous les jeux Zelda. Pour les versions en environnement 2D, il n’est disponible que sur les emplacements suivants :

Montez sur le radeau. Il suffit de sauter sur le radeau pour monter à bord. Notez que si certains radeaux sont sans équipage, d’autres sont gardés par des Bokoblins ou des monstres pirates. Tuez ces ennemis d’abord avec votre épée avant de monter à bord des radeaux.

Mettez les voiles. Une fois sur le radeau, appuyez sur le bouton « A »! de votre manette de jeu pour mettre les voiles et commencer Ã!   bouger. Utilisez les touches fléchées directionnelles ou le joystick pour vous déplacer dans la direction où vous allez.

Montez sur le radeau. Une fois que vous avez trouvé le socle, approchez-le et ouvrez le menu de votre élément en appuyant sur le bouton Démarrer. Sélectionnez le radeau dans la liste des articles que vous avez et il sera placé sur l’eau. Cela s’applique à la fois à la légende de Zelda et à Oracle of Season.

Trouvez un radeau. Wind Waker est la seule version Zelda 3D où vous pourrez faire du rafting. On trouve des radeaux presque partout dans le jeu. Pour en obtenir un, il vous suffit de vous rendre au bord de n’importe quelle île où vous vous trouvez et vous en verrez un flotter près de la rive.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How is a nurse practitioner visit in a mental health office covered under insurance?

Clare Hoard: It depends on the doctor she's working for - if it's a general practicioner, it's just a regular doctor visit. If it's related to your mental health issue or your meds, or she's working under the supervision of the psychiatrist, it's specialty.

Gilberto Cratin: actually, it all depends on your coverage. read your literature. under many plans they do not qualify as a mental health provider.

Lia Argall: READ your policy. We are not psychic.

Cómo desactivar las notificaciones de Skype en un iPhone

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Monday, August 10, 2020

Does circumcision really cut men’s risk of infection by 60 percent or more?

Kaley Lappas: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/the-lay-scientis...

Clare Hoard: (Suggested category: Cars & Transportation > Safety)

Aubrey Tirri: ______I used the term "unnattractive" as a presumption that the woman feels herself to be unnattractive.

Von Houskeeper: absolutely fine.................

Herma Ellebrecht: Who knows if it does or not....medical advice is...well it depends on the contextAnyway its still a choice for the men...even if a badly informed one.....like the rest of lifeIt comes down to the same old same old...an unknown but 'possible' terrible future might happen if he/you/we dont do X,Y,Zor just carry on and see what heppens but if you ignore government medical advice we can question your sanity and competence to raise kids...Show more

Dionna Doyel: -- Easier to be persuaded by another person. Are unnattractive easier to talk into doing things to appease others?

Bailey Lares: Maybe in countries where there are few! er facilities for washing, standards of hygiene are low, STIs are rife and barrier contraception isn't available or widely considered socially acceptable. Even given these factors, the figures sound really steep to me but then again I don't have any medical expertise

Dick Baumgarten: Yes, if you can convince them that you think that they are attractive. Why? It's in the basic human nature to be yearn to be accepted.I don't mean it as an insult. Every human being has this need to be accepted/acceptable.

Rheba Cockman: No no...like I am dating him, we're just not in a relationship...we are sleeping together...

Alane Antes: I certainly haven't heard of any evidence to suggest that circumcision minimises the risk of infections by as much as 60 percent, which is a huge amount, considering how many un-infected un-circumcised males there are in the world...I was circumcised, but still, it's no skin off my nose......Show more

Eulah Hugill: Maybe he doesn't s! hare your humour? You say you are seeing, as in you like eacho! ther?Maybe he thinks your joke means you aren't interested and he's hurt.

Cody Petrulis: The basis of that claim is three trials they did in Africa. They circumcised a total of 5,400 men and made a similar number wait (the control group). After less than two years, 60 of the circumcised had HIV, and 137 of the non-circumcised. The difference between those two is about 60% of the larger number. That is the WHOLE basis of the claim. But in absolute terms, it's a reduction from 2.5% to 1.2%, or 1.3%.But there are several problems with the claim. They didn't trace the men's sexual contacts, so they have no idea how many, if any, of those men got HIV through their penises. (If they didn't circumcision couldn't have made any difference, of course.) They assumed that all transmission was (hetero)sexual, when we know that a lot isn't. The circumcised men were told to wait for six months after their operations, or to wear condoms if they couldn't wait. The control groups were ! given no such instruction. Several times as many men dropped out of the trials, their HIV status unknown, as got infected, so it's quite possible that circumcision made no difference. (Getting HIV when you'd had a painful and marking operation to prevent it would sour men on the trials, making those men more likely to drop out than others.) In 10 ouf of 18 countries for which USAID has figures, more of the circumcised men have HIV than the non-circumcised.One trial started to show that circumcising men INcreased the HIV risk to women, but they cut that trial short before it could be confirmed. (They didn't WANT to find anything the matter with circumcising.)...Show more

Idell Mulliniks: Send him another just in case 'Hi. Is your b*tch feeling better? Did you f**k the dog from blockbuster? hehe :P'

Elli Esaw: Your question presupposes you only look at people superficially.You reveal more about yourself (or lack of self) than you do about women

Melvin Nakama! : because they don't have @ssets or valuethe entire value of a woman li! es in her face, breasts and @ss. without these only her personality is left which is bound to get trumped by the other factorsserious question for womenhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200903...

Keven Woodington: Joe - lol - Im uncircumcised and Ive never had any infection either.

Marcellus Exler: there was a famous american 19th century architect who, upon discovering his new bride actually had hair somewhere on her body besides her head, refused to continue with the marriage, became an atheist, and went a little crazy. his thinking was that God made men with hair, and women without. in his conservative culture, he had no clue to the contrary. the fact that he was wrong was more than his ideallic mind could handle.that being said there are still cultures where this same belief is held. that if it was meant for man to have hair; then women should be the opposite. there are religions that mandate just that; men should have hair, everywhere possibl! e (i.e. beards and so on), and women should not.i believe society's (or media as you say) ideals do affect people's perceptions. the empirical evidence we have on the matter suggests that just a mere 30-40 years ago hair-down-there was in. i mean the razor was certainly around in the 70's, people apparently just didn't use em. is it coincidence that most went one way, and now most go the other?...Show more

Andra Oger: I think your text was rude.

Virgilio Echter: Rofl...I think you should have posted in the suggested category...The responses would likely have been just as interesting...maybe more so - likely a different crowd.:pNo right or wrong in my opinion...a matter of preference.Marketing influences everything -we are inundated from birth.However, I think it's just as much a matter of aesthetics and sensations as a couple of others mentioned. Personally, I LOVE oral, lol, but there's nothing more distracting than hair wrapped around my tongue or tooth, a! nd I don't like distractions, SO give me shaved or trimmed...My guy is ! the same, but, lol, he likes variety, so sometimes he wants me to let it grow...so he gets all 3, shaved, trimmed, and natural...depending on the mood.The question going through my mind right now is this paraphrase of your question above, lol, is a GROIN, in and of itself, shaved, trimmed, or natural, genuinely sexually attractive?:p...Show more

Denna Prudente: My answer is a question. Persuaded to do what? Psychology and social principles are very broad. It could cover everything from throwing yourself off a cliff in the front of an advancing enemy circa WWII or accepting a business contract. The question is so vague that any attempt to give a reasonable answer is impossible.

Filiberto Amauty: I like how you think. Personally, I think it should be a personal choice. I shave mine simply because I prefer the look. I sort of live in the past, I went through puberty too early in my opinion, and I prefer things to be the way they used to be (I know, I'm a loser).! So I shave my pubic hair. I don't do it for anybody except me. I don't have a boyfriend, never have, so it's not like I'm trying to please anybody else. I also feel much more hygienic down there. It's easier to clean, and there's no hair to trap odor....Show more

Lahoma Beadell: I find it hard to believe anyone would actually believe it does. Since they started that circ program in Africa the rate of HIV has jumped, and study after study has shown that it's higher for circumcised men, and some studies show it's higher in their partners by up to 6%. I hope the WHO come to their senses soon and put a stop to this. Or the UN intervenes or something. The UN is there, so why don't they do something useful? And yes, in countries where foreskins are normal most people are bewildered by the thought that foreskins could cause problems like infections, phimosis etc like they see in the US where a lot of guys were forcibly retracted....Show more

Amina Motzer: Yeah, w! hen I try to post questions, just about all my questions are directed, ! by default, to either the Gay & Lesbian area or to Travel>Barcelona, and I don't know why (often I'll ask about touch up paint for my motor vehicle and I'll be directed to post in the gay & lebsian section, when all I'm looking to find out what the serial number is for a given colour of paint for my car).Anyhow, I think there's too much talk about how people who find trimmed or shaved pubic hair on a lady, myself included, to be evidence of some deep-seated paedophilia. I find this attractive in porn and in real life because it's hygienic and it's a matter of preference. Lot's of guys like girls with plenty of bush, whatever, to each his own.I think the same standard should go for guys, in other words guys whould keep themselves trimmed or they should see what the lady likes and if she likes it trimmed more or less then a compromise can be reached (I don't think it's a big deal).Certainly, there's something inherently attractive about appearing youthful, but this talk abo! ut how men who like women with little to no pubic hair are somehow paedophilic is a huge stretch, imho....Show more

Jacques Teri: Gullible women are easier to persuade.Serious question;Do you think that this person wants gay sex and won't admit it?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...

Elden Bardach: As a pediatric nurse who has assisted in over a thousand circumcisions: YESMale circumcision decreases the risk of infection because it permanently removes the foreskin which otherwise provides a perfect breeding ground for the festering of harmful bacteria and virusesIf the head of the penis is completely uncovered and free of the foreskin there is literally no where for harmful bacteria to breed and multiply. The foreskin traps in Urine, fecal matter, semen and sperm, blood, and other bodily fluids.So the concept is completely simple.....No foreskin, way less bacteria which cause infection....Show more

Hollis Demasters: yes. mostly b/c lots of men aren! 't taught to properly clean an uncircumcised penis. and those in Africa! arn't really clean to begin with. (mostly)

Particia Thorton: He may have been offended by you asking about effing the Blockbuster girl because he might actually like her, and doesn’t want you to diminish his own feelings for this girl.You could text him back and tell him you didn’t mean to be so crude, and that you were just trying to be funny. Then change the subject to something you two both like. Guys generally don't like to dwell on these subjects....Show more

Rana Rudell: If you would believe that shaved pubic areas are attractive for quasi-pedophilic reasons, then wouldn't you also have to accept the same for being clean shaven in the face, or women in the legs, or men waxed on their backs and chest, or..? ..well, the list would go on.While it's an interesting idea, I see no decent reason to assume that being more attracted to a shaved public region is any more pedophilic than being attracted to a shaved face or shaved legs or shaved arm pits. And! let me tell you, women do not want a man who has never shaved!As for the media thing, the media and the public are a two-way street. They affect eachother. The media essentially reflects the public via its interpretation and often with its own twist, but that twist is made by the part of the public in the media. In essence, the media's view is little other than the public's view with parts of it emphasized disproportionally....Show more

Foster Koopmann: Of course it's mostly media ideal. For most of human history, the idea of a two people getting naked and horizontal was totally titillating by itself, and the state of one's public hair--as long as it was clean and normal looking--was simply a non-issue.The practice of shaving down there DID come from pedophilia, and seems to have some pedophilic undertones I'm not comfortable with. I think that in general, society's idea of female beauty has become pre-pubescent with fake ****. There's a reason some of the highest! paid fashion models today are under 18...I'm not saying that shaving o! r not shaving is wrong. In a vacuum, it certainly doesn't matter to me. But it's part of a larger trend of cheapening sex into a beauty ritual funded by expensive products and a move away from emotional intimacy into the realm of nit-picky physical standards--that happen to also be a part of media/socialization and a disturbing trend of the demonizing of the adult female body and a worship of the extremely young female shape.The entire thing kind of grosses me out. Of course the media affects people's perceptions. To deny that is to say that corporations spend trillions of dollars a year on something that doesn't work....Show more

Raymundo Kyser: I wasn't sure about this, so I asked a close friend of mine who is an MD. She says that's not true when it comes to infections in general, but it is true when it comes to HIV infection in areas where there are a lot of HIV infections, such as sub-Saharan Africa.

Barrett Zheng: No.That's a generalization and it has no pl! ace within the bounds of psychology.Sociologically perhaps.But unlikely.It is infact quite possible that unnattractive women would be harder to persuade.

Ricardo Rozelle: If so, what is the reason behind this and what is the basic social/psychological principle at work?

Booker Moros: I don't find it at all attractive when hairless either, I think it's weird-looking and it would probably feel bad too.I'm guessing that guy just has that preference because it's what he's used to and has seen in porn etc. but who knows. I don't think it's necessarily paedophilic. Also, I think some people like it because they can see the areas better.I think a lot of people have this concept that smooth skin is "clean" and hair is "dirty" which isn't true because the hair keeps dirt out and if you shower daily it's fine it's not going to collect gunk or anything.LOL at the suggested category, that's just too funny! I don't get it at all.Harriet...Show more

Mayola Sylva: More t! han one hundred people a year die due to circumcision. And yet, it is s! till legal. ******* disgusting.

Sharee Doak: In my opinion trimming the undergrowth is the way forward. There's nowt wrong with a bit of pubes, we're all grown ups after all, but I feel it's more hygenic to keep it tidy.Shaving in my experience is a big no, it leads to razor burn which looks worse than the original hair... I think a Brazilian would be the best way to go if someone wanted to get rid of it completely, but from what I've heard I'm not sure that the pain justifies the results.Overly long pubic hair on men can interfere with oral sex and make the idea of it less appealing, so I think the occasional trim is the best method for both sexes....Show more

Dwight Siniard: If you dispose of the entire penis then you definately get rid of penile cancer absolutely. When you eliminate your dermis and make a false epidermis membrane to wrap round you then you could eliminate epidermis melanoma. Hell lets simply cut off anything that might ever get damage, broken! or diseased. Although it did via some wild hazard diminish penile melanoma rates (which melanoma researchers say that it would not. The reason why a better percent of intact men have penile cancer is because a bigger percent of guys within the warl are intact, and it is extra about tradition) it's still no longer a sensible proposal to circumcise accordingly. You don't simply reduce off things you could have an problem with. I guess if an grownup choses it, it can be their life and they are able to reside it as they selected. Nonetheless even though circumcision we could say delivered 5 years to a folks existence considering it used to be SOOO benifitial, father and mother nonetheless have absolutly no right or excellent ample cause to circumcise their youngsters. I still could be pissed at my mother and father for forcing it on me. It's my existence and my body so I make that option, now not them. -Connor...Show more

Debora Soliani: NO, it's a myth.If you're not bra! in dead and know the basic about hygiene then you don't need to cut up ! your body to make it "easier".

Helen Zafar: Persuaded to do what? I think people who can be talked into doing things generally aren't confident enough with their own thoughts, so go along with other people...

Star Gollnick: I'd say it had more to do with the overall level of hygiene. My son wasn't cut and he had little to no trouble. I envy him - I mean - I'm big, but he has an advantage.. unfair!

Valentine Michaud: The subject being pubic hair (can't say I didn't warn you).I was having a discussion with a close friend of mine the other day, and I happened to remark that the idea of a bald groin as attractive seemed very odd to me. While unkempt, unclean hair is of course a bit repelling, just like the hair on one's head, the solution is to keep it reasonably trimmed, clean, and neat, not to hack it all off. The idea of bald as attractive down there (particularly for women) has always struck me as a sort of natural product of the quasi-pedophilic sexu! al ideals marketed in advertising (what it's effectively doing is making the area resemble the way it was before puberty).This friend, who isn't typically one to buy into mass-marketed ideas of sexual attractiveness, kind of surprised me by disagreeing - he stated that he genuinely and independently was more sexually attracted to women who shaved that region.In any case, the question is, who's right, in your opinion? Is a hairless groin genuinely sexually attractive? Do media ideals affect people's perceptions on the matter?(Of course, while media image plays less into it, this question can be extended to people sexually oriented to prefer men, as well: is shaving/trimming genuinely attractive on male genitalia?)...Show more

Christopher Calcano: Don't freak out--he probably just hasn't checked his messages.

Caterina Yeargan: His dog has been sick and we were joking the other day about some girl that has a crush on him at blockbuster...I told him to go for it (! in a kidding way).So I texted 'Hi. Is your dog feeling better? Did you ! f**k the blockbuster girl? hehe :P'I was just trying to be funny and a little dirty (not act jealous or crazy), but since I havne't gotten a response, I'm starting to freak out about it. What do you think?...Show more

Barton Sease: Johno - LMAO!

Booker Moros: "genuinely and independently was more sexually attracted..."I don't think that anyone can claim total independence even when it comes to sexual attraction. Everyone is affected by the standards of beauty in society. Even those with uncommon fetishes often conform in other ways.I think that almost anything has the potential to be sexually attractive, if it's marketed right. But yeah, I think the media have a lot to do with it. However, I think the idea of innocence and youth (AKA prepubescence) as attractive has been around for a long time.I just googled "aphrodite painting" and found two nudes of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Notice there is no pubic hair on her, either:http://images.oneofakindantiq! ues.com/2218_w_kray_p...http://nigelnessling.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/1......Show more

Efren Clankscales: Joe - lol - Im uncircumcised and Ive never had any infection either.

Miguel Densley: "The idea of bald as attractive down there (particularly for women) has always struck me as a sort of natural product of the quasi-pedophilic sexual ideals marketed in advertising"Hey man! That is crazy. What's clean groin gotta do with pedophilia? So, men , like you from your pic, are clean shaven faced, and are following that female oriented pedophilia?

Melvin Nakama: Apparently circumcision does reduce the risk of infection. I'm circumcised and I've never had a any kind of penis infection before and I don't do anything special in terms of cleaning my thing.

Nelly Kikuchi: I'm a little confused...you say you're "seeing him" but not dating him? It sounds to me (though I could be wrong here) that you actually probably view your relationship with him as somet! hing more than just friendship. Could it be that he sensed a tone of j! ealousy in your text? (Regarding the crush he has on the other girl?) Hard to say...he may have taken it that way...texts aren't the best form of communication, but in this case, if I were him, I'd take your comment as not only made in jealousy but also with a hint of bitterness. Then again, maybe you didn't get a response because he's busy? Or maybe he's trying to figure out what you meant by the comment and doesn't know what to say?Edit: You're not dating him but you are sleeping together? (???) Could it be that maybe you actually have feelings for this guy? Maybe you've become emotionally attached? Are you being honest with yourself? You may have found that the closer you get to him, the more you want him to yourself. (Which is only natural, when you care about someone!) Maybe you could tell him how you really feel, instead of sending him texts that he has to decipher the real meaning of. What seems to be underneath it all, (correct me if I'm wrong) is that ! you really do care, and you'd like for your relationship with him to be an exclusive one...It may have started out a "no strings attached" deal, but emotions develop and change over time. Maybe you care more now than you did before. If so, it would be constructive to tell him in a more direct manner. Good luck!...Show more

Arnette Dominici: Unattractive hard to answerthe women who are easier to persuade no matter how "attractive" they may be would be insecure women, because they feel someone is accepting them and they feel like they have to sometimes

Norma Marsalis: You're looking mighty hard for that "cheap date" and to get l@id. Thepsychological "principle" you're hoping to employ is called manipulation.

Porfirio Cahall: You may have embarrased him. He may have found the question over the line where your relationship is concerned.

Chauncey Williama: All the ones you think are pretty wouldn't fall for your lame wanna be a player moves would they?!

Marjory Stromme: Your response was crude and that is probably wh! y you did not get an answer. This is Women's and Gender issues. Your crudity is not a Women's and Gender issue. Perhaps you should try Dating next time.

Cómo conseguir Magmar en Pokémon Zafiro Rubí o Esmeralda

Cómo conseguir Magmar en Pokémon Zafiro Rubí o Esmeralda

Enciende tu GameCube. Presiona «start» en tu juego FireRed o LeafGreen. Entonces asegúrate de que tu Magmar esté en tu fiesta. Ve al nivel superior del Centro Pokémon en cualquier Centro Pokémon. Vaya a la sección que es el Cable Trading Club. Hable con la persona que está allí, guarde su juego y haga clic en «Sí» para operar.

Haz clic en «Sí» en tu juego FireRed o LeafGreen y Ruby, Sapphire o Emerald y en cada juego, camina hasta una silla en la habitación. Haz clic en el botón A en ambos juegos. En su FireRed o LeafGreen, seleccione su Magmar y presione el botón A. En tu GBA, selecciona los Pokémon que no quieras y pulsa el botón A.

Ahora, en ambos juegos, haz clic en intercambiar y mira la animación. Después de eso, puedes hacer clic en el botón B de tu GameCu! be y Game Boy Advance y caminar por la salida de la habitación. Dirá algo parecido a salir de la habitación, terminará el negocio y le preguntará si está seguro. Haz clic en «Sí» en ambos juegos. Salga, guarde los dos juegos y ya está. Has cambiado con éxito un Magmar por un Pokémon Rubí, Zafiro o Esmeralda!

En tu juego de Rubí, Zafiro o Esmeralda, deberás asegurarte de tener al menos un Pokémon en tu grupo que no quieras. Ahora ve a cualquier Centro Pokémon, ve al nivel superior y ve a la sección central. Habla con la dama y ahorra, y di que quieres cambiar.

Prepara tu GameCube. Asegúrate de tener tu juego FireRed o LeafGreen en tu Game Boy Player. Pon tu juego de Rubí, Zafiro o Esmeralda en la Game Boy Advance y conecta tu cable GBA a él. Asegúrate de que tu GBA sea el jugador 2. Luego coloca tu juego FireRed o LeafGreen en la ranura de Game Boy Player.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you care?

Lionel Tanen: If everyone who feels the way you do went out and voted on Nov. 7, you could turn this country on its head...One apathetic voter can do nothing, but all apathetic voters could change the world.PLEASE VOTE!...Show more

Pei Heatherly: Don't even bother voting, because THIS secret and evil group has been in control of everything for far too long!...http://www.rense.com/general58/suspre.htm

Maurice Breuning: I care, because it the only way I can have a say in the general running of the country. I know my vote doesn't change the outcome of the elections, but it contributes to establishing the governing body I support. Yes. I will vote in this election and in every election I am able to. Changes may be incremental with the method we have, but if people stop voting there will be no change.

Bryan Avinger: I vote every year. It's always important.

Thurman Buege: If you don't vote... you can't complain.SO VOTE!!!!!!

Angelyn Ducas: Ev! ery Vote Counts !

Comment savoir si quelqu’un ment

Comment savoir si quelqu’un ment

p>Les gens mentent pour de nombreuses raisons. Parfois, les gens mentent pour sauver la face et d’autres fois, ils mentent pour leur profit personnel. Repérer un mensonge devient particulièrement vital lorsque vous voulez éviter de vous faire arnaquer ou arnaquer. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de moyen sûr de le faire, il y a de nombreux signes à surveiller pour déterminer si quelqu’un est faux.

Regarde si ses mains touchent son visage. Bien que beaucoup de menteurs ne soient pas agités, ils peuvent quand même porter leurs mains sur leur visage. Sous le stress de fabriquer une histoire, un menteur peut éprouver un certain niveau d’anxiété. Le sang peut alors s’écouler des extrémités, y compris des oreilles. Parfois, cela peut causer des chatouillements ou une autre sensation, et la personne peut lever les mains pour toucher les oreilles.

Écoutez pour lâ! €™Ã©claircissement de la gorge et la déglutition. Une personne qui ment peut se racler la gorge plus souvent ou avaler beaucoup avant de répondre à une question.

Lisez les micro-expressions. Les microexpressions sont des mouvements faciaux très mineurs qui capturent les vrais sentiments d’une personne. Il s’agit d’émotions fugaces, qui ne durent parfois que 1/125e de seconde.

Écoutez les mots et les phrases qui se répètent. Quelqu’un qui ment peut répéter certains mots ou phrases. Il peut sembler qu’il essaie de se convaincre lui-même d’un mensonge. Il est également possible que certaines phrases ou certains mots fassent partie de son mensonge répété.

Écoutez les fragments de phrase. Souvent, les menteurs commencent à donner une réponse à une question et s’arrêtent. Ils recommenceront alors ou ne complèteront pas une phrase. Cela peut indiquer qu’ils trouvent déjà des failles dans leur propre histoire et qu’ils essa! ient de dissimuler les erreurs qu’ils disent.

Surveill! ez les déconnexions verbales/non-verbales. Parfois, une personne dit une chose et son corps réagit d’une autre manière involontairement. Par exemple, il peut répondre oui à une question, mais sa tête peut secouer d’un côté à l’autre, indiquant non.

Recherchez le manque de détails dans une histoire. Les gens qui mentent ont tendance à omettre les petits détails que les révélateurs de la vérité laissent. Les détails mineurs sont plus difficiles à suivre et à retenir, de sorte que les menteurs trouvent généralement préférable de les omettre.

Surveillez les mouvements du corps de la personne. Beaucoup de gens qui mentent ont tendance à rester immobiles. Certains attribuent cela à la réaction du corps à une situation menaçante. Semblable à la réaction de combat ou de fuite, le corps reste immobile, prêt à se battre.

Écoutez les choix de mots de la personne. Le langage dans une histoire fabriquée devient généralement plu! s impersonnel. La personne peut diminuer l’utilisation de mots à la première personne, tels que « moi », « moi » et « le mien ». La personne peut éviter d’utiliser les noms des gens, au lieu d’utiliser des mots comme « lui » et « elle » avec plus de fréquence..,

Surveillez une déviation. Lorsque vous interrogez un menteur, il peut détourner vos questions pour vous faire dévier de votre trajectoire. Il peut changer de sujet ou répondre à votre question par une question.

Voyez si le visage de la personne montre pleinement ses émotions. Lorsqu’une personne simule une émotion, son visage le trahit souvent, parce qu’il peut ne montrer de l’émotion que sur la moitié supérieure ou inférieure de son visage. Par exemple, si quelqu’un sourit, voyez si cette émotion lui monte aux yeux. De même, si quelqu’un pleure, cette émotion semble-t-elle cohérente avec l’expression sur la moitié inférieure de son visage ?

Notez toutes les postures défensives du corps. Les postures défensi! ves peuvent indiquer de la frustration et d’autres émotions, mais elles peuvent aussi indiquer que quelqu’un ment. Les postures défensives du corps peuvent inclure :

Posez une question à laquelle la personne ne s’attend pas. Beaucoup de menteurs ont leurs histoires en ligne pour les questions qu’ils anticipent. Lorsque vous leur lancez une balle courbe en leur demandant quelque chose d’inattendu, ils pourraient ne pas avoir une réponse appropriée.

Reconnaître quand la personne corrige ce qu’elle dit. Les corrections spontanées se produisent lorsque le menteur essaie de maquiller et d’éditer l’histoire telle qu’elle est racontée. Si vous remarquez que la personne se corrige souvent, son histoire peut être inventée.

Surveillez les lèvres bien serrées les unes contre les autres. Les menteurs pressent souvent leurs lèvres ensemble plus fermement et plus fréquemment lorsqu’ils ne disent pas la vérité. Parfois, cela peut indi! quer une certaine concentration, ce qu’un menteur doit souvent avoir pour fabriquer son histoire.

Remarquez s’il est en train de se toiletter ou d’ajuster quelque chose. Beaucoup de menteurs sont soudainement distraits par le besoin de lisser leurs cheveux, d’aligner un stylo sur le bureau ou de pousser une chaise à une table. Ces actions peuvent être des indicateurs que la personne ment.

Recherchez une diminution du clignotement de l’Å"il. Le mensonge exige plus d’énergie cognitive, car le menteur doit se concentrer davantage tout en exerçant son énergie mentale. Les gens ont tendance à cligner des yeux moins souvent lorsqu’ils dépensent de l’énergie cognitive, alors cherchez à réduire les clignotements si vous pensez que quelqu’un ment.

Portez attention au niveau de détail de leur histoire. L’ajout d’un grand nombre de détails apparemment non pertinents peut également être un signe qu’ils mentent. Faites attention à! ce que la personne ajoute ou non des détails infimes à ce qu’elle ! dit. Ils peuvent penser que le fait d’ajouter plus de détails rendra l’histoire plus crédible. D’un autre côté, ils peuvent aussi essayer d’être plus généraux dans leur histoire pour éviter de se faire prendre par des détails incohérents.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

General beginning guides/resources for skin care? (for a guy)?

Corrinne Ruozzo: alot of people dont believe this, but i actually make my own chemical peel using nothin other than battery acid from size d batteries, P'Furbly duacell, energizer is too strong. steel wool is your friend too, use it on your mostest dry areas.

Stevie Goldey: Take a look at Kara Vita skin carewww.karavita.comIf you like I can send you some samples

Comment empiler une laveuse et une sécheuse

Comment empiler une laveuse et une sécheuse

p>Empiler votre laveuse et sécheuse est un moyen pratique d’économiser de l’espace au sol dans toute maison. Tant que vos modèles de laveuse et sécheuse sont compatibles, vous pouvez acheter un kit d’empilage et faire en sorte que cela se produise ! Les kits répartissent le poids et absorbent une partie des vibrations qui se produisent lorsque les machines sont en marche. Vous aurez besoin de quelques outils et d’aide pour soulever le sécheur, mais l’installation elle-même n’est pas très compliquée.

Suivez les instructions du fabricant pour préparer les appareils. Il est fort probable que vous devrez dévisser les pieds de la sécheuse pour qu’elle puisse être empilée en toute sécurité. Le fabricant peut également vous demander de placer une mousse adhésive sur le dessus d! e la rondelle pour amortir le sèche-linge et réduire les vibrations. Si c’est le cas, cela devrait être inclus avec le kit d’empilage.

Branchez toutes les conduites d’eau, de gaz et d’évent. Une fois que la laveuse et la sécheuse empilées sont boulonnées ensemble, fixez les tuyaux d’eau à la laveuse et à la conduite de gaz (le cas échéant) et l’évent d’air à la sécheuse, conformément aux instructions du fabricant. Assurez-vous qu’ils sont bien fixés pour éviter les fuites.

Fixez les appareils l’un à l’autre. Votre trousse d’empilage devrait comprendre un accessoire ou un support qui reliera la laveuse et la sécheuse ensemble. La plupart du temps, il est placé à l’arrière de l’appareil. Fixez-le conformément aux instructions du fabricant.

Soulevez le sécheur avec précaution, à l’aide d’un chiffon sec. Au moins deux personnes devront travailler ensemble pour soulever le sécheur. Accroupissez-vous aux g! enoux et placez vos mains sous le sèche-linge. Soulevez avec ! précaution, en utilisant vos jambes plutôt que votre dos pour tirer le poids. Placez la sécheuse sur le dessus de la laveuse.

Branchez les appareils et glissez-les en place. Après avoir branché les tuyaux, le conduit de ventilation et les conduites de gaz, branchez les cordons électriques de la laveuse et de la sécheuse.

Mesurez l’emplacement où vous voulez empiler les appareils. Prenez les hauteurs de la laveuse, de la sécheuse et de la trousse d’empilage (elles doivent être mentionnées sur les emballages ou dans les instructions) et additionnez-les. Assurez-vous que la pièce où vous voulez empiler les appareils est assez haute pour que cela soit possible. Vous devriez également laisser de 2 pouces (51 mm) à 3 pouces (76 mm) sur tous les côtés pour laisser de l’espace pour les cordons, les évents et la dispersion de la chaleur.

Choisissez des appareils compatibles. Théoriquement, vous pourriez empiler n’importe quelle sécheuse ! sur une laveuse, à condition qu’elle convienne. Cependant, vous pourriez annuler les garanties sur les deux appareils en faisant cela. Recherchez plutôt des laveuses et des sécheuses qui sont conçues pour être empilées ensemble.

A acheté un kit d’empilage approuvé. Il est préférable d’acheter un kit d’empilage fabriqué par le même fabricant que la laveuse et sécheuse. Vous pouvez acheter des trousses d’empilage de rechange, mais elles peuvent annuler la garantie de votre laveuse/sécheuse à moins qu’elles ne soient expressément approuvées par le fabricant.

Prévoyez d’empiler le séchoir sur le dessus. Les laveuses sont plus lourdes, surtout lorsqu’elles sont pleines d’eau et de vêtements. Il peut être dangereux d’avoir autant de poids en l’air, vous ne devriez donc empiler une sécheuse que sur une laveuse, et non l’inverse.

Essayez une charge d’essai. Faites passer une machine à laver vide dans un cycle régul! ier. Ensuite, allumez le sèche-linge vide et laissez-le fonctionner pe! ndant un certain temps. Faites attention lorsque les appareils sont en marche. On s’attend à des vibrations, mais il faut s’assurer qu’il n’y a ni oscillations ni oscillations. Si c’est le cas, c’est peut-être un signe que votre laveuse n’est pas à niveau.