Monday, August 3, 2020

Diet Soda question?

Randal Deyarmond: apparently they do - supposedly if you put a tooth in a glass of soda, it will disintegrate.

Dulcie Edis: If they don't rot your teeth Aspartame is really unhealthy! DANGER just Google it!There are a few other brands that sweeten diet soda with Splenda - that stuff is safer!.

Irma Poiter: NO that is a rumor that was started by food snobs who only want you to drink things they certify as healthy for you.

Tomi Vauters: they dont rot teeth but they definantly are not healthyany sugary drink even if it is an atrificial drink isnt good for you but it wont rot your teeth

Rubi Romo: Regular

Arnette Dominici: The aritificial sweeteners in Diet Soda don't rot your teeth, but there is phosphoric acid in diet coke that is really bad for your teeth. If you look at the ingredients in diet coke or regular coke, you'll see phosphoric acid as one of the ingredients and it destroys your teeth. If you stick a steak in coke, after 24 hours i! t will be dissolved. I swear I'm not making this up.

Lyndon Mattas: YES! Any soda is bad for you, and I've read that you should rinse your mouth with water after drinking pop before sleeping and after any extended drinking of it. Diet pop is sweetened with Aspartame, and encourages more soda drinking - it's better to drink the real thing and drink less.

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