Thursday, August 20, 2020

I need a hobby.?

Randolph Lozoya: With the stuff you already do as a hobby why don't you make video blogs or tutorials for Youtube to teach people how to do them like knitting etc? That is a new hobby right there.

Lashawn Zabarkes: You could go to a fabric shop and get some fleece material that already has the chargers on it. Fleece would be easiest to sew, because it doesn't fray or come apart easily. The folks at the fabric shop could help you with the rest of the supplies you need, like a pattern, thread, and if you want to put furry trim or something fancy on it.Have fun!...Show more

Majorie Chester: Hello there,Before you spend a lot of time looking at various guitars, decide whether you want a whammy bar or not. If you want a whammy bar on your guitar, you need a guitar with a tremolo bridge. If you do not want a whammy bar, then you should look for a guitar with a fixed bridge. The choice of bridge will narrow down the field of choices.If you do not want a whammy bar, ! then you are looking for a fixed bridge guitar. A very good example would be a Les Paul by Gibson. Gibson has a inexpensive line of guitars for beginners and casual players. Those are the Epiphone brand. An Epiphone Les Paul would be a good choice.If you do want a whammy bar, then you need a guitar with a tremolo bridge. That means a Stratocaster. There are many Strat type guitars on the market. Fender makes the Stratocaster. Its line of inexpensive guitars for beginners and casual players is the Squier brand. There are several models of Squier Stratocasters to choice from. Also, I would suggest buying a used guitar. A used guitar in good condition will sell for about half the new price. You will have to save some of your budget for a amp. Most newer players under estimate the importance of the amp and speakers in how they will sound. You only sound as good as your speakers no matter what guitar you play. If you can find a used 1x12 combo amp that would be a good starter am! p. 1x12 means is has one 12 inch speaker. Combo amp means the ! ampliflier and speaker are in the same cabinet. Another good choice for a beginner is a digital modeling amp. Those are very versatile and they come with built in effects (saves you the cost of buying effects pedals). I would suggest a Fender Mustang for the beginner. The Mustang I sells for $100 new The larger Mustang II sells for $200. You can find a used Squier Stratocaster for $50 to $100. The Mustang I amp will cost you $100 (less if you can find a used one). That would be a good gear rig for a beginner and should be in your budget.Later,...Show more

Rose Krouse: Video Games!!

Solomon Belback: Hey Im 16, Ive played acoustic guitar for about 3 years now, and I finally want to get my first electric guitar, all I have is about 180 $, 200$ max , any help with what guitar I should get! Note: I like playing jazz , blues and rock, I dunno if that helps or not

Booker Moros: If you like knitting maybe crochet would interest you?

Tracy Huesso: Dating

Delmy Varano: Meditation means doing nothing. Just sit close your eyes and do no try to concentrate. See once the favourite disciple Anand of Lord Buddha asked the same question. Buddha did not answer his question but on the contrary told him to fetch water from a near by small pond. After his return, lord asked him to explain as to why it took him so long to bring water. Anand told him that when he went to the pond, the water of the pond was quite dirty as a bullock cart had just passed through it. He had to wait for the water to become clear. Lord said to clean the water he had done any thing, Anand replied that no because if he had tried anything, it would had become more dirty. Lord said that the brain also functions in a similar manner, the more you try it control it the more disturbed it is. If you leave it as it is then it becomes crystal clear on its own accord. So simply sit down, close your eyes and be free....Show more

Jestine Osumi: Videogames.

D! ebora Soliani: garden! succulents are so fun... video games

Stevi! e Kizziar:

Cody Shimko: I was talking about PAPER fact, duct tape is really sparse here in Greece.

Nelly Kikuchi: Maybe building some playgrounds for your pets, if you have any. Or if you don't have enough money then you can find something that is related to finance, even though it may not be so exciting as pets or other stuff. The new hobby is probably related to your talent and skills or passion.

Alane Antes: Well taking up things like doing some lite pc gaming or maybe a youtube channel.

Rayford Latz: Hmm... here are a few I could think of:1) Card making2) Scrapbooking3) Photography (there are some cool tutorials online for editing afterwards too)4) Sewing! (you could sew clothes and bags and keyrings etc)5) Learn a new language. Duolingo is a great site with languages like Dutch, Danish, German, Italian etcHope these helped! :)...Show more

Filiberto Amauty: ...paper crafts? I don't mean childis! h easy-cheesy crafts with cut-and-glue, but nice useful/decorative crafts, and if possible with mechanics =D

Ardath Templer: Snail mailing is so fun!!! Get a letter from friends around the world. Just do some research online about how to go about starting it up. U might receive some foreign tea or something:)

Bruno Galasso: try drama classes I go 2 a local one

Susan Rambo: One of the most fun hobbies ( In my opinion ) is collecting. Whether you want to collect coins, antiques, vintage video games, or anything of the sort, I highly suggest collecting.

Eulah Hugill: So have you decided on any more? If more young people like you asked and searched for activities like this instead of the usual online stuff!

Jeannetta Gaffigan: i know this is not what you were asking for but on you can find instructions on how to make many of things out of duck tape, like wallets, glasses case, folders and even more. Plus you can get colorful duct t! ape in like 12 colors at hobby lobby.

Anibal Scheid: Do what Keir! a Knightley does - collect hobbies!

Russ Kiernan: sleeping

Carolin Southers: Gamer Girl!

Maynard Reevers: Paint/ photography

Kip Ockenfels: Try writing a book or fan fiction.

Karl Samiec: A Squier (by Fender) might be a good choice. There are other guitars in the same price range and quality, but I'm familiar with Squier, that's why I'm recommending it. Stay away for the Squier Bullet though. You might want to try a pawn shop or a store that sells used instruments so you can get a guitar AND an amp that fits your budget. Take a look at Craigslist too. I've made some very respectable purchases on Craigslist....Show more

Maye Delk: For my christmas i want to make my boyfriend a christmas stocking with the chargers on it. how hard is that to sew? im a beginner? should i get a book? what kind of materials do i need? thanks.

Arlen Lopiccalo: Here is a pattern and instructions for a classic stocking:! afts?page=C...You could also use felt for this project. For the Charger logo, find the logo and either paint it on with fabric paint or use the image as a pattern, print it out and cut out from the matching color fabric. You could sew it on, use Heat n Bond (careful not to melt the fabric), use a fabric glue or dimension fabric paint....Show more

May Stands: Do whatever you like. Enjoy every second of this precious Life.

Will Camus: Learn morse code or sigh language! You can learn them via youtube.Other ideas:-scrapbooking-painting-blogging-vlogging-DIY things-gardening-photography-baking-watching movies-reading magazines-sudoku-cross word puzzles-learning a new langauge on youtube-swimming-sports!...Show more

Faustino Mellerson: Here is a link for quilling which has made a comeback. It was popular in Victorian times also.

Virgil Loatman: aw, a stocking. that's so sweet. I got nothing on the sewing thing tho.

Rosalia Hibler: ....get a boyfrien! d...he'll keep you busy...

Germaine Tieken: Have you checked out ! "paper modeling" which can be quite sophisticated: the various kinds of kirigami? can do loads of things with papier mache too (from small to huge), and if you use a sturdy frame underneath you can make quite strong pieces too. Artists use it all the time to make lots of different types of things.You might want to be more specific about what you have in mind that's a "useful paper craft with mechanics." Not sure at all what that means.(And actually, most all those things mentioned above, even the complicated sophisticated ones, do use "cuttting and gluing.")HTH,Diane B....Show more

Star Gollnick: I would use a stencil or pre-made patch to put the Chargers symbol or logo on the stocking.I put a link to a how to it has no pictures.I found a Charger stencil that can be printed out and copied onto stencil material.Check with someone in the hobby store to see how to go about paintin! g the logo on your material.You will want to know your fabric and what type of paint to use on the fabric.There is some really nice fabric paints out...Michael's has a good selection of tulip brand paints which you might be able to use on the stocking....Show more

Shelley Stevens: It all really depends on what you'd enjoy doing but;- Learn a new language- Drawing- Painting- Get a pen pal- Photography (Could literally be of anything, or something in particular) - Blog- Writing- Get an app like "MeetMe" on your phone or use their website and socialize.These are just some off the top of my head, i'm sure there's many many more....Show more

Derick Kinnard: Vaping.I would use non nicotine if not a smoker...They have great tasty flavors from cereal, martini, banana foster, and Carmel machiatto... ;)I don't know your preference...(It's also a great outlet if your having a bad day!)They usually are super inexpensive for a unmodified kit and Ejuice runs around $15 for to! p tier juice like Cosmic Fog......Show more

Cody Petrulis: Sex

Loise Mausser: Try the Craftstylish website. They have all sorts of crafts listed there with tutes or videos. I just watched one this morning about using magazine pages to make paper flowers.

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