Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you care?

Lionel Tanen: If everyone who feels the way you do went out and voted on Nov. 7, you could turn this country on its head...One apathetic voter can do nothing, but all apathetic voters could change the world.PLEASE VOTE!...Show more

Pei Heatherly: Don't even bother voting, because THIS secret and evil group has been in control of everything for far too long!...

Maurice Breuning: I care, because it the only way I can have a say in the general running of the country. I know my vote doesn't change the outcome of the elections, but it contributes to establishing the governing body I support. Yes. I will vote in this election and in every election I am able to. Changes may be incremental with the method we have, but if people stop voting there will be no change.

Bryan Avinger: I vote every year. It's always important.

Thurman Buege: If you don't vote... you can't complain.SO VOTE!!!!!!

Angelyn Ducas: Ev! ery Vote Counts !

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