Monday, August 10, 2020

Does circumcision really cut men’s risk of infection by 60 percent or more?

Kaley Lappas:

Clare Hoard: (Suggested category: Cars & Transportation > Safety)

Aubrey Tirri: ______I used the term "unnattractive" as a presumption that the woman feels herself to be unnattractive.

Von Houskeeper: absolutely fine.................

Herma Ellebrecht: Who knows if it does or not....medical advice is...well it depends on the contextAnyway its still a choice for the men...even if a badly informed the rest of lifeIt comes down to the same old same unknown but 'possible' terrible future might happen if he/you/we dont do X,Y,Zor just carry on and see what heppens but if you ignore government medical advice we can question your sanity and competence to raise kids...Show more

Dionna Doyel: -- Easier to be persuaded by another person. Are unnattractive easier to talk into doing things to appease others?

Bailey Lares: Maybe in countries where there are few! er facilities for washing, standards of hygiene are low, STIs are rife and barrier contraception isn't available or widely considered socially acceptable. Even given these factors, the figures sound really steep to me but then again I don't have any medical expertise

Dick Baumgarten: Yes, if you can convince them that you think that they are attractive. Why? It's in the basic human nature to be yearn to be accepted.I don't mean it as an insult. Every human being has this need to be accepted/acceptable.

Rheba Cockman: No I am dating him, we're just not in a relationship...we are sleeping together...

Alane Antes: I certainly haven't heard of any evidence to suggest that circumcision minimises the risk of infections by as much as 60 percent, which is a huge amount, considering how many un-infected un-circumcised males there are in the world...I was circumcised, but still, it's no skin off my nose......Show more

Eulah Hugill: Maybe he doesn't s! hare your humour? You say you are seeing, as in you like eacho! ther?Maybe he thinks your joke means you aren't interested and he's hurt.

Cody Petrulis: The basis of that claim is three trials they did in Africa. They circumcised a total of 5,400 men and made a similar number wait (the control group). After less than two years, 60 of the circumcised had HIV, and 137 of the non-circumcised. The difference between those two is about 60% of the larger number. That is the WHOLE basis of the claim. But in absolute terms, it's a reduction from 2.5% to 1.2%, or 1.3%.But there are several problems with the claim. They didn't trace the men's sexual contacts, so they have no idea how many, if any, of those men got HIV through their penises. (If they didn't circumcision couldn't have made any difference, of course.) They assumed that all transmission was (hetero)sexual, when we know that a lot isn't. The circumcised men were told to wait for six months after their operations, or to wear condoms if they couldn't wait. The control groups were ! given no such instruction. Several times as many men dropped out of the trials, their HIV status unknown, as got infected, so it's quite possible that circumcision made no difference. (Getting HIV when you'd had a painful and marking operation to prevent it would sour men on the trials, making those men more likely to drop out than others.) In 10 ouf of 18 countries for which USAID has figures, more of the circumcised men have HIV than the non-circumcised.One trial started to show that circumcising men INcreased the HIV risk to women, but they cut that trial short before it could be confirmed. (They didn't WANT to find anything the matter with circumcising.)...Show more

Idell Mulliniks: Send him another just in case 'Hi. Is your b*tch feeling better? Did you f**k the dog from blockbuster? hehe :P'

Elli Esaw: Your question presupposes you only look at people superficially.You reveal more about yourself (or lack of self) than you do about women

Melvin Nakama! : because they don't have @ssets or valuethe entire value of a woman li! es in her face, breasts and @ss. without these only her personality is left which is bound to get trumped by the other factorsserious question for women

Keven Woodington: Joe - lol - Im uncircumcised and Ive never had any infection either.

Marcellus Exler: there was a famous american 19th century architect who, upon discovering his new bride actually had hair somewhere on her body besides her head, refused to continue with the marriage, became an atheist, and went a little crazy. his thinking was that God made men with hair, and women without. in his conservative culture, he had no clue to the contrary. the fact that he was wrong was more than his ideallic mind could handle.that being said there are still cultures where this same belief is held. that if it was meant for man to have hair; then women should be the opposite. there are religions that mandate just that; men should have hair, everywhere possibl! e (i.e. beards and so on), and women should not.i believe society's (or media as you say) ideals do affect people's perceptions. the empirical evidence we have on the matter suggests that just a mere 30-40 years ago hair-down-there was in. i mean the razor was certainly around in the 70's, people apparently just didn't use em. is it coincidence that most went one way, and now most go the other?...Show more

Andra Oger: I think your text was rude.

Virgilio Echter: Rofl...I think you should have posted in the suggested category...The responses would likely have been just as interesting...maybe more so - likely a different crowd.:pNo right or wrong in my opinion...a matter of preference.Marketing influences everything -we are inundated from birth.However, I think it's just as much a matter of aesthetics and sensations as a couple of others mentioned. Personally, I LOVE oral, lol, but there's nothing more distracting than hair wrapped around my tongue or tooth, a! nd I don't like distractions, SO give me shaved or trimmed...My guy is ! the same, but, lol, he likes variety, so sometimes he wants me to let it he gets all 3, shaved, trimmed, and natural...depending on the mood.The question going through my mind right now is this paraphrase of your question above, lol, is a GROIN, in and of itself, shaved, trimmed, or natural, genuinely sexually attractive?:p...Show more

Denna Prudente: My answer is a question. Persuaded to do what? Psychology and social principles are very broad. It could cover everything from throwing yourself off a cliff in the front of an advancing enemy circa WWII or accepting a business contract. The question is so vague that any attempt to give a reasonable answer is impossible.

Filiberto Amauty: I like how you think. Personally, I think it should be a personal choice. I shave mine simply because I prefer the look. I sort of live in the past, I went through puberty too early in my opinion, and I prefer things to be the way they used to be (I know, I'm a loser).! So I shave my pubic hair. I don't do it for anybody except me. I don't have a boyfriend, never have, so it's not like I'm trying to please anybody else. I also feel much more hygienic down there. It's easier to clean, and there's no hair to trap odor....Show more

Lahoma Beadell: I find it hard to believe anyone would actually believe it does. Since they started that circ program in Africa the rate of HIV has jumped, and study after study has shown that it's higher for circumcised men, and some studies show it's higher in their partners by up to 6%. I hope the WHO come to their senses soon and put a stop to this. Or the UN intervenes or something. The UN is there, so why don't they do something useful? And yes, in countries where foreskins are normal most people are bewildered by the thought that foreskins could cause problems like infections, phimosis etc like they see in the US where a lot of guys were forcibly retracted....Show more

Amina Motzer: Yeah, w! hen I try to post questions, just about all my questions are directed, ! by default, to either the Gay & Lesbian area or to Travel>Barcelona, and I don't know why (often I'll ask about touch up paint for my motor vehicle and I'll be directed to post in the gay & lebsian section, when all I'm looking to find out what the serial number is for a given colour of paint for my car).Anyhow, I think there's too much talk about how people who find trimmed or shaved pubic hair on a lady, myself included, to be evidence of some deep-seated paedophilia. I find this attractive in porn and in real life because it's hygienic and it's a matter of preference. Lot's of guys like girls with plenty of bush, whatever, to each his own.I think the same standard should go for guys, in other words guys whould keep themselves trimmed or they should see what the lady likes and if she likes it trimmed more or less then a compromise can be reached (I don't think it's a big deal).Certainly, there's something inherently attractive about appearing youthful, but this talk abo! ut how men who like women with little to no pubic hair are somehow paedophilic is a huge stretch, imho....Show more

Jacques Teri: Gullible women are easier to persuade.Serious question;Do you think that this person wants gay sex and won't admit it?

Elden Bardach: As a pediatric nurse who has assisted in over a thousand circumcisions: YESMale circumcision decreases the risk of infection because it permanently removes the foreskin which otherwise provides a perfect breeding ground for the festering of harmful bacteria and virusesIf the head of the penis is completely uncovered and free of the foreskin there is literally no where for harmful bacteria to breed and multiply. The foreskin traps in Urine, fecal matter, semen and sperm, blood, and other bodily fluids.So the concept is completely simple.....No foreskin, way less bacteria which cause infection....Show more

Hollis Demasters: yes. mostly b/c lots of men aren! 't taught to properly clean an uncircumcised penis. and those in Africa! arn't really clean to begin with. (mostly)

Particia Thorton: He may have been offended by you asking about effing the Blockbuster girl because he might actually like her, and doesn’t want you to diminish his own feelings for this girl.You could text him back and tell him you didn’t mean to be so crude, and that you were just trying to be funny. Then change the subject to something you two both like. Guys generally don't like to dwell on these subjects....Show more

Rana Rudell: If you would believe that shaved pubic areas are attractive for quasi-pedophilic reasons, then wouldn't you also have to accept the same for being clean shaven in the face, or women in the legs, or men waxed on their backs and chest, or..? ..well, the list would go on.While it's an interesting idea, I see no decent reason to assume that being more attracted to a shaved public region is any more pedophilic than being attracted to a shaved face or shaved legs or shaved arm pits. And! let me tell you, women do not want a man who has never shaved!As for the media thing, the media and the public are a two-way street. They affect eachother. The media essentially reflects the public via its interpretation and often with its own twist, but that twist is made by the part of the public in the media. In essence, the media's view is little other than the public's view with parts of it emphasized disproportionally....Show more

Foster Koopmann: Of course it's mostly media ideal. For most of human history, the idea of a two people getting naked and horizontal was totally titillating by itself, and the state of one's public hair--as long as it was clean and normal looking--was simply a non-issue.The practice of shaving down there DID come from pedophilia, and seems to have some pedophilic undertones I'm not comfortable with. I think that in general, society's idea of female beauty has become pre-pubescent with fake ****. There's a reason some of the highest! paid fashion models today are under 18...I'm not saying that shaving o! r not shaving is wrong. In a vacuum, it certainly doesn't matter to me. But it's part of a larger trend of cheapening sex into a beauty ritual funded by expensive products and a move away from emotional intimacy into the realm of nit-picky physical standards--that happen to also be a part of media/socialization and a disturbing trend of the demonizing of the adult female body and a worship of the extremely young female shape.The entire thing kind of grosses me out. Of course the media affects people's perceptions. To deny that is to say that corporations spend trillions of dollars a year on something that doesn't work....Show more

Raymundo Kyser: I wasn't sure about this, so I asked a close friend of mine who is an MD. She says that's not true when it comes to infections in general, but it is true when it comes to HIV infection in areas where there are a lot of HIV infections, such as sub-Saharan Africa.

Barrett Zheng: No.That's a generalization and it has no pl! ace within the bounds of psychology.Sociologically perhaps.But unlikely.It is infact quite possible that unnattractive women would be harder to persuade.

Ricardo Rozelle: If so, what is the reason behind this and what is the basic social/psychological principle at work?

Booker Moros: I don't find it at all attractive when hairless either, I think it's weird-looking and it would probably feel bad too.I'm guessing that guy just has that preference because it's what he's used to and has seen in porn etc. but who knows. I don't think it's necessarily paedophilic. Also, I think some people like it because they can see the areas better.I think a lot of people have this concept that smooth skin is "clean" and hair is "dirty" which isn't true because the hair keeps dirt out and if you shower daily it's fine it's not going to collect gunk or anything.LOL at the suggested category, that's just too funny! I don't get it at all.Harriet...Show more

Mayola Sylva: More t! han one hundred people a year die due to circumcision. And yet, it is s! till legal. ******* disgusting.

Sharee Doak: In my opinion trimming the undergrowth is the way forward. There's nowt wrong with a bit of pubes, we're all grown ups after all, but I feel it's more hygenic to keep it tidy.Shaving in my experience is a big no, it leads to razor burn which looks worse than the original hair... I think a Brazilian would be the best way to go if someone wanted to get rid of it completely, but from what I've heard I'm not sure that the pain justifies the results.Overly long pubic hair on men can interfere with oral sex and make the idea of it less appealing, so I think the occasional trim is the best method for both sexes....Show more

Dwight Siniard: If you dispose of the entire penis then you definately get rid of penile cancer absolutely. When you eliminate your dermis and make a false epidermis membrane to wrap round you then you could eliminate epidermis melanoma. Hell lets simply cut off anything that might ever get damage, broken! or diseased. Although it did via some wild hazard diminish penile melanoma rates (which melanoma researchers say that it would not. The reason why a better percent of intact men have penile cancer is because a bigger percent of guys within the warl are intact, and it is extra about tradition) it's still no longer a sensible proposal to circumcise accordingly. You don't simply reduce off things you could have an problem with. I guess if an grownup choses it, it can be their life and they are able to reside it as they selected. Nonetheless even though circumcision we could say delivered 5 years to a folks existence considering it used to be SOOO benifitial, father and mother nonetheless have absolutly no right or excellent ample cause to circumcise their youngsters. I still could be pissed at my mother and father for forcing it on me. It's my existence and my body so I make that option, now not them. -Connor...Show more

Debora Soliani: NO, it's a myth.If you're not bra! in dead and know the basic about hygiene then you don't need to cut up ! your body to make it "easier".

Helen Zafar: Persuaded to do what? I think people who can be talked into doing things generally aren't confident enough with their own thoughts, so go along with other people...

Star Gollnick: I'd say it had more to do with the overall level of hygiene. My son wasn't cut and he had little to no trouble. I envy him - I mean - I'm big, but he has an advantage.. unfair!

Valentine Michaud: The subject being pubic hair (can't say I didn't warn you).I was having a discussion with a close friend of mine the other day, and I happened to remark that the idea of a bald groin as attractive seemed very odd to me. While unkempt, unclean hair is of course a bit repelling, just like the hair on one's head, the solution is to keep it reasonably trimmed, clean, and neat, not to hack it all off. The idea of bald as attractive down there (particularly for women) has always struck me as a sort of natural product of the quasi-pedophilic sexu! al ideals marketed in advertising (what it's effectively doing is making the area resemble the way it was before puberty).This friend, who isn't typically one to buy into mass-marketed ideas of sexual attractiveness, kind of surprised me by disagreeing - he stated that he genuinely and independently was more sexually attracted to women who shaved that region.In any case, the question is, who's right, in your opinion? Is a hairless groin genuinely sexually attractive? Do media ideals affect people's perceptions on the matter?(Of course, while media image plays less into it, this question can be extended to people sexually oriented to prefer men, as well: is shaving/trimming genuinely attractive on male genitalia?)...Show more

Christopher Calcano: Don't freak out--he probably just hasn't checked his messages.

Caterina Yeargan: His dog has been sick and we were joking the other day about some girl that has a crush on him at blockbuster...I told him to go for it (! in a kidding way).So I texted 'Hi. Is your dog feeling better? Did you ! f**k the blockbuster girl? hehe :P'I was just trying to be funny and a little dirty (not act jealous or crazy), but since I havne't gotten a response, I'm starting to freak out about it. What do you think?...Show more

Barton Sease: Johno - LMAO!

Booker Moros: "genuinely and independently was more sexually attracted..."I don't think that anyone can claim total independence even when it comes to sexual attraction. Everyone is affected by the standards of beauty in society. Even those with uncommon fetishes often conform in other ways.I think that almost anything has the potential to be sexually attractive, if it's marketed right. But yeah, I think the media have a lot to do with it. However, I think the idea of innocence and youth (AKA prepubescence) as attractive has been around for a long time.I just googled "aphrodite painting" and found two nudes of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Notice there is no pubic hair on her, either:http://images.oneofakindantiq! more

Efren Clankscales: Joe - lol - Im uncircumcised and Ive never had any infection either.

Miguel Densley: "The idea of bald as attractive down there (particularly for women) has always struck me as a sort of natural product of the quasi-pedophilic sexual ideals marketed in advertising"Hey man! That is crazy. What's clean groin gotta do with pedophilia? So, men , like you from your pic, are clean shaven faced, and are following that female oriented pedophilia?

Melvin Nakama: Apparently circumcision does reduce the risk of infection. I'm circumcised and I've never had a any kind of penis infection before and I don't do anything special in terms of cleaning my thing.

Nelly Kikuchi: I'm a little say you're "seeing him" but not dating him? It sounds to me (though I could be wrong here) that you actually probably view your relationship with him as somet! hing more than just friendship. Could it be that he sensed a tone of j! ealousy in your text? (Regarding the crush he has on the other girl?) Hard to say...he may have taken it that way...texts aren't the best form of communication, but in this case, if I were him, I'd take your comment as not only made in jealousy but also with a hint of bitterness. Then again, maybe you didn't get a response because he's busy? Or maybe he's trying to figure out what you meant by the comment and doesn't know what to say?Edit: You're not dating him but you are sleeping together? (???) Could it be that maybe you actually have feelings for this guy? Maybe you've become emotionally attached? Are you being honest with yourself? You may have found that the closer you get to him, the more you want him to yourself. (Which is only natural, when you care about someone!) Maybe you could tell him how you really feel, instead of sending him texts that he has to decipher the real meaning of. What seems to be underneath it all, (correct me if I'm wrong) is that ! you really do care, and you'd like for your relationship with him to be an exclusive one...It may have started out a "no strings attached" deal, but emotions develop and change over time. Maybe you care more now than you did before. If so, it would be constructive to tell him in a more direct manner. Good luck!...Show more

Arnette Dominici: Unattractive hard to answerthe women who are easier to persuade no matter how "attractive" they may be would be insecure women, because they feel someone is accepting them and they feel like they have to sometimes

Norma Marsalis: You're looking mighty hard for that "cheap date" and to get l@id. Thepsychological "principle" you're hoping to employ is called manipulation.

Porfirio Cahall: You may have embarrased him. He may have found the question over the line where your relationship is concerned.

Chauncey Williama: All the ones you think are pretty wouldn't fall for your lame wanna be a player moves would they?!

Marjory Stromme: Your response was crude and that is probably wh! y you did not get an answer. This is Women's and Gender issues. Your crudity is not a Women's and Gender issue. Perhaps you should try Dating next time.

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