Monday, August 17, 2020

Do you have to use baby laundry detergent for a newborn's clothing?

Asa Soho: as long as the heat isn't on I don't see why not

Jodie Capella: If it is bath tub warm then I say go for it but I would make sure it was not any warmer than that. Bath tub warm or less is the perfect temp to introduce a baby to play in the water.

Serita Hefferon: No you don't have to. Baby detergent is just more gentle. Some babies are very sensitive to regular detergent. I have also heard of moms using their normal detergent and then rinsing babies clothing twice to help with sensitive skin.

Demetrius Coaster: no, the baby detergent is really just about identical to a 'free and clear' or hypoallergenic, sometimes with a 'baby scent' added. i used all free and clear with no issues with my newborn. if you are extremely worried or have an extremely sensitive baby, add an extra rinse cycle.using a regular scented detergent can cause a rash or skin irritation , sometimes!

Berry Gilmore: No problem, just make sure your chlorine and other! levels are ok. It's better if the chlorine levels are a bit on the low side. As long as the water is like bathwater there's no worries. Make sure you give her a bath afterwards to wash off germs and any chemical residue.

Jonathan Schlussel: The price and the scare tactics on new parents? That's the only difference I see.I never have used baby detergent. What's the point if they are going to be using regular stuff eventually anyway? I don't agree with giving in to the "special" must-have products designed to make more money when they aren't neccessary. If you just use a regular detergent that is free & clear, you should be good. And this is coming from someone with skin allergies, baby detergents are not needed....Show more

Inell Riesgo: The difference is price! As long as you use a mild detergent, you're fine. The only time you need to use "baby detergent" is if they have extra sensitive skin.!!'s a few sites with some useful information. I hope it helps....Show more

Emile Okafor: Well I my baby is not born yet...but when I was little my mom always used DREFT detergent. Seems to be the best for babies. That is what I will be using when I have mine in January.

Delora Struzzi: Let baby feed himself.Check out:"Babies who are allowed to feed themselves tend to accept a wide range of food. This is probably because they have more than just the flavour of the food to focus on â€" they are experiencing texture, colour, size and shape as well. In addition, giving babies food separately, or in a way which enables them to separate them for themselves, enables them to learn about a range of different flavours and textures. And allowing them to leave anything they appear not to like will encourage them to be prepared to try ! new things.The opposite appears to be true for a baby who is spoon fed, especially if food are presented as purees containing more than one flavour. In this situation the baby has no way of isolating any flavour he doesn’t like and will tend to reject the whole meal. Since his parents can only guess which food is causing the problem, they risk more food rejection until they track it down. In the meantime, the baby learns not to trust food and the range of food he will accept can become severely limited. This can lead to his overall nutrition being compromised. Offering food separately, but together on the same plate, allows the baby to make his own decisions about mixing flavours..."Google "baby-led weaning" for more.

Fritz Sisomphou: As long as the heat is off and you do not put her head anywhere near the water she should be fine. Not so much for drowning- but because of the chemicals used in hot tubs. Even if you had the heat on and it was under the normal tempera! ture, around 90 degrees, she should be ok. Babies LOVE water, and under! a supervised condition can have a lot of fun!

Cuc Gire: If the heat is not on I don't see how it could do any harm as long as she is supervised. I say go for it. Sounds like fun.

Rosalba Lingner: Yes... I highly recommend buying baby laundry detergent... the soap we use are okay for adults.. but since babies skin are so sensitive... there are specially formulated soaps that are gentle enough to treat their skin

Antwan Schrum: It doesnt have to be baby detergent. Dreft, for example is super $$. I used All free and clear. It just doesnt have any dyes in it. Babies have really sensitive skin and regular detergents can break them out. I bought one bottle of the All free and clear and once it was gone I washed my daughters clothes with ours. She never had a problem. I wouldnt do it at first though just because of how fragile their skin can be.

Donnell Mollo: I would use dreft, it's hypoallergenic and safe for babies. They may have an allergy that you d! on't know of.

Sunshine Holets: No you dont have to use baby detergent. I think the baby is made for sentivtive skin on newborns but regular detergent has ones as well.

Olin Hallin: You don't have to use baby laundry detergent. It's costly and really is no better for them. Use a detergent that does not have dyes or perfumes such as All Free and Clear until your baby is older. Some dyes and perfumes cause allergic reactions (hives) and an older child could handle the effects much better than a new baby (if something were to occur).

Donte Schoenhals: If the heat isn't on, and it's just as warm as her bath water, why not? I'm sure thats fun for her, i would do the same with my baby if i had a hot tub, lucky you!

Coleman Ocegueda: You do not have to use "baby" detergent. You can buy anything that says "free" on it. Regular detergents are full of perfumes and dyes and those can irritate sensitive skin. "Free" means that they have taken most of the p! er fums and dyes out and are less likely to irritate the skin. Putting! "baby" on the box just means that they can charge more.

Arlene Maycumber: Try smooth pureed food with no lumps. And if the baby has any teeth try finger foods. Some babies like to be independent.

Gus Leiby: If she's choking she absolutely is not in a position for them. Did you already know that till they're yr historical that solids are just for train?? Until 1yr of age an toddlers #a million nutrients supply is breastmilk/system. Always present the milk first after which solids in any other case she would possibly not obtain the right nutrients.

Carolynn Testani: I've always used regular detergent and haven't had any effects what so ever....if your baby has very sensitive skin or allergies I would use the baby detergent.

Heidy Fujikake: yeah you have to. since the regular detergent (Since regular detergent contains harsh ingredients) can irritate your baby's skin. Baby detergent is not as concentrated and it doesn't have much of a fragrance but i! t will not harm your baby in any way as regular detergent would.

Donnell Nocella: Try normal detergent on a few items and see if they break out. It their skin stays clear then go ahead and use reg detergent. This way, you can wash everyone's clothes together. My son got a rash when I tried reg detergent and I even have to use dove baby to wash him with (has no scent or color). Actually, I can't even use baby laundry detergent that smells like baby powder...i have to use stuff with no color or scent.

Ayesha Genova: No you don't but you might want to find laundry detergents that don't have any scents in them and use fabrich softners without added scents as well.

Jen Maday: You don't need to use baby laundry detergent its not acquired.Also there is no difference baby detergent MIGHT be safer if swallowed thats about it.

Madlyn Fallis: i want to take her in the hot tub with me, the heat is not on so its more like a swimming pool. I put her feet in the! other day and she loved it, the water was actually about as warm as I ! put her bath water. bad idea???

Fred Caminita: long as you never leave her alone of course. ilive by the beach and was taking my daughter during the summer when the water is warm when she was 4 months. she loved to be in the water andits so cute watching them learn to swim at such an early age. just keep her safe and it will be fine

Marcelle Vanlith: baby

Sharee Doak: it should be ok as long as she reacts fine to the chemicals and she doesnt get ANY of the water in her mouth. And please keep the heat off!!!

Ron Keliipio: if you can find it, there is an Australian product called "napisan", Australians call them nappies not is amazing how well it gets those "soiled" parts of babies clothing clean by simply soaking in a bucket. plus it is gentle enough to use on many clothes & is antibacterial. i got some for my American wife & she loves it. to my chagrin she complains to me about not being able to find an American made product th! at works as well & is always bugging me to order more. i get it from australian catalog company which imports lots of Aussie stuff....Show more

Arlen Hamper: Not a bad idea. Just make sure you are holding her at all times and give her a bath afterwards...the chlorine in the water may irritate her skin. If you are going in the day make sure to put sunscreen on her and I recommend getting the swimmer diapers so she doesn't pee in the hot tub.

Natalya Sydney: Try and try again. Just use smooth pureed foods, instead of lumps. Like stage 2.

Jed Mutone: its ok not to,but u have to make sure the clothes are rinsed REALLY well. its just not good for a newborns skin to touch the harsh chemicals that are in regular deterget, and the newborn detergent is just gentler on them.

Son Ahlers: lol well ok then...troll

Arden Strachn: not ready. don't force it. just don't feed him/her lumpy foods and stick to other stuff. work it in by little bits in a few weeks.! eating solids and trying new stuff should be fun. never let a child cr! y over food. just try again later. solids are to be introduced AFTER 6 mos and then just introductory for the first year (experimenting) not for nourishment :-) hope that helps

Caterina Yeargan: You will have MANY women tell you that they just used their regular laundry detergent and didn't have problems. I certainly can't disagree with their results. However, there have been plenty of doctors who have seen the results when there are problems.I recommend using either Dreft or All Free and Clear as the likelihood of problems is far less. Don't feel that you can only wash the baby's clothes. Put the baby stuff in there and then fill up with your own shirts. Dreft is more expensive, but surprisingly, cost less at my local grocery store than at Walmart, so do check pricing.Also, avoid using dryer sheets. I can't even take those, I get a terrific rash where the skin is thinnest (wrists, neck, face). I use Downy on some things, but for the most part, I stopped using ! any of that stuff....Show more

Nancy Mansell: There are fewer irritants and chemicals in baby laundry detergent. But you could just use a "free" version of adult detergent that is made for people with skin allergies. The reason is that baby skin is so thin and sensitive in those first 6 months especially.

Aldo Decurtis: You don't have to; however, Baby detergent is usually dye and perfume free, so there are less things that could affect your child.You can also just buy any detergent that is dye and perfume free. All, Cheer, and Arm and Hammer make several good ones.

Darren Heling: baby detergent has more chemicals that are safer for the baby's skin. since most baby's skin is very sensitive it will ensure that there is no chafing or rash because of the clothing. i would recommend you use it

Arlene Maycumber: He may not be ready for solid foods yet. Maybe wait a few weeks and retry. A baby doesn't actually need anything but formula/breastmilk until t! hey are 1 year old.

Chris Coggins: In the beginning I did - but t! hen I got lazy and nothing happened. If you're worried - just run your clothes through an extra rinse and you'll be fine. Another option is getting the All Free and Clear.

Alecia Kaehler:

Hilton Paiva: Nope, I have used regular detergent since day one with no problems.Some people switch if their babies have sensitive skin.I'd start with whatever you currently use and switch if baby has a problem with it

Rodolfo Merel: we use dreft...our daughter has mild eczema so we use it to be on the safe side...I also like All free and clear because it is free of dyes and perfumes.

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