Friday, March 27, 2020

Do you believe taxes are too low?

Pasty Cobbett: No and I believe they were at one time unconstitutional and never properly ratified by the states. A technicality for throwing them out but a staffing problem will fight & kill to keep that from happening.

Michelle Sohre: Liberals belive that taxes are extremely low and the wealthy don't pay enough. However when a group of 'liberal" millionaires all said that they were willing to pay more in taxes were asked who wants to write the first check, they all walked away.

Dexter Dingus: thank you, people need to see this.

Giovanna Sherlin: Here in Pa. %6 tax on a new $30,000 car then sell it in a year and %6 again which sells again in a year at %6 then a year later %6 then 6 months later %6 and 3more sales till its totaled at %6 so 1 car brought in $6822.50 in taxes and $879.26 in title and transfer fees and the best part is Pa. never had a state income tax till the early 70s then liberal governor Shaft instituted a state income tax and said it ! was to take care of some excess costs and it could come back off in a few years so 30 some years later it never came off just went up....Show more

Dexter Gold: taxes are going up they have to

Jene Licausi: 1)Most people don't pay more than 2 of those taxes.2)Revenue is obviously too low, did you not realize that we are 16 trillion in debt?

Bud Espenshade: “Austerity!” vs “Unsustainable Debt!” is a false dilemma.The federal government is not a business that must balance its budget.It is a sovereign state that:1. has no Constitutional obligation to borrow money that it needs;2. can create any amount of fiat currency needed without borrowing, just as FDR had the Fed finance World War II by buying huge amounts of Treasury bills at an almost zero percent interest rate, a policy followed by postwar prosperity;3. cannot become insolvent;4. must build infrastructure to fulfill the goals of its Constitution’s preamble;5. is legally required to promote “! …maximum employment…”;6. can spend $1T annually on infra! structure (averaging $11 daily per consumer - not Zimbabwe) to bring full employment without borrowing; GDP will rise $1.6T (says CBO) yielding $0.32T federal tax revenue growth plus $0.16T tax revenue growth at the state and local government levels plus $0.5T savings in unemployment relief plus $0,02T productivity gain = $1T!;7. can restrain spending on infrastructure when full employment appears;8. can raise interest rates to stop harmful inflation on a dime; and9. will have the world’s soundest currency when it has the world’s best infrastructure, including: the best institutions of scientific research (NASA, NIH, etc.), the best protection of the environment (“green” energy, dams, sea walls, etc.), the best systems of support for all the sports and all the arts, the best systems of emergency response (FEMA, local fire departments, etc.), the best systems of justice (local police departments, courts, prisons, etc.), the best sy! stems of transportation and communication (smart grids, maglev trains, etc.), the best systems of FREE EDUCATION from infancy to the highest university level, the best systems of FREE MEDICAL CARE for everybody, the best systems of FREE HANDICAPPED SUPPORT, and the strongest armed force. Yes, we can have full employment instead of food stamps and the best infrastructure without harmful inflation or serious debt interest expense.Fiat currency, full employment, and infrastructure trump everything!Google: UMKC Economics Faculty, more

Mark Villifana: taxes are not too low, but spending is too high.Nobody seems to have a brilliant plan about reducing spending. So sometihng needs to give.

Voncile Slaubaugh: Can you say "inflation?"What part of ANY of these taxes won't be passed along to the consumer if they go up?

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