Monday, March 30, 2020

Will anyone EVER accept Public Campaign Finance in future elections?

Zulema Baccam: i think of Joe Biden's %. enhance into no longer the ultimate %. through fact Joe Biden does not symbolize Obama's exchange message (in spite of the actuality that i do no longer think of Obama has lots exchange in any respect) and does mirror's Obama's loss of judgement. Joe Biden and Obama do no longer probable beleive in exchange through fact they're the two motivated via the politics of united statesa..

Sibyl Siwik: its going to end up costing Obama $10 for every vote he received and he still only got 400,000 more than Bush got in 2004. If something isnt done (especially with things like allowing anyone to donate on the internet without proper validation as Obama did) this country will be forever lost.

Augustus Sarria: Obama's campaign proved that it would be suicidal to ever use the system again.Few people even remember that the system was put into place as a result of the abuses of the system - EXACTLY like Obama did - of the Watergate e! ra. Stealing, cheating, lying and doing anything to win at all costs.Intimidating the opposition was the way you won elections.BUYING the election.I have a mug with a Nixon quote:"The press is the enemy."Obama co-opted the media to win this election.He out-Nixoned Nixon.The group that broke into the Watergate was known as the Plumbers.How ironic that Joe the Plumber played such a large role in the campaign.Richard Nixon must be rolling in his graveObama is "not a crook."LOL...Show more

Gaynell Pizzaro: ONLY if it's made into law. To state that you accept it and then turn around and not, was very unfair. Knowing what happened this time around, I doubt that anyone would accept Public Campaign Finance.

Percy Seiger: no

Vernon Martorana: I think that both candidates should agree, like they did to do one or the other - like they did. When one doesn't make good on the agreement that should be an issue. Obama was dead wrong in doing what he did and it just ! goes to show when you spend 1.5 Billion dollars what you can b! uy. McCain kept true to his word, Obama did not. So you get to see what that did for the campaign process on both sides. I would have to say we will never see another election where one candidate does and the other does not ever again....Show more

Ellis Cellar: NOPE...the public will not have the finances to fund it.

George Dingeldein: I think money makes a race an uneven playing field. I think each canidate should have equal funds to use, so that we as Americans can see the honesty and integrity put back into elections. When one canidte uses 180 mill to run and another only 3 mill, you are dealing with the ability to put yourself out there more, get in Americas face, and corrupt the media and other influences in the country. Media should be fair and unbiased and so should finanaces, only then is the playing field fare, and is the corruption out of the election......Show more

Lillie Yarde: after obama lying about it and then taking it i really doubt it! but i think after a little investigating we will find that obama was cheating the whole time .. the reason i think is ,when he got 67 million in september and then 150 million the next month he claims they were all small donations that he couldnt find out who sent them.. then we find out about his illegal aunt and they know to the penny how much she donated and sent it back..why 1 person out of 5 million is the only one he knows ?...Show more

Rosie Travino: I doubt it, especially if they are a strong candidate capable of pulling in millions in corporate donations. This is the US a society obsessed with wealth and consumerism and having lots of money is definitely handy when it comes to a Presidential election.

Conrad Puleio: If the system is fixed, so that the effect of outside groups, 527's, were limited, it would make sense to go the public financing route. But while there exist 527's it would be stupid to take public financing if you know you can m! ake more. I doubt McCain would have been able to raise as much as Obam! a even if he had opted out.

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