Saturday, March 7, 2020

When does a soul and spirit enter a body?

Gertrude Darke: at conception

Eva Lichlyter: Be that as it may, Jerome, when does it enter a body?

Donte Liversedge: tawaen, ensoulment does not mean personality. So you don't believe in souls? ok.

Irving Jordahl: As soon as the mother's bra is unsnapped.

August Hubbard: I think the body creates its own soul as it develops.

Gertrude Darke: I think this varies from belief system to belief system.Honestly, I can't even answer the question for myself; I may have been bonded to this body since it was first formed, or been an "invader" who merged with the native consciousness, as I needed an avatar.

Kassie Kay: An ape. We are basically hairless advanced apes. So advanced we are called something else, but still rooted in monkey men.

Anibal Scheid: The soul does not enter a body, the body is part of what makes a soul. A soul is a breathing being formed, with life already passed on through conception, from a collection of things into th! e body of the embryo, thus becoming a living breathing being inside the womb. The spirit does not actually enter the body because the spirit is in the sperm, and possibly the egg of the female, and the body forms at conception with the spirit already present. So neither the soul nor the spirit enter the body. Life is already present before the embryo or body forms.In short, a person becomes a soul as he develops and becomes a conscious being during conception. The spirit exists in the sperm and egg which at conception develops into a soul while the spirit is already present.EDIT: The creation of Adam was somewhat different because he was not actually born but created. He became a living soul after God put his physical body together and put the initial spirit, that is the life force, into his body bringing him to life. The spirit that God gave Adam is passed down through humanity through conception.Spirit, that is life, is a dynamic force which reproduces itself in the human! body and passes on, that is transferred, from parent to offsp! ring at conception....Show more

Theresia Fashaw: I will go with the truth I'm an ape.

Dorine Nurre: Ape incest FTW.

Hollis Demasters: at the moment of conception

Eldridge Rieves: The "ensoulment" happens at conception. Each twin has it's own soul. God knows before the egg splits that two people have been conceived.

Reyes Brunell: I believe the soul enters at or shortly before birth.

Branden Round: Apes and humans have a common ancestor.

Morris Cuomo: Some theists have an issue with evolution because they say they aren't related to apes. But the Genesis story assumes that we are all a product of inbreeding. Is it just me, or is being an ape better than being a mutant freak?

Stan Conley: According to the bible, it is the very moment a person takes their first breath.

Rosio Pasculli: No. And God does not give His Spirit by measure.

Hans Sachetti: lead a more holy life and or have more fear of the Lord?? Is it because ! they have an extra measure of Gods Spirit?

Miguel Koczela: From the moment of conception. The soul and spirit are not the same. Hebrews 4:12 speaks of the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and how the Word of God does this.

Hubert Jestes: Of course, it takes a deep level of delusion/indoctrination to fool one's self into glossolalia.

Nona Lentini: It doesn't. Personality develops with neural functions. Most of them are fully operational in the month or two before birth, but only with stimulus do we begin to become who we are. It's a process, not a magical moment when suddenly are given a magical bit of extra-life.

Emerita Sciandra: Well...obviously "incest" does not equal "mutant freak". Besides, the most popular theory among scientists is not that all humans are descended from the same mating pair, but rather that all living things are descended from the same original organism. According to that theory, all life forms are much more intimat! ely related to each other than is (apparently) the descendant of an inc! estuous mating.Jim, more

Lucille Saetteurn: Actually the Bible specifically says that God made man out of dirt. *does best southern baptist impression* "I don't know bout' y'all but I didn't come frum no dirt fool!"

Lucille Saetteurn: You are an ape... one of five..Chimps, bonobos, orangs, gorillas, and hominids.Read a great book: The Third Chimpanzee, by Jared Diamond. Best seller in the Science section for more than a year after it came out. Ph. D peer reviewed professor at UCLA, if he is still teaching....Show more

Fred Caminita: (sigh) It would be so easy to read the bible.": and God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life and man BECAME a living soul."Your spirit is your life force.

Lanita Reichman: I'd rather be a product of ape incest. I think they should rewrite the Bible: in the beginning, there were 2 apes. And then some cheesy porno music started playing and the lights dimmed. The brother ap! e said "oook, ook, oook, ook ?" and the sister ape said, as seductively as a hot ape chick could "ook, oook, ook, ok, oook" and the boy ape smiled and then it was on. All kinds of freaky positions involving hanging from the trees and using bananas in strange and adventurous ways. And 9 months later, a human was born. Who proceeded to get it on with his grandma, an ape, And she gave birth to Tarzan. ...from there on it just gets downright perverted....Show more

Heidy Fujikake: science says we are bothall humans come from the same gene pool.

Sherita Gallati: when it's ready...

Floy Fague: No, everyone who is saved is baptized in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues is not evidence of this.The word tongues in the Greek means "languages" or "dialect", so when someone speaks in tongues they are only speaking in another language.The purpose for speaking in tongues is to communicate the gospel with someone who does not speak the same language as you. If you have ! an opportunity to share the word in a foreign country but don't speak t! he language or have a translator, speaking in the language that they speak without knowing it is an example of speaking in tongues. This is why it's a sign to unbelievers.Conversely, someone who interprets tongues is someone who can, by the Holy Spirit, interpret the language of a foreigner without knowing their language.The whole "spirit language" thing and what you see in some churches today is generally non-biblical.That being said, "speaking in tongues" as it's (falsely) practiced may inspire someone to live a holier life... or it may give them a false sense of spirituality causing them to rely on their "speaking in tongues" as evidence for their holiness instead of focusing on that which is important....Show more

Marna Liddie: GOOD ONE!Those who think that life begins at conception, are usually the ones who think everyone has an eternal soul, which also begins at conception. How bout all the zygotes that don't make it to the endometrium lining and come out durin! g menstruation? Did we just kill those souls too?

Ervin Overbee: Don't forget about the times when one zygote absorbs another..where does the spare soul go?

Jen Maday: The spiritual soul is what we are. It enters the semen of the man and from there with the egg from the mother, a body is made. Without the soul, the body is dead, can't grow.BG 2.24: This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.BG 2.13: As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change....Show more

Patrick Bitsui: When a man makes love with a woman my dear friend.

Wilbur Marksberry: You know, whether you believe in a literal Adam and Eve, or if you believe we evolved from a certain group of primates, eventually, we a! ll go back to the same origin.We all come from one place. If you believ! e in evolution, then we all came from East Africa from the L3 Haplogroup about 100,000 years ago. If you believe in Adam and Eve, then we all came from Eden.Regardless, whether you like it or not, we are all related. We're all one big incestuous family, all having sex with extremely distant cousins!...Show more

Jill Thomer: For thousands upon thousands of years, in every culture on earth, women have believed that the baby's soul enters the body at the "quickening" around five or six months, when the baby is first felt to move.

Dorris Homola:

Elinore Schlinker: Pretty much never, they are fabrications of the imagination.

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