Monday, April 27, 2020

pregnant with second baby while first one is 6 months old?  

pregnant with second baby while first one is 6 months old?  

answers 0:im 11 weeks pregnant. my first one was a high risk pregnancy and this one will be too. i was told i need to be watched closely to make sure this one is a little less complicated. this first one was born at 35 weeks. has anyone else gotten pregnant so quickly right after the first one? any complications? how was your pregnancy? i feel like im even more tired than the first one. im constantly exhausted and the morning sickness is horrible. did you gain just as much weight as the first? was it just as easy to take off? how was your second pregnancy so soon after the first?...Show moreanswers 1:This happened to me and i was on the nuva ring. My daughter is 6 months and im 13 weeks pregnant. I may be high risk because i had pre- eclampsia with my daughter but i don't know yet. And yes, i feel extremely tired and sick all the time.And actually im lo! sing weight because i can barely keep any food down. Its definitely hard.answers 2:mutually as I have not any thought while you're extra fertile after giving beginning or not, i had to pipe in which you will completely breastfeed and nonetheless ovulate and nonetheless get your era and nonetheless get pregnant. I had my first era 2 months placed up partum, mutually as completely breastfeeding, no bottles, no formula and my daughter ate each and every 2-4 hours around-the-clock. in fact, at my 6 week checkup, my physician examined me and started guffawing as she asked what approach of beginning administration i could be making use of as there became into no way i might desire to place self assurance in breastfeeding as a potential of beginning administration. apparently, I had not one of the vaginal alterations breastfeeding might reason (thinning of epidermis and absence of cervical fluid) that facilitates preclude being pregnant. So the possibilty does exist which you will! completely breastfeed and nonetheless get pregnant....answers! 3:Well my daughter was 9 months when i got pregnant with my second child... i didn't have any complications and actually a very very easy pregnancy surprisingly. Its tough though because you are wathcing after a little one and pregnancy makes you SOOOO tired in the beginning so i totally feel for you right now! I luckily lost all my weight from my first very easily but with my second i gained about 15 lbs more than i did with the first inthe end. It was tough then... it was tiring and i was crabby so my relationship with my first probably wasn't as good as it could of been. But to this day they are now 7 and 6 and i wouldn't change it for the world. They are the best of friends and though it was tough raising two little ones i think its SO incredibly worth it. I waited 4 years till i had my third though... and it still makes me sad she isn't close to their age but.. anyways. You will do just fine, and what really got me through it is knowing how they were so close in age ! together they are the best of friends and FREE entertainment for each other! lol. congrats!!!!...answers 4:I had my kids back to back- youngest was only 2 months old when i got pregnant with my most recent bundle... I have 4 kids- the oldest is 4years 4 months old. I thankfully did not have any complications but maybe a little preterm labor we could hold off, other than that- I know that they ask you take your vitamins and keep up on your dental care since child bearing literally eats your body and teeth(calcium), also you'll probably receive lots of blood tests throughout pregnancy to monitor you- and maybe a few extra ultrasounds to keep an eye on baby. as for weight gain/loss- just depends on your body and lifestyle- I always gained weight faster- but lost it just as quick after baby- Good luck!...

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