Thursday, April 2, 2020

Question on Pro Plan Selects?  

Question on Pro Plan Selects?  

answers 0:Now I'm gonna ask that no one criticize me for using this brand all i want is an answer from this question please. I've finally decided to switch my dog from regular Pro Plan to Pro Plan Selects the only thing is that the regular Pro Plan guarantees many things including "crunchy kibble for clean teeth" but strangely the Pro Plan Selects doesn't mention clean teeth (it mentions everything but that). I was wondering if upgrading my dog from regular Pro Plan to Pro Plan Selects would affect his dental health? I don't have time to wash his teeth so i depend soley on the dry kibble. And I've noticed that other dog foods have the dry kibble guarentee except the Pro Plan Selects. So does that mean the the Pro Plan Selects aren't good for the dogs teeth?...Show moreanswers 1:All dry kibble will clean teeth. Some better than others though. What they advertise depends on their marke! ting people.answers 2:since you obviously know that pro plan isn't very good, why not get a better dog food for him? pro plan regular or select isn't going to make much difference at all since it is such poor quality. i'm not trying to criticize you, but just stating facts.answers 3:All dry kibble will help clean teeth. if it's hard it will clean. just make sure you still get your dog a dental when needed. just because it's a dry food, doesnt mean it will do wonders. there is still tarter underneath the gum line that could still cause infection. but to answer your question, both brands are good, and the Pro Plan Seletcs will do the same thing as just Regualr Pro Plan. God Blessanswers 4:Dry dog food does not keep a dog's teeth clean.This is a myth.Do cookies keep your teeth clean? To keep the dog's teeth in good shape,give it a big,raw beef bone with meat on it to chew at least three times a week.This will help a lot in cleaning the teeth,and it's very good for the dog as w! ell. The Pro Plan Selects seem to be pretty good overall.answe! rs 5: better foods available IMOanswers 6:If your walking into Petsmart or Petco and getting dog food anyway and switching foods, why not switch to Blue Buffalo? Compare the ingredients and it's obvious which is better. But for dental health food alone won't cut it no matter what it says on the bag. You'd be better off giving the dog a good solid bone to chew and have the vet examine the teeth with every routine vet visit. HTH Plan is in the 2 star range, Blue Buffalo is 4 star, so you can find them to compare easier. This food switch doesn't even require you to do more than take a few extra steps down the isle.*** Hey I didn't say Blue Buffalo was the end all be all in dog food, but it's a damn sight better than any Pro Plan and it IS two steps down the isle. Not trying to give you grief over your food selection, just pointing out a much better food within easy re! ach that requires absolutely no extra effort. I could understand the thumbs down if I'd suggested Kibbles and Bits or Old Roy or garbage from the dumpster. And dry food does NOT clean teeth, it only helps (as verses canned food), not a sloution in itself. Good grief......answers 7:You likely aren't going to want to hear this, but the "guarantee" for clean teeth is meaningless on all dog food. No dog food is good enough to keep a dog's teeth clean all by itself. If you rely on dog food alone, and don't give your dog raw bones, or brush their teeth because you don't have time, you're going to be spending money on expensive dentals at the vet to keep your dog from having the very serious health problems that come from tooth and gum disease.answers 8:As long as you give your dog treats that are good for their teeth you should seriously be ok. Just don't give you dog too many soft treats or any canned food, because I'm sure you know that's what causes bad breath and their teet! h rotting out. You can get chew bones that are good for their teeth and! treats also, so you are fine.And ignore people that think you need to feed your dog high-priced foods. I feed my Pug Beneful and I feed my lab puppy Pro Plan puppy. They actually like it better than Science Diet. My parents used to breed dobermans and cocker spaniels for years and years and always fed their dogs Purina and NEVER had problems. Dog food is dog food, as long as your dog loves it that's all that matters! It's not like you are feeding them generic food, Purina is fine 🙂 (even my vet says so)...answers 9:With that kind of food, the formula really doesn't matter, you can pretty much expect him to have poor dental health either way.

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