Friday, July 17, 2020

Can you eat hot foods after they have been refrigerated and unheated?

Carter Dewater: Oh I know! Some people eat stuff right out of the can. Anything that is in the frig has to be heated.

Luke Gacusan: yeah! I love cold pizza, pasta and chinese food. I like them warmed up, but there is something especially yummy about them cold.

William Vickerman: For me it depends on what it is. Things like cold pizza, or fried chicken are some of my favorite cold foods.

Torrie Weissenbach: Whoa. Not sure why, but...thanks for the advice.

Russel Gajate: Cold pizza is quite good!

Jose Calaycay: yeah but i don't have all my contacts on my back up so i'm just going to ride it out and see what happens

Shaquita Wernicki: I just wish I could forget that I keep forgetting. Seriously though, I wouldnt take back one broken heart if it meant that I wouldnt of had the fun. It was all worth it. You do live through a broken heart. After awhile you forget the pain and look fondly back on the good times.Hang in there son. You're gonn! a be just fine....

Alvaro Oare: I can forgive but I wish that other people would too.

Dedra Furguson: chicken i only eat the chicken hot after i cook it .after that i well only eat it cold. it tast nasty if i warm it up

Luis Mellon: Excuse me, Pink Hippo ♥Diva♥ needs to know what this is about.

Shena Etulain: Thing is, if you could, then you whould never knoow you had the ability.

Annabell Bevier: No, the taste is different.

Lindsey Zanardi: Rarely, when my husband eats things cold it kinda grosses me out...I can eat cold fried chicken...that's about it.

Melina Minneweather: Ever heard the saying some things are better left unsaid.I dont tell my husband everything and he is my best friend. Some things should be kept to themselves

Cletus Crotts: hmmm if happens(rarely)

Jules Ashbach: nope. it tastes jelly-ish if its chicken. and things that should be heated should be heated, 'nuff said

Olen Penhallurick: Nope I! only tell what I want told

Marcelle Vanlith: ** Nope, I! preferred foods warmed up**

Jonathon Labonne: Depends on the food; cold spaghetti is bad, but cold fried chicken is good.

Voncile Slaubaugh: I eat everything no worries!

Derick Kinnard: I mean, really...

Zulema Baccam: haha yepi haven't look at mine today i bet my bewbies are gone...

Mitchel Demry: whoo hoo and ive got to go out tomorrow boo hoo!

Lynn Hollars: This is a good idea.

Horace Escue: I tell everything I can possibly think of to my best friend, you should see all the emailing and messaging we do!

Lorelei Lilburn: This is a good idea.

Jayson Brod: nope, now i know that i should never date a puerto rican

Jarrod Darnall: yeah be cool if we could delete things from our mind....

Reyes Brunell: Not Everything, but I tell my best friend and my dad most of the important stuff.

Lorelei Lilburn: dependssome sandwich meatsI've eaten mac and cheese that way

Marhta Teahan: ha im really against this ! its different for a girl to see a girl but for a guy to see another guys package just doesnt wok

Danette Slotnick: Just about. I am really WAY too open, and more than once lived to regret it!! I try to be selective but select WRONG I guess!!But I will probably continue the same course ?? why?? I don't know!!

Jen Maday: That's smart but dammit I might have a harder time finding you all

Byron Fortmann: No. I would love to say I tell my husband everything but I don't. Not because I don't trust him, but some things are just for me to know.

Gilberto Cratin: YeahI do it all the time it creeps my mom out

Shena Etulain: no yuck yuck i have to eat it hot and fresh i'm not even keen to eat heated up again

Tyler Burkman: i can eat anything still hmmm cold pizza ..... yummyyyy

Octavio Roylance: sure what do you think singles live on == cold pizza is great

Raye Tredennick: No, always re-heat your crackers!

Charline Granes: Cold Pizza! or Cold Spagetti. Yum.

Venetta Coulbourne: We all have things th! at we have done, or think, or wonder about that we do not tell a single living soul. But God knows!

Mark Villifana: Everything about me is known, but not all by one person...I like to spread the skeletons around.

Charis Deguzman: Yes! Yes! Yes! I sure do!

Rosella Figliola: okay

Morris Cuomo: Back up accounts are for sissies, I will take the fight and win it!Cheers =)Look, another muppet...yay!

Lulu Bukowiecki: like having your heart broken..or other sad stuff in your life...I you...

Bell Pasco: guys, if you plan to participate tomorrow....use a backup account.

Raye Tredennick: No. There is no one person in the world who knows everything about me.

Sammy Kar: I have to have hot foods hot. Cold food grosses me out. Especially cold pizza.... yuck!

Laveta Fathy: No. How would we ever learn anything if we don't experience pain?

Bo Perham: Yes, I have one person who I know I can talk to about anything. Best perso! n in my life right now.

Bibi Tyron: all the time but that's whats they Say you learn from your mistakes

Inge Mclaurine: sometimes pizza tastes good cold

Chanda Wittwer: Yuck! No. If it's a food that's normally served hot I have to reheat it. I hate cold pizza, chicken... ick

Leif Serabia: It depends on the food you're gonna it, if it's better refrigerated.

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