Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Do girls like guys that can cook?

Hilton Paiva: Hell yeah. Being able to cook a romantic meal is a turn on, definintely. Not ramen, but a homemade pasta with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese with meatballs. Side of ceasar salad,or potatoes.Bada bing, bada boom. DINNER FOR TWO MOTHAFUCKASP.S. Always remember to use manners when eating spaghetti.

Chastity Doderer: Um, YES. Especially if they're good at it.(If by "cook" you mean "make cereal, toast, or microwave meals" then that doesn't count)

Nannie Kasee: YES. SWEET BABY JESUS YES. I find that so sexy. And i agree, not mac and cheese or ramen, but something classy. It's so attractive when guys can cook.

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