Thursday, July 23, 2020

Why is it that every time i feel comfortable, i start gambling again?

Terresa Tsasie: tricky aspect look on using yahoo or google this will help

Toya Braskett: That is becous u dnt have responsibilities. But if u do have, that means u have spiritual problem.

Angel Klym: It happens. When you are utterly confused, right looks like wrong; and wrong things look like right. Everything works in reverse direction.If you are serious, then learn the techniques or Sirsasan correctly. Sirsasana or Shirshasana or Sirshasana, or Headstand is a Yogic asana or exercise. In the Supported Headstand, the body is completely inverted. For a person, who does this exercise, everything looks reverse.Moreover, know it for certain that old bad habits die hard....Show more

Norma Marsalis: If you want to get your life straight, you can't gamble again...ever. Settle your mind to that fact. You can';t just do it in moderation so you need to cut it out entirely. No matter how wealthy or successful you become, you won't be rich enough to afford to gam! ble. Addiction sucks and it is totally unfair, but that's the deal.It's a lot easier to stay away from the casino if you have something good in your life that you care about enough to make the sacrifice. (It will feel like a sacrifice when it's what you want to do.) If you don't have that something now, go work on getting it. Get a good life that you don’t want to lose. Focus your addictive nature on something else. My husband, a gambling addict, now focuses on his business. He's very successful. He also works on robotics and plays chess. He's always working on something. That keeps his mind off gambling....Show more

David Boehler: Your ADDICT is waiting for you in the parking lot. It's always waiting for you. Remember, it's cunning baffling, and powerful. Every time you think of drugs in your head, just repeat this too yourself, in your head, Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful. EVERY TIME!!!!! THIS IS A MUST!!!

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