Sunday, July 26, 2020

What are safe toys for birds?

Veta Slicker: Most of the toys in the petshop are safe, but not all of them. I like to get my parakeets preen toys, swings, mirrors, plastic rings connected together, and the lantern with the bell on it. There's one toy I haven't seen around in awhile, but it still might be in the stores or online. It's a cookoo bird head that bobs and there is a perch so the bird can sit on it. Don't buy that toy. I had a parakeet of mine get his foot caught in that toy. He was always feeding the cookoo bird's face, and he got so excited, that his foot caught in that part of the toy. He ended up with a broken leg. If I knew of this before time, I would've never bought that toy. I haven't had any problems with any other of the toys I've bought my pet birds over the years. When buying toys, make sure there are no small parts or sharp objects that could hurt the bird. I make sure I'm buying a small enough toy for a parakeet, and not something that would be for a bigger bird. Alw! ays make sure materials are non-toxic to the bird. Lead and zinc are toxic materials for birds. For wood toys, make sure the wood is safe. Some safe woods include Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Dogwood, Elm, Manzanita, and Pine. Oak is not a safe wood for pet birds. Also avoid any toys that have a cotton rope. Pet parakeets and other birds can easily get their feet tangled in the rope. Some birds have even been strangled on cotton rope.Some household items your parakeet can play with are paper towels, cardboard rolls from paper towls or toilet paper, and wireless clothes pins. If in doubt, don't buy the toy....Show more

Elvin Mannheimer: Here is a website that I like to purchase toys from.

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