Monday, July 20, 2020

Creating a board game? Suggestions?

Todd Stogner: How about something designed for 2-4 people, whose characters would be patients in an asylum. The goal of the game would be to reach the graduation door at the end. In the process, they would move around the board (on a single die throw) possibly landing on squares which would require drawing a Psychological Question Card. Since Psychology itself covers a broad field, these questions could be quite varied & even simple. If the patient answers the question correctly, they can remain on the square until their next turn. If not, they must move back one square or lose a turn. Answering questions correctly means they are improving their mind, and therefor are rewarded by getting to be that much closer to a graduation from the institute.The size of the squares and the number of them from start to finish would be determined by the total size of the playing field. Being the first player to reach the "outside world/freedom" does not necessarily mean the remaining pla! yers have lost. Competition could continue between the others with the idea being to reach the goal and not be a patient forever.I realize the hard part in the creation of this game would be coming up with the questions, but I'm guessing it would be a little easier for you considering your background. Me, I'm a drywall finisher!Good luck....Show more

Chauncey Williama: um... well i have a cewl idea that would be inetresting. have a aysylm theme where you have to become sane. You start in the middle and there are two different ways. One is the losing which leads to insanaty and the other leads to saneness. To pull this off though you will need some creepy artwork. The creepiness increasing to insanaty and decreasing to saneness. Dont know more then that but to get art ideas go look up a game called Thrill Kill.

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