Monday, July 6, 2020

what is the feasibility necessity beneficiary of forbidding same sex relationship?Help i need it fo debate TY!?

Barrett Zheng: there's nothing wrong with same sex relationships or marriage.

Donte Hamme: i feel that this life is depressing and hard enough as it is and if your lucky enough to find someone who loves you it shouldn't matter what sex they are

Betsey Copp: It was based on Christian Beliefsthe two that I can think of but do not know where you would find them in the Bible was a verse that something on the lines that man shall not lay with man and in the wedding service from the Bible the reason for marriage was to have children and as men with man or woman with woman with woman from sex can not create life than it is un christian that was what I heard at school on a debate but too long ago now to remember much detailThe wind up as I remember was when when same sex couples can make love and produce new life then it would be right and acceptable...Show more

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