Sunday, July 12, 2020

Will I get lauged at for drinking non-alcoholic beer?

Toya Braskett: No if you have a problem people should understand.

Sol Allphin: It may or may not be a good idea to have "near-beer" if you are a binge drinker. But if you say it's okay for you, then it shouldn't matter what I think or anyone else.Your real friends probably know why you want to make the switch. They may razz you a little at first esp if you are a real party hound. In the end though, they will respect you, they may even ask if it is any good or what kind you like best. I'm sure lots of beer drinkers would like a non-alcohol option for when they can't have ANY. I know I would. Plus most anyone in the bar who can read your signs about it (either sensitive about it or confident and don't care) will know it is not a good topic of conversation. And those who can't or want to make trouble, are probably drunk, and certainly are not worth any effort on your part. Just let it roll! It will stop if you ignore it, and it will not kill you if some jackass who doe! sn't know you calls you a name.I suppose what really hurts is when someone you know well gives you a bunch of crap and doesn't care that it bothers you. In which may be outgrowing them as a friend. They may know the old you, but just don't understand the new you. It's hard, but it doesn't have to be personal, just let them go. They just don't get it, it's okay! Find some new friends. It happens to everyone who lives crazy and then decides it's time to grow up. Not everyone grows up on the same schedule. Wish them well and leave them behind, but leave the door open because sometimes they remember you and ask for help when THEY are ready to grow up.You can also pick up a few near beers, and maybe a few extra or a few real ones for your friends and invite people over to your place. Helps to have something to do...a dartboard, a pool table, a poker setup or some other games, a Wii...something that a lot of your friends will enjoy! That gets you out of the environment! of stupid strangers, and you can be more yourself at your own! home.....Show more

Coleman Coscia: LOL You drink non-alcoholic beer? LMAO Just kidding of course. Here is another thought I first had upon reading your question. So. If you like it drink it. You like alcapops too, so, if you like them drink them.It is a real possibility that you will get laughed at, period. Deal with it but don't let it alter your lifestyle."i just dont want to be called a "pus*y" or anything."But if you were called a pus*y what then? You are a man living in an imperfect and often stupid world. Some people too are stupid and think that a drink without alcohol is a pus*y drink or that the person drinking it is less than a man. Why care about that. Know yourself and so be strong. In fact, turn it on them and laugh at their ignorance. Relax, don't worry, have a nonalcoholic brew.I have witnessed the extreme end of the macho BS at bars. In one case the "beer snob" lost a few teeth for smack talking to the wrong Miller Lite drinker. Although the rage was ! quite scary I must admit that the poetic justice (violence) was funny too. Opinions are like asz-holes, we all got one. It is a shame that some feel the need to act like one too....Show more

Arlene Maycumber: haha hell yeah you'll get called a pussy. Maybe just have one or two bud lights instead of a few, so you won't get buzzed, and end up trashed.

Romeo Tinnea: Well, I think everybody need one moment of happy hour after job, and, to drink an alchoolic beer with moderation is not a problem. I don´t know what you think, but for me, drink non-achoolic beer is juts like to dance with my sister. Have no taste. Jack Drunk.

Cliff Jacoby: Who is to know... just have the non-alcoholic beer poured in a glass for you. Tell your friends if necessary, it's much lower in calories, that's why you drink it.

Antone Bual: No, there's nothing wrong with drinking non-alcohol beer. If people laugh at you, that's their problem. You don't owe them an explanation. Howeve! r, if you have any sort of drinking problem, you might find it difficult! to be in a bar and not get cravings. Also, non-alcohol beers DO contain alcohol. They just contain significantly less alcohol than a normal beer. Most people who have quit drinking due to addiction or abuse can't drink non-alcohol beer either.

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