Sunday, July 26, 2020

Pregnancy / Sex questions? I'm a virgin yea so please answer..?  

Pregnancy / Sex questions? I'm a virgin yea so please answer..?  

answers 0:I just finished highschool and I know this sounds kind of weird but I refused to have sex in highschool because basically, I'm the breadwinner to my family in the Philippines and I didn't want to take the risk of getting pregnant until I had a stable job. I'm going to start college in the fall to be a dental hygienist hopefully, but I finally got a nice boyfriend and like, I kind of wish I could lose my virginity to him but at the same time, I don't want the risk of getting pregnant before I finish college. If I bring a child into this world, I want them to be able to see the world and travel so I need money for that. Besides, my little brothers in the Philippines are depending on ME to send them to school. So can you please offer me some advice on what I should do? My boyfriend is a gro! wn 23 year old man, he has a son but at his age he would know how to use protection and everything. But I don't know if I should give it up since he can obviously get girls pregnant and there's risks. He's had sex since he was 16 and he hasn't gotten anyone else pregnant accept his girlfriend at 16, but since then no other females have gotten pregnant. I wouldn't mind having sex accept the risk factor what do I do?...Show moreanswers 1:well just use protection and you wont have to worry about getting pregnant...and if it makes you feel better use birth control and condoms which is 2 forms of protection!answers 2:for my menstrual cycle, what's the best time to NOT get pregnant? before or after my period?answers 3:If he wears a condom all will be ok! Just use protection and you will be fine... also birth control helpsanswers 4:Are you in the Philippines, the US, or another country? Talk to a doctor about getting on birth control. Pills, Nuva Ring, or since you are thinking! long-term birth control, the Mirena IUD (lasts for 5 years).T! hen, for extra protection, be sure your boyfriend uses a condom (and ask him to get tested for STDs, as well, since he's been sexually active).I commend your values and you should be very proud of yourself for being so responsible and thinking through all this ahead of time. Good luck with your schooling and your family....answers 5:if he is the one for you, and you have protected sex, then y not? be sure to be fully protected, if you are that worried. use a condom, and birth controlanswers 6:Do other things besides sex. Mutual masturbation and the like.Also, you can know all there is to know about birth control, and you can still get pregnant. No protection is 100% effective.answers 7:thats good that ur still a virgin but it all depends on u. if ur doubting it then ur not ready to have sex since u already know all the risks that u could go thru. just relax and dont think so much about it. remember family is always firstanswers 8:I don't really understand what you're aski! ng...but I'm assuming you want to know how to avoid getting pregnant? Buy some birth control pill and use thm for a few months, and of course use condoms. Make sure you're not on your period.answers 9:birth control would be your best bet and a condom if you are that worried just to keep your mind at ease, because it has been known for both to fail. put them together you should be set.answers 10:Get on birth control, and you won't have to worry about getting pregnant until you are ready.answers 11:do whatever feels right for you.....and you usually ovulate 14 days after your period give or take...its not 100% accurate... but yea just do whatever your ready for and feels right as long as you use a good form of birth control like a condom being on the pill wouldnt hurt either, it just takes about a month for it to be at its most effective but use both, i was on the pill for 2 years and got pregnantanswers 12:if your going to do it...the be smart about it...use EVERYTHING...lik! e sperm aside and condoms and birth control...and if your really worrie! d about it then you could always take the morning after pill...but the most important thing is that if you do get pregnant you do not have to keep the can always have an open adoption...but if you would prefer to not have sex you could always give each other oral or use your hands...hope this help...answers 13:and no, he's not really pressuring me, he's waiting until it's fine with me so don't get the wrong ideaanswers 14:Keep it for the ONE that you are willing and dedicated to, AND NOT ONLY THAT but for the one who is dedicated to YOU no matter WHAT! You are VERY INTELLIGENT for wanting to wait and I COMMEND YOU on that decision. I sure hope that you stick to your goals and not get side tracked, just because he hasn't gotten anyone else pregnant has NOTHING to do with you. He can and so can you therefore having sex is a life complicator and personally I recommend that you keep your eye on the prize! We NEED more people who are willing to raise their child! ren to SEE the bigger better world that we live in and to realize that we are but a SPECK in the bigger picture. If you can keep your goals in focus you might just find that you've raised children who will be the BETTER OF OUR FUTURE and LORD knows WE NEED A BETTER FUTURE

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