Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Extremely Easy Homework Help! Please help!?

Benny Stehno: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. 6011. 812. 4that literally took like 2 seconds...Show more

Wilbur Marksberry: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 3510. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Bibi Tyron: Oh, come on! This is simple stuff- you said so yourself! Do your own homework and quit wasting my time! You probably could have been done already had you not wasted time posting this ridiculous question! Good luck!

Bob Pucella: Well, since it's so easy, you would have no problem doing it by yourself, yeah?I won't do your homework for you but I will help you do your homework.For the first one:1/6 = x/24Cross multiply to get:6x = 24Divide by 6:x = 4Do the rest just like that. Replace the question marks with x so it's easier to deal with....Show more

Ninfa Asby: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Scot Rotruck: 4/2415/201/65/818/4224/403/42/740/4820/603/84/5...Show more

Andrew Sinatra: Oh come ! on, do your hw yourself. If you don't learn fractions now you're not going to know them for later, will end up in remedial math and be working at a gas station out of high school, assuming you graduate.So why not just put in 1 hour now?

Cassidy Pangrazio: well i did it like really fast but here it is:1. 426. 247. 38. 7 9. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Ramona Pago: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Buster Buchko: 1. 4/242. 15/203. 1/64. 5/95. 18/426. 24/407. 3/48. 2/79. 40/4810. 20/6011. 3/812. 4/5...Show more

Felicitas Phildor: 1: 4/242: 15/203: 1/64: 5/9

Elfreda Grossen: 1)42)203)64)55)426)247)38)79)4010)6011)812)4...Show more

Rayford Latz: OMG..... it's called multiply and divide!!! 1. 42. 203. 64. 205. 216. 24There, I did half you do the rest...Show more

Joaquin Dronko: multiply the numbertor an denomiator by the same number.This woulrdk because 5/5 or 9/9 for exampel is the saem ! as one. so you are just transforming the number and not changi! ng its value.1 6*6=24 so 1*4 for numerator2 5*3=15 and 4*3 for denomnator4 9*2 - 18 so 2*x = 10 (five)...Show more

Jude Colbenson: 1. 32. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. you cant simplify because 27 is not divisible by 88. you cant simplify because 49 is not divisible by 29. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Marcel Then: 1)42)203)64)55)426)247)38)79)4010)60 11)812)4if u ask yourself ( for example #1) 6 multiplied by what gives me 24, the u multiply the 1 by that #, that's ur answer....Show more

Eva Lichlyter: 1. 4/242. 15/203. 1/64. 5/95. 18/426. 24/407. 3/48. 2/79. 40/4810. 20/6011. 3/812. 4/5I hope i could help you!...Show more

Chris Coggins: to get the answers you have to find the LCM (least common multiple) to get an equal denominator or numerator, then once you find the LCM, multiply the whole thing by that number that gets you to that.for example, your number 11/6=?/24the LCM between 6 and 24 is 24, and 6*4 equals 24so you do 1/6 * 4/4and your answer is 4/! 24get it?...Show more

Pearlie Medora: wow, this is clever. i never thought to have people do my homework for me on Yahoo ask.I think the answer to number eight is 7.Nine is ummmmmm...40Wow, its crazy what you forget after not being in school for three years..GL

Christiane Cattano: 12. 4/54. 5/9

Craig Virani: 4/2415/201/65/918/4224/403/42/740/4820/603/74/5I think these are right.I really should know.But im sorta spacing today.Next time do your own homeworkDont be so lazyif they are so easy, then the only thing stopping u is laziness...Show more

Claudio Drullard: 1. 1/6=4/242.3/4=15/203. 9/54=1/64. 10/18=5/95. 3/7=18/426. 3/5=24/407. 27/36=3/48. 14/49=2/79. 5/6=40/4810. 1/3=20/6011. 21/56=3/812. 20/25=4/5...Show more

Tyler Burkman: Why r u having other ppl do ur hw for u?1) 42) 203) 64) 55)426) 12 That's as far as I'm going. Do you remember how to cross multiply and divide? Try if you're so stuck on this....Show more

Star Gollni! ck: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show mor! e

Clay Lipira: if its so easy y r u asking?1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. ?11. 812. 4its mixed up tho sorry, haha jk!dont blame me if i get them rong i hav an a in math rite nowbtw: the only reason y i'm helping u cuz i get points. dont b lazy!!!...Show more

Davina Shindler: 1. 42. 203. 64. 55. 426. 247. 38. 79. 4010. 6011. 812. 4...Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: 0.6% in decimal is 0.006. Why? Just move the decimal place twice to the left. For example, 100% is simply 1. To help you convert decimal to fraction, just read the decimal aloud. Here, 0.006 reads "six thousandths". So, just write it as is, 6 of a thousand or 6/1000. Simplifying gives (by dividing both numerator and denominator by 2) 3/500. That's it!

Norris Rosener: 1. = 4/242. = 15/203. = 1/64. = 5/95. = 18/356. = 24/407. = 3/48. = 2/79. = 40/4810.= 20/6011.= 3/812.= 4/5...Show more

Marti Declue: Must not be that easy. Can't you find a fraction converter online somewhere?

Elvie Drumgoole: You are so pointless. I will give you a hint. What is 24 divided by 6? 4, right? what is 1X4? 4!!!! 4/24.

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