Wednesday, May 13, 2020

is there a dental school near Andalusia Alabama where I can get my bottom dentures put in prematurely?  

is there a dental school near Andalusia Alabama where I can get my bottom dentures put in prematurely?  

answers 0:I have a trach and no vocal cord because of throat cancer and I have to chew my food really well or I can get chocked. But I can't wear my bottom plate because they make my mouth sore and then I can't eatat all.So I need a dentist that will put them in for little or no cost.answers 1:I have a dentist list on my website. go to it and look for providers in your area. after that if you go to, contact us and and fill out the info " totally confidential " I can get u signed up for a discount program, or I can get you more info. answers 2:There's a dentist in Bulter Alabama who is said to have good prices.Bulter Dental Clinicanswers 3:Luna, so sorry ,,,, what about your insurance ? no insurance ? local county hospital may help or at least advise you...try using a ble! nder for your doctor will put you in danger by putting your denture in prematurely...i know you want to taste your food and half the fund of eating is chewing....but please take care of your self..........I am so sorry that you are going through this .really sorry......God bless and protect you always..............

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