Monday, May 18, 2020

question about home schooling?

Gene Debell: I was home schooled since my third grade year. I hated the first year, its always the hardest from the change. after that i thought it was awesome i could study better and listen more. if you decide to take your kids out it should be until their graduated so they aren't just switching for the heck of it. now back to your question, if their in High school already and you take them out. they will have to take state tests if they don't it will be considered a none credited school and will have to repeat that year. as long as they take the tests they will be okay! I strongly advise you take them out when they are ready.. otherwise it will be difficult for you, as their teacher and parent and also for them as well!! Hope this helps!!...Show more

Nestor Klan: Why would you want to do that?Keep your kids in school.

Omar Phipps: I don't know what state you are in, but I have been homeschooling my children for 8 years. It isn't difficult to take them out o! r put them back in. If they go back in 2010, they will be right on track if you have them take the appropriate state tests. Here in Ohio, they have to take them in every grade or they have to have a teacher give them an evaluation at the end of the year. HSLDA is the best place to start for the rules and laws for your state and has a ton of resources to help you get started. If you have questions I'd be happy to help. Good luck to you....Show more

Florencia Manolakis: Depends on the state you're in whether it's difficult or not, but it's legal and they will not have to repeat a grade unless there's existing academic difficulties that disqualify them in some way from moving on with their own age group. Even then, usually the schools just push kids through anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it at all.

Jammie Taddei: The difficulty depends on the requirements for homeschooling in your state. Check out to find out more.If you homeschool them acc! ording to the laws of your state, keep the proper records (if ! required), etc. then they should not have to repeat the grade if they successfully mastered the material. However, you would need to make sure that they do successfully master the material that they would have learned if they continued in the public school, because otherwise they might miss topics that will cause them to have difficulty upon their return next year.SOME states/districts/schools will require testing and such when a homeschooler enrolls in or returns to public school, to determine where the child will be placed.I would suggest contacting a local homeschool association. Many of the parents can probably offer insight into the relationship between public and home schools in your community, such as how they are treated, what the requirements are, etc. If you do homeschool, join the association-it willb e a wonderful resource for you and your children....Show more

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