Friday, May 15, 2020

Need help with tivo question?

Andra Oger: Yes all current TiVos need a service plan to do much.You get a discount on them though ($9.95/month actually)Yes, you can transfer a fully completed recording from the other TiVo. Both need connected to your home network to do that.

Wilmer Skidmore: Each unit requires its own service plan. However, tivo offers discounts for families with more than one unit.Yes, you can record on one tivo and watch on another. This is called "multiroom viewing (MRV)". It will require you to have both units on the same Ethernet/wireless router.

Forest Duttinger: No, both tivo's would go under the same plan. A second tivo would cost you 6.95/month more on top of what you currrently pay. You can watch a show on the other tivo also. Both of your tivo' s have to be connected to the same network. It will go faster if you connect both tivo's through a ethernet wire to your router. Wireless will work but it will be slower. I am not sure if this will stream the show to! other tivo or transfer it. Transfer takes longer and might have to wait until the program is full transferred to view it....Show more

Benny Stehno: We have two tivos and you can not watch a recorded show on a different tivo. I think that you need to get another plan if you get a second one...

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