Thursday, May 28, 2020

sinus problems?  

sinus problems?  

answers 0:Ok, I thought it was dental problems but my oral surgeron said it was sinuses. I have had a couple of dental absecces and taken care of them but my gums are swollen and sore. I have extreme pain and pressure behind my right eye that sometimes extends to my head. I have dizziness at times and have been very tired. I have been on antibiotics 7 times in the past 9 months for dental problems so I am afraid I am becoming immune to them, I see an ENT Tuesday. What will he do and what do you think this is and how can it be treated. Also, I don't know if this has anything to do with this or not but I have a little knot on the left side of my forehead about half an inch above my eyebrow. It has grown in the past year or so, it does not move and you can't see it when you look at me, could this have anything to do with sinuses and should I ask the ENT about it, I feel kinda stupid bringing it to his! attention since he probably won't know, but should I anyway? Thanks for all your help!...Show moreanswers 1:The terrible taste in your mouth, sometimes kinda like metallic is defiantly an abscessed tooth. The taste is an infection. had one last week - root canal and penicillinanswers 2:Bring up all of those points to the ENT - it might also help to ask your oral surgeon have your records faxed over....ENT's take care of the entire head - most of them are the physicians who care for patients with head and neck cancer (I just know of someone who had thier jaw and neck reconstructed by an ENT, I simply mention this to make the point 'yes, they know about what goes on in the mouth and jaw as well') - he might look at those records, but he might not - too much information is never a bad thing....but he might want to make his own asccessment - for certain be sure to bring to his attention the knot on your forehead. It could be something harmless, it could help him diagnose the p! roblem better, it could be the cause of the problem - just be ! sure he knows about it.Good Luck - Chronic Sinus problems just plain suck outloud....answers 3:i also have a terrible taste in my mouth, sometimes kinda like metallic and my gums really burn on my right side

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